wealthy lord

Chapter 513: Accepting orders in danger, on the eve of the war

Chapter 513: Accepting orders in danger, on the eve of the war

At the same time, the three elders Lin Biao successfully returned to Yulin City.

As soon as they entered the gate of Lin Mansion, they were surrounded by dozens of guards holding spears.

The three elders were all frightened by the battle and quickly knelt down and raised their hands to beg for mercy.

At this time, Lin Feng came up with a dark face and said in a deep voice: "You guys really dare to come back! Then why doesn't Lin Yun kill you and let you come back? Tell me, have you betrayed the Lin family?"

Lin Biao quickly explained: "Lin Feng, what are you talking about? We are not afraid of life and death, and we follow the order of King Fengyang to go to negotiate with Lin Yun. Even if we have no credit, we still have hard work, right? Why do you just say a word? Call us traitors?"

Lin Feng sneered and said: "Of course I am willing to believe you, but King Fengyang is not easy to dismiss. You three had better think carefully. It is a wartime situation right now, and any rebel will only die!"

Lin Biao and the other two people's hearts trembled. It was impossible not to be afraid.

Originally, on their way back, they were still hesitating whether to surrender to Lin Yun completely and follow the plan.

But hearing Lin Feng's tone, it was obvious that he no longer regarded them as his own people, so why did they still hesitate?

Lin Biao smiled flatteringly: "Elder Lin Feng, don't worry, the three of us are members of the Lin family in life, and we will be ghosts of the Lin family in death. We will never betray the Lin family!"

When he said this, he was already telling himself in his heart that he was only betraying this generation of King Fengyang, not the Lin family. If Lin Yun really came back to claim the throne in the future, then they would still be loyal to the Lin family.

Lin Feng nodded, looked at the Lin family guards and shouted: "Okay, you guys should step back first!"

Lin Biao and the others secretly breathed a sigh of relief, fearing that the Lin family would just take action without even giving them a chance to explain.

Lin Biao and the other two elders looked at each other and each took out the banknotes from their arms and handed them over.

Lin Feng was stunned and said, "What do you mean? Could it be that after a business trip, I learned how to bribe the leader?"

Although they are both elders of the Lin family, they are also divided into high and low. Lin Feng was once Lin Fengjiao's absolute confidant. Although Lin Fengjiao died, Lin Feng naturally became the handle for King Fengyang to control the top leaders of the Lin family. It can be said that his status has not been affected much. .

Lin Biao said with a smile: "This little money should be used to honor you. If Elder Lin Feng hadn't spoken just now, I'm afraid our three brothers would have been killed by the sword!"

"Hmm... ok!" Lin Feng looked around and saw that no one was paying attention. He quickly put the banknote into his arms, which contained a total of ten thousand taels of silver, which made him very happy.

He had prepared for the worst. Once the Lin family fell completely, he would abscond as soon as possible. The route had been arranged, and he would flee directly along the border controlled by the Lin family army to seek refuge abroad.

Therefore, as long as there is an opportunity to make money, he will not be polite.

Lin Biao whispered: "Elder Lin Feng, if King Fengyang says anything later, please give us a nice word!"

"Don't worry! King Fengyang has been busy preparing for the battle recently. He has no mood to pay attention to you at all. If you mention it, I will speak for you! How can I take your silver in vain!"

Lin Feng smiled jokingly.

"That's good, thank you Elder Lin Feng! We'll leave now!"

After that, Lin Biao and the other three left the Lin Mansion and went straight to Lin Zixiang's home.

At this time, an elder said: "Lin Biao, do we really want to do this? What if Lin Yun is just using us!"

Lin Biao said in a deep voice: "At this point, we have no way out. You two saw it just now. Lin Feng is usually the great elder's bastard, biting anyone he sees, but now he doesn't care and just collects money to get rid of the problem. This It proves that the Lin family is at the end of its rope! I’m afraid that in a few days, Lin Yun will lead his troops to attack Yulin City. If we don’t show our loyalty now, when will we wait?”

While they were talking, the three of them had arrived at the back door of Lin Zixiang's mansion. After experiencing so many things, Lin Biao has become more cautious. Although the possibility of being monitored is slim, he does not dare to take a gamble.

"Boom boom boom!"

He grabbed the door knocker and pulled it lightly three times.

Soon, the door was opened a crack, and a hunchbacked old man frowned and said, "Who are you looking for?"

Lin Biao clasped his fists and said, "Excuse me, old sir, please inform the Chief Envoy that Lin Biao is here to see you and has something important to report!"

If it were in the past, he would not be so respectful to a servant who is a janitor.

But these are extraordinary times, and the three of them are here to seek support, so naturally they have to lower their posture.

The hunchbacked old man looked at the three of them up and down, and said impatiently: "My master is out on business, you can come back another day!"

As he said that, he was about to close the door. Lin Biao immediately put his foot against the crack of the door and frowned: "Old sir, we really have something important to report! Or, you can give this letter to the Chief Envoy! We are here Just wait!"

Lin Biao handed him the secret letter in his sleeve.

When the hunchbacked old man read the secret letter, a gleam of light flashed in his old eyes, but it passed quickly. When he looked at the three of them again, his eyes were obviously much kinder.

He opened the door and looked around. Seeing that no one had any idea, he whispered: "Everyone, come in!"

Lin Biao and the other three were overjoyed. They didn't expect this letter to be so useful, and even a mere old gatekeeper knew it.

"Thank you, old sir, and please take us to meet the Chief Envoy!"

The hunchbacked old man said in a deep voice: "You three just stand here and wait. If you don't want to die, just wait obediently!"

After that, he ran all the way to the backyard.

In a study room, Lin Zixiang was reading leisurely.

As Lin Yun's spy in Yulin City, he was not worried about whether the Lin family would be destroyed, let alone his own safety.

In fact, he now hopes that Lin Yun will break through Yulin City as soon as possible, so that he doesn't have to worry so much every day, and he is considered a meritorious official and will definitely be supported by Lin Yun in the future.

At this time, the hunchbacked old man walked in and said respectfully: "Master, the group of elders sent to Yucheng by King Fengyang last time is here!"

Lin Zixiang didn't even look at him, and said in a deep voice: "No! Master, I won't see anyone from today on, just waiting for Yulin City to be breached!"

The hunchbacked old man put the letter on the table and said, "Sir, this letter is from Lin Biao to you. You'd better read it!"

Lin Zixiang subconsciously glanced at the letter on the table. When he saw the unique mark on the envelope, he trembled and the book in his hand fell to the ground.

He quickly opened the envelope and looked at the content on the letter. Lin Zixiang was so excited that he stood up suddenly and laughed: "Haha! God helps me!"

The hunchbacked old man looked confused and didn't understand why his master was so happy.

It turned out that Lin Yun asked him to use Lin Feng and the others to instigate rebellion against the Lin family elders, and expressed his ambition to control Fengyang County.

(End of this chapter)

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