wealthy lord

Chapter 53: Enemies don’t get together

Chapter 53: Enemies don’t get together

Therefore, he set his mind on Taoyuan Town.

I learned from Asanna that Bago Lin Xuan controlled a copper mine.

As we all know, bullets are smelted from copper and iron. As long as copper can be obtained, he can make a real bullet.

The more Lin Yun thought about it, the more excited he became, and a smile appeared on his lips.

A pistol made of iron will be greatly improved in terms of accuracy, durability and safety, and its power will also be enhanced.

The current bamboo gun is like a shotgun, which can only be used for close range shooting. Not only will its power be greatly reduced at a farther distance, but its accuracy will also be greatly affected.

When he used the bamboo gun, he could clearly feel that the fired ammunition would be affected by the wind speed.

This is caused by the crude manufacturing process of ammunition.

At this time, Ye Wanqing's voice came from outside the door.

"Ms. sir, when shall we set off?"

Lin Yun finally woke up and immediately rolled up the drawing and stuffed it into his arms.

When he walked out of the door, he saw three women standing at the door.

Lin Yun touched the back of his head and said, "Wuyue, Oona, why are you two up so early?"

"Hmph, don't worry, I won't follow you to cause trouble! Sister Wuyue and I have agreed that we will go out to pick flowers today. I must find my favorite flower fragrance!"

Three black lines appeared on Lin Yun's head.

"Don't you like to dance with guns and sticks? Why are you suddenly so obsessed with these girls' things?"

"What are you talking about? I am a woman! Besides, who said that if you like dancing with guns and sticks, you can't like perfume? I want to find a unique flower and make a unique perfume. Then I will just When you smell it, you’ll know I’m coming!”

Oona became more and more excited as she talked, her beautiful eyes shining brightly.

Lin Yun rolled his eyes, turned around and left.

"Just continue to have sweet dreams!"

Ye Wanqing immediately caught up with him.

Afterwards, Lin Yun led Ye Wanqing and Zheng Li to ride towards Yucheng.

On the way, Ye Wanqing said, "Ms. sir, today's so-called reception banquet won't turn into a Hongmen banquet, right? Why am I a little unsteady?"

Lin Yun smiled and said: "Put your heart in your belly! First of all, Qiu Guangri doesn't dare! Secondly, I didn't give it to your husband for nothing!"

As he spoke, he lifted up his robe, and there were a row of grenades hanging on the lining.

Both Ye Wanqing and Zheng Like had seen the terrifying power of grenades and were both shocked.

Zheng Li smiled wryly and said, "My lord, you are too cruel!"

"When dealing with the government, we must be fully prepared. We must not leave our fate in the hands of the other party at any time! Especially since we don't know enough about Qiu Guangri!"

Ye Wanqing nodded and said: "They saw the power of the bamboo gun last time. We are afraid that we will be searched when we enter the government this time! I'm afraid it will be difficult to hide these grenades of yours!"

Lin Yun took out the small sterling silver box containing the perfume and said with a smile, "Do you know what's inside?"

"Are they all grenades?"

Zheng Li guessed.

Lin Yun slowly shook his head and said: "Of course... not entirely!"

With that said, he opened the box, and there were ten bottles of perfume neatly stacked inside, and a strong fragrance hit his face.

Ye Wanqing's eyes sparkled and she said: "So many!! Mr. Master, you can't give them all to them, right? What a pity!"

"Don't be so short-sighted! What I give to them now will be taken back tenfold or a hundredfold in the future! Besides, doing business naturally requires capital!"

Li Xiaoshan smiled brightly. "That's true!"

At this time, Lin Yun turned the sterling silver box over again. There was a mezzanine on the back. When he opened it, he found three grenades hidden inside.

Zheng Li gave a thumbs up and said in approval: "Sir, you are really crafty!"


Ye Wanqing couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing on the spot.

Lin Yun rolled his eyes and said, "Can you speak? This is called being crafty? This is called being prepared, okay?"

"Hehe! I am in a humble position and have little talent and little knowledge. Don't be offended, sir!"

Zheng Li looked embarrassed. He didn't think he had described it wrong, but he just told the truth in a hurry.

As for Lin Yun's evil deeds, both he and Ye Wanqing have already experienced it.

It is almost certain that the guys in his hands are ruthless characters. Anyone who provokes him will be really unlucky for eight lifetimes.

After about an hour, the three of them finally arrived at a fork in the road near Shilidi in Yucheng.

The other direction is the only way to Taoyuan Town.

The sound of horse hooves could be heard all the time, and several people were wrapped in the billowing smoke.

They happened to meet Lin Yun and the others.

Lin Yun took a closer look and saw that the person in the group was Lin Xuan, the myna.

Lin Xuan also happened to look this way and briefly looked at Lin Yun.

The two brothers smiled at the same time.

However, the meaning of this smile is different.

Lin Yun smiled sarcastically, while Lin Xuan was full of provocation.

Although he suffered losses from Lin Yun twice in a row, he was even scolded by Qiu Yi because of the incident last time.

It also made him completely hate Lin Yun.

Especially this time he learned that Lord Fu Yin was going to give Lin Yun a celebration banquet, which made him furious.

He suffered heavy losses and gained nothing except being scolded. Instead, he helped his fourteenth brother, whom he once looked down upon.

Lin Yun said playfully: "Hey, isn't this myna? What a coincidence!"

Zheng Li and Ye Wanqing both looked indifferent.

Zheng Lili, in particular, reached into his lower back with one hand. If the other party dared to make any move, he would immediately draw his gun.

Lin Xuan was obviously aware of Zheng Lili's actions. He suffered two losses and naturally knew that Lin Yun had a very powerful firearm in his hand.

He said contemptuously: "Yes! What a coincidence! However, the fourteenth brother stole the show this time! Being appreciated by Mr. Fu Yin really makes me envious!"

"Myna is joking! Now you are the governor of Yucheng Mansion anyway, and you can be regarded as an official within the system! My little brother is still suffering in the poor mountains and rivers, how dare you compare with myna!"

"Hmph! Okay, Fourteenth Brother, since we met today! I'm too lazy to go around the bush with you! You must already know that I sent the killer last time! However, I'm really curious. Just with what you said before, The firearm that killed the leopard can kill more than twenty of my deadliest servants?"

Lin Yun deliberately pretended to be stupid, and stared: "What firearm? Why can't my brother understand what the starling said?"

"Fourteenth Brother, do you still think you can deceive me by pretending to be stupid? To tell you the truth! The matter last time is not over yet! I will definitely report this matter next time the Lin family sends elders to collect taxes! Just wait. Come on!!"

In fact, after the Lin family deposed these bastards, it was equivalent to letting them fend for themselves. Even if they died fighting each other, the Lin family would not interfere.

But if there are special circumstances, the Lin family will definitely intervene. For example, if the mysterious firearm in Lin Yun's hand is known to the Lin family, they will definitely send someone down to investigate.

(End of this chapter)

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