wealthy lord

Chapter 521 Dealing with the funeral affairs, visiting the prison in the dungeon

Chapter 521 Dealing with the funeral affairs, visiting the prison in the dungeon

Although Meng Yuan said a lot of unfavorable things to Lin Yun in front of the emperor before, but seeing that Lin Yun was unstoppable, he could only accept it, provided that Lin Yun could not intentionally target him.

This time he got the answer he wanted from Qi Changtian, so Meng Yuan naturally wanted to remember this favor.


Seven days passed in a flash.

Lin Yun had received the news in advance and knew that the Eight Wise Kings were bringing people to Yulin City.

During this period of time, he had completely taken control of the Lin family and brought his two wives from Niubei Village.

As for Niubei Village, he couldn't give up, so he left everything to Yang Tiexin for the time being.

But in order to ensure his absolute control over Fengyang County, he also temporarily formed a secret organization, which was similar in nature to the organization used by the Lin family to train Deadpool, with Yang Lin as the leader to train talents and monitor everything in Fengyang County.

Whenever someone dares to betray or stir up trouble secretly, Lin Yun will get the news immediately through Yang Lin.

In this way, even if he goes to Beijing, he can feel at ease without worrying about a fire in the backyard.

Of course, Yang Lin and the secret organization do not exist in the eyes of outsiders. No one knows about it except Lin Yun, not even Bage Lin Xuan and others who are closely related to him.

It's not that Lin Yun is sinister, but that he can take precautions before they happen.

He is well aware of the ugliness of human nature. Once he is away from Fengyang County for a long time, some changes are likely to happen, especially to Lin Xuan, Lin Yun, who must not only use him but also guard against him.

Lin Mansion, once Lin Fengjiao's study, Lin Yunzheng was hugging her from left to right.

Lin Wuyue's pregnancy belly was already obvious. Although she was still far from giving birth, her body shape had changed significantly and she looked more attractive.

At this time, Oona said: "Ms. sir, when can we enter the capital? We have been waiting for almost a month. Why is there no movement from the court? Is there some conspiracy?"

Lin Yun put his arms around the shoulders of the two women, and with Lin Wuyue's service, he ate a peeled grape and said with a smile: "The third lady has begun to think now? Well...it seems that they are all trained for her husband." OK!"

"Bah! What kind of training? You...Sister Wuyue, tell me about my husband!"

Oona's pretty face turned red, obviously she had thought of something that made her shy.

"Ha ha!!"

Lin Yun kissed her tender cheek lovingly.

Since he occupied the entire Fengyang County, he has completely let himself go recently. Apart from normal official duties, he spends all day with the two ladies.

Lin Wuyue was pregnant and it was inconvenient to accompany him, so his relationship with Oona heated up rapidly.

Lin Wuyue smiled bitterly and shook her head: "Okay! You two, please stop making trouble!" As she said that, she held her waist and sat up straight, and said with a serious face: "Mr. Sir, how are you going to deal with that matter?"

Lin Yun was stunned and said, "What is it?"

"Oh, it's Sun Xuemeng! I overheard Lin Xuan having a secret conversation with you the day before yesterday, and mentioned this girl! I heard that she was dealt with quite miserably before!"

When he mentioned this woman, the smile on Lin Yun's face froze instantly.

In fact, he also had a headache after getting the news.

Sun Xuemeng is definitely destined to die, but how to let her die is a problem. No matter what, Lin Yun cannot do it himself, let alone leave the impression of killing his wife to outsiders.

After all, how can he win the trust of outsiders if he has done something dirty to his former lover?

Oona quickly grabbed Lin Wuyue's hand and said: "Sister Wuyue, why do you still mention this female white-eyed wolf? How good was my husband to her at that time? She was not satisfied, and she even betrayed my husband and wanted me Say, just kill her and be done with it! If my husband can’t bear it, just hand it over to me!”

Oona's indignant look is very cute, but the murderous look in her eyes is undisguised.

Lin Wuyue let out a long sigh. She had long been accustomed to the fierce character of these three sisters, and said: "Okay, Oona, please stop bewitching my husband! What Sun Xuemeng did was wrong, but if my husband kills her, he will only end up with something wrong." A bad reputation!”

"There is no need for my husband to take action. I will go to the dungeon in the middle of the night and kill her directly. I guarantee that no one will notice her!"

At this time, Lin Yun stood up and forced a smile: "Wuyue, you don't have to worry about this! My husband will take care of it!"

After that, he opened the door and left. Oona pouted and complained: "Sister Wuyue, it's your fault. Why don't you open the pot?"

Lin Wuyue said in a deep voice: "Silly girl, do you think my husband won't be upset if I don't mention it? He just doesn't want us to worry about it!"

On the other side, Lin Yun quickly walked out of the Lin Mansion. Zheng Li immediately came forward and said, "Sir, where are you going?"

Lin Yun looked indifferent and said with his hands behind his back: "Let's go to the dungeon with me!"

Zheng Li's heart skipped a beat. As Lin Yun's confidant, he naturally knew a lot of things.

"Sir, Sun Xuemeng has been shouting inside in the past few days, saying that he wants to see you! I think it's better for you not to see him!"

Lin Yunyi raised his eyebrows and said, "Why?"

"She was dealt with very badly before. She held such a low position because she was afraid that the young master wouldn't be able to bear it!"

Although the two broke up and still hated each other, Lin Yun would definitely feel uncomfortable if Sun Xuemeng was beaten badly when they were a couple.

Lin Yun sneered: "Then you really underestimate me, Master!"

While talking, the master and servant came to the dungeon door, and the two gatekeepers quickly knelt on the ground.

"I have met Mr. Lin!"

When everyone in the Lin family met him before, they called him Fengyang King. In the end, Lin Yun corrected him and called him Young Master.

He didn't want to give the court an opportunity.

"Get up! Take me to see Sun Xuemeng!"

"Yes! Master, please come this way!"

As soon as Lin Yun followed the jailer into the dungeon, he smelled the smell of wet urine in the air.

The surrounding cages were filled with people.

"Master Lin, please spare your life!!"

"I beg you, please let me go, I really can't hold on anymore!!"

"We know we were wrong!"


These people are all the die-hards of the Lin family who Lin Zixiang has cooperated with Lin Biao to arrest recently.

These people were unwilling to surrender at all, especially Lin Feng. Since Lin Hetu committed suicide, he had fled out of the city and was finally captured by Jiang Kun at the border.

This end made these Lin family die-hards completely despair.

Even without Lin Yun's orders, Lin Zixiang did all the dirty work to please him.

It was extremely cruel to deal with these Lin family members who refused to surrender.

No beating or scolding, but at night, when these people were sleeping, jailers would come in and put heavy sandbags on them.

It won't be long before these people die without any hidden wounds on their bodies.

But this trick was not taught to Lin Zixiang by Lin Yun. This cruel punishment was handed down from the Daduan Dynasty and was used to kill people and silence them.

Lin Yun saw everything but didn't bother to ask more questions.

He only wants the results now and is not interested in the intermediate process at all.

(End of this chapter)

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