wealthy lord

Chapter 51: The King of Hell is so easy to deal with, but the devil is so difficult to deal with

Chapter 51: The King of Hell is so easy to deal with, but the devil is so difficult to deal with
  The old village chief shouted from a distance, causing the villagers who were still working to raise their heads to watch.

Lin Yun opened the door and asked, "Who is here? Don't be so excited!"

"Yes... the government sent someone here! They said it was a reward for Mr. Lin!"

When they heard it was a reward, people in the village immediately came out.

Even Zheng Li, who was about to leave, came over.

A smile appeared at the corner of Lin Yun's mouth. He had already guessed that Qiu Guangri must have done this deliberately after the Yucheng Mansion got the news.

“Let’s go and have a look!!”

Lin Yun walked out first, and everyone immediately followed.

The old village chief stopped the villagers who wanted to follow him out and said, "Why are you following us? Go back to work!"

"Old village chief, just let us go and see the excitement!"

The villagers usually like to chat together, but now they are busy making raw materials for black powder every day, and they have long been uncomfortable.

"No!! Don't make trouble just after a few good days!"

After hearing what the old village chief said, everyone reluctantly went back to their homes.

Here, Lin Yun and Zheng Li have arrived at the entrance of the village.

Lin Wuyue and her three daughters had been waiting for a long time.

I saw a group of more than thirty officers and soldiers standing in line at the entrance of the village. In front of them was a red sedan and a white horse sitting on a fat man with a white face. He smiled with a smile, and his little eyes were always staring at Lin Yun and the other three. A beautiful lady.

However, when he saw Lin Yun approaching, he immediately regained his seriousness, coughed lightly and said, "Is this the young master Lin Yun?"

"Exactly! I wonder what you call me?"

"This officer is Ma Ji, the chief internal affairs officer of Yucheng Mansion! Mr. Fu Yin learned that Mr. Lin was successful in suppressing the bandits last night and protected the safety of the people in Niubei Village. He will be specially rewarded with two hundred taels of silver and ten loads of rice!"

On the side, the old village chief and Zheng Li were shocked. They did not expect to receive a reward.

On the contrary, Lin Yun's three wives seemed to be smiling, but in fact they were scolding Yucheng Mansion for being stingy.

After all, Lin Yun sent 200 taels of silver that day, and this time he sent it back intact. Ten loads of rice seemed like a lot, but there were more than 500 people in Niubei Village, so this little rice was just a drop in the bucket.

Lin Yun immediately bowed and said, "Thank you, Mr. Fu Yin!!"

Lin Yun understood that Qiu Guangri's actions seemed to be a deliberate response to his last gift of goose feathers from thousands of miles away.

The two hundred taels were returned in full, telling myself that the friendship between gentlemen is as light as water.

Ten loads of rice were also given to Lin Yun personally on Qiuguang Day.

At least from Qiu Guangri's point of view, he is not considerate of the people's sentiments at all.

Therefore, combining these two gifts, Lin Yun knew that Qiu Guangri wanted to make good friends with him.

"Mr. Ma, please come quickly! It's more than five hundred miles from Yucheng to Niubei Village. Come in and have a rest!"

Ma Ji had already heard about Lin Yun's glorious deeds, especially when he learned that Qiu Guangri was going to make friends with Lin Yun. How could he dare to take advantage of this? He quickly said politely: "No need! Mr. Lin has many things to do every day, and he must be busy with business. I will lower my official position." I won’t bother you!”

"However, there is something that Mr. Fu Yin asked me to tell Mr. Lin!"

Lin Yun's eyes lit up and he understood that the topic was coming.

Said: "Please give me a clear statement from Manager Ma!"

"Master Fu Yin said that Mr. Lin loves the people like a son, and it is a great service to guard Niubei Mountain for him! Therefore, I would like to invite Mr. Lin to the mansion tomorrow. Your Excellency will hold a celebration banquet for him!" Lin Yun was secretly happy, But in order to show authenticity, he still evaded: "The grassroots are the lords of Niubei Village. Protecting the safety of the villagers is the most basic. I really don't dare to let the adults celebrate for me!"

"Hey... Mr. Lin, please stop being humble! Don't embarrass your subordinates! Otherwise, you won't be able to go back and deliver!"

Ma Ji secretly scolded Lin Yun for being hypocritical, but he smiled brightly, almost to the ears.

Just listening to these few words said by Lin Yun, he realized that this concubine who was demoted by the Lin family was not simple. He was capable of literary and military skills and could handle affairs. He was afraid that he would gain the favor of his own adults in the future.
  Lin Yun pretended, but finally agreed.

"Okay then! Since Mr. Fu Yin can't refuse his kindness, then the common people have to be respectful rather than obey his orders!"

After finishing his words, he bowed again.

Ma Ji nodded and rode away, followed immediately by a large number of government soldiers behind him.

Only the bright red sedan chair remained in place, containing ten loads of rice and two hundred taels of silver.

At this time, the three women immediately came forward.

Oona smiled and said: "My husband is indeed very good at predicting things! Qiu Guangri really sent someone here!"

Ye Wanqing praised: "Yes! However, this old guy is really stingy. He uses our money as a reward. Ten loads of rice is not enough for Niubei Village!"

Lin Yun let out a long sigh and said, "Don't be dissatisfied! When have you ever seen this Yucheng governor give gifts to others?"

Everyone looked at each other.

This is really the first time everyone has encountered this kind of thing.

Lin Yun turned to look at the old village chief and said, "Village Chief, I'd like you to distribute these ten loads of rice to the villagers!"

"No! Mr. Lin has done so much for our Niubei Village. You can keep these ten loads of rice for yourself! Everyone has a surplus of food at home now, so there is no shortage of this!"

The old village chief also knew how to be a good person. They relied entirely on Lin Yun to live a good life. They could not repay him and could only say a few good words.

But in fact, from Lin Yun's perspective, Niubei Village has been making contributions to itself, producing a large amount of black powder, which will definitely be of great use in the near future.

It's just that the old village chief's realm is too low to realize it.

Lin Yun had no choice but to look at Zheng Li and said, "In that case, store these ten loads of rice in the cellar as a reserve grain!"

As the head of the entire Niubei Village family, he naturally has to have an overall view. Reserve food is equally important. No one knows what will happen in the future, so he has to be prepared in advance and have peace of mind.

"it is good!!"

Zheng Li immediately ordered his men to carry the rice on the sedan.

The last soldier brought two hundred taels of silver, but Lin Yun did not accept it and said in a deep voice: "Zheng Lili, you should immediately go after Ma Ji, the head of internal affairs. No matter what, you must give him these two hundred taels of silver." ! Remember, don’t let anyone see it, give it to him alone! Just say it’s my whole heart!”

Zheng Li quickly took the silver, got on his horse and rode away.

Oona frowned and said: "Ms. sir, you can just give Yucheng Prefecture Yin a gift, why do you still need to curry favor with a housekeeper? The top housekeeper of Yucheng House is only a fifth-grade official. Not to mention that he can catch a lot of people. , it’s nothing special!”

Lin Yun shook his head helplessly and said: "Wanqing, explain to her!"

Ye Wanqing smiled and said: "Third sister, haven't you heard a sentence? It's called the King of Hell to see the devil and be difficult to deal with!"

Oona looked confused and said: "Humph, I haven't heard of it! We barbarians have never been so thoughtful. You people from the East China are so cunning!"

Lin Wuyue chuckled. She was a relatively simple Eastern Continent woman, but she also understood this truth. Oona was not stupid either. It was just her personality and the environment she had lived in since she was a child that made her too lazy to think about these relationships.

(End of this chapter)

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