wealthy lord

Chapter 506: It’s all a plan, cruel and ruthless

Chapter 506: It’s all a plan, cruel and ruthless

At this time, the fifth prince looked at Lin Hetu and said, "The incident happened in your Fengyang County. As the vassal king, how do you plan to deal with this matter?"

Lin Hetu had a gloomy face and forced a smile: "The fifth prince should also know that it is really inconvenient for the Lin family to take action this time. Please ask the fifth prince to take charge of the overall situation. I will definitely cooperate with you!"

The fifth prince smiled coldly: "Okay, this is what King Fengyang said, so I won't refuse!"

Immediately, he looked at the imperial doctor aside and said, "Check this letter immediately to see if it is poisonous!"

The imperial doctor quickly knelt down and said: "I obey your orders!"

Afterwards, he took out the handkerchief from his arms, took the secret letter from Lin Feng's hand, turned and left.

The fifth prince looked at Lin Feng again and asked, "I heard that your Lin family secretly arranged a mission to Yucheng a few days ago?"

Lin Feng glanced at Lin Hetu awkwardly and could only clasp his fists and say: "That's what happened!"

The Lin family elders present were all promoted by Lin Fengjiao over the years, and they can be said to be hard-core confidants.

Therefore, everyone did not take Lin He Tu to heart at all before.

But if Lin Fengjiao really dies, the elders like them will have to think about their own future, and they might end up joining Lin Hetu.

After all, he is the Fengyang King of this generation, and his name is justified.

The fifth prince smiled and nodded: "Okay, then, I will stay in Fengyang County for a while, and then I will go to Yucheng to meet Lin Yun in person!"

The elders of the Lin family looked at each other in confusion, not knowing what medicine the Fifth Prince was selling in his gourd.

Knowing that Lin Yun was a dangerous person, he actually dared to show up in person? Isn't this courting death?

With the mentality of hating the whole house, Lin Yun would definitely not give the fifth prince a good look, and would even use poisonous hands.

Lin Hetu suddenly looked at him and said with a strange tone: "Husband and wife are really like birds in the same forest. When disaster strikes, they fly separately!"

The fifth prince smiled jokingly: "Whatever you say, King Fengyang! I went to see Lin Yun because I wanted to seek justice for my woman, that's all! As for what you think, it has nothing to do with me!"

He is not stupid either. As the prince of the Daduan Dynasty, how could he not know that the current emperor's heart problem is these vassal kings with great achievements?
  His wife was once the eldest elder of the Lin family. He was caught in the middle and couldn't explain many things clearly, and he didn't dare to act rashly.

But if Lin Fengjiao dies, then the Fifth Prince will have nothing to worry about.

At this time, the imperial doctor suddenly ran back in a hurry, knelt on the ground with a thud, and said: "Two princes, that letter does contain poison! It must be Sun Xing who deliberately murdered the elder!"

He had no idea how deep the water was inside, and what he saw was only the surface.

When the Lin family heard this, they all started talking about it.

Only Lin Hetu and the Fifth Prince remained silent, just staring at each other with uncertain eyes.

The Fifth Prince said loudly: "Huh, tell me the truth, can my Fu Jin be saved?"

The imperial doctor looked embarrassed, shook his head slowly and said: "Xiaguan's medical skills are limited, there is really no way. Maybe if we find Sun Xing, the elder may still have a chance of survival! But he can't survive for three days at most..."


The Fifth Prince snorted angrily: "Come here, pull this quack doctor down and chop him down!"


Several of the Fifth Prince's bodyguards immediately rushed forward and took the imperial doctor out. "My lord, have mercy on me... have mercy on me!!"

The imperial doctor was frightened out of his wits. His legs were as soft as noodles. After being dragged out, he was already bleeding from urine and feces and was in a very embarrassed state.

The Lin family was deeply shocked by the viciousness of this fifth prince.

Everyone knew in their hearts that the Fifth Prince was just showing up and had already planned to give up on Lin Fengjiao.

Immediately, the fifth prince waved his hand, turned and left.

"Let's go to Yucheng Mansion!"

A group of attendants following the Fifth Prince immediately followed behind.

At this time, Lin Feng cupped his fists and said, "Your Majesty, what should we do next? Are we really watching the Great Elder waiting to die?"

Lin Hetu stared at him with a gloomy expression and said, "Didn't you send a mission to negotiate with Lin Yun? With the addition of the fifth prince, whether it is Lin Yun or the traitor Sun Xing, they will definitely hand over the solution." It’s medicine! You all go back and wait for news!”

After saying that, he turned and left.

On this issue, the attitudes of Lin Hetu and the Fifth Prince are highly consistent.

One wants Lin Fengjiao to die, and the other has no choice but to give up on Lin Fengjiao.

But no matter what, Lin Fengjiao has obviously become an abandoned person.

Here, the fifth prince led a group of attendants to leave Yulin City and were heading towards Yucheng Mansion along the official road.

At this time, a middle-aged man with a mustache wearing a soap robe rode to the side of the carriage. He was Xiang Chong, the counselor of the National Academy of Sciences, and was even regarded as a think tank by the Fifth Prince.

It was this conflict that precipitated Ye Wanqing's accusation of conspiracy and rebellion in the National Academy of Sciences.

Just because Ye Wanqing's father Ye Ruhui once read Xiang Chong's book in front of all civil and military officials, he was almost sent to the border.

If the Fifth Prince hadn't been moved by his love for talents, he would have been finished long ago.

"Your Majesty, I just received news from the imperial court that the emperor issued a secret order and asked the Eight Sage Kings to deploy and control the 20,000 garrison of Yucheng Mansion in advance..."

The fifth prince immediately opened the curtain on one side of the carriage and said in a deep voice: "Is the news reliable?"

"It's absolutely true. He's a military attache with a humble position in the palace. I heard it from the guard commander Qi Rui himself!"

The fifth prince nodded with a worried look on his face and murmured to himself: "Well...it seems that the emperor is serious about it this time! I must make good friends with Lin Yun no matter what this time!"

Xiang Chong said with a smile: "Instead of making friends with Lin Yun, Your Majesty, it is better to save the Sun family first! Doesn't the Sun family have Fu Zhongtang's support behind them? If Your Majesty can take advantage of this opportunity to become an ally with Fu Zhongtang, it will be of the greatest benefit to Your Majesty!"

The Fifth Prince raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh? How can I say this? Now Lin Yun has become a sharp knife in the hands of the emperor, and he will definitely be a powerful figure in the future!"

"Haha, the prince is right, but the sharp knife can kill people as well as yourself! The emperor used it because of the pressure of the situation. I thought that once the Lin family was destroyed, Lin Yun's good days with unlimited glory would probably come to an end. !”

The fifth prince said solemnly: "Impossible! I still know the emperor to a certain extent! He only has two worries now, one is to cut down the feudal vassal, and the other is to rectify the government! Unless these two worries can disappear immediately, otherwise the emperor will We will never deal with Lin Yun in a short time!"

Xiang Chong smiled helplessly: "Since ancient times, what emperors in the past dynasties have been most worried about is being overthrown by others! Moreover, the current emperor relies on usurping power to seize the throne to gain great wealth. He must be well aware of the truth behind this, and that Lin Yun has fulfilled all the conditions that the emperor was afraid of! Does the prince think that the emperor will sincerely reuse such a person?"

(End of this chapter)

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