wealthy lord

Chapter 600 Beauty has always had a bad life since ancient times

Chapter 600 Beauty has always had a bad life since ancient times

Cui Hongyu's pretty face turned red and she lowered her head and said nothing.

Lin Yun let out a long sigh. Silence was better than sound at this time. She was a weak woman, and she would have been eaten up long ago.

"What about the prince's attitude?"

He was asking this for the emperor, but he couldn't tell the emperor.

"The prince said...if he can successfully succeed to the throne, he will let the slave be the queen..."

Lin Yun sneered: "Do you believe it?"

"I don't believe it! But I can't show it! That's why I feel tired and worried all day long!"

There was a trace of sadness in Cui Hongyu's eyes. Even though she looked dignified in front of others, in fact, only she knew the pain in her heart best.

Lin Yun sighed: "What guarantee did Meng Yuan give you?"

"He only said that the slave family should be obedient and enjoy endless prosperity and wealth in the future!" Then she smiled foolishly: "He also said that the slave family must stay away from Lin Zhongtang!"

Lin Yun raised his eyebrows and said with interest: "Stay away from me? Why is that Hongyu girl disobedient?"

There was a trace of resentment in Cui Hongyu's eyes, and she stood up and started to take off her clothes.

Lin Yun was immediately stunned and asked: "Miss Hongyu, what do you mean? I only talk about business today and have no other thoughts! Please respect yourself!"

Cui Hongyu smiled sadly: "Your Majesty, you have misunderstood! The slave family knows that it is a ruined flower and willows, so it will definitely not be in your eyes! I just want to show you the sins that the slave family has suffered over the years!"

As she took off her bellyband, she was already naked.

Lin Yun looked shocked and stood up suddenly.

He was not excited after seeing the beauty's body, but was stunned by the shocking scars on Cui Hongyu's body.

Such a beauty should be loved and cherished, but the reality is exactly the opposite.

At this moment, Lin Yun finally understood the weight of the saying, "Since ancient times, beauties have had a bad life."

Cui Hongyu's body was covered with scars of various sizes, including teeth marks... knife wounds... whip wounds, and even burns.

But the most fatal thing was the scar on the abdomen, which looked like it had been disemboweled.

Lin Yun said in a deep voice: "Is this a good thing Meng Yuan did?"

Cui Hongyu lowered her head, silently picked up the clothes on the ground, put them on, and said, "It's the prince..."

"Didn't Lin Zhongtang just ask why the slave family didn't listen to Meng Zhongtang? The slave family will tell you the answer now! Because the slave family once had no choice! No one can make the decision for this injustice! But after listening to Lin Zhongtang's words just now, the slave family knows this This is the last straw!”

Lin Yun's heart was full of bitterness. It seemed that he still underestimated the dangers of human nature.

The dignified prince of the Daduan Dynasty and the future prince turned out to be a pervert.

The emperor must not know about such a secret thing.

But when he thought that the culprits of all this were Meng Yuan and those guys, Lin Yun hated him to the core.

It seems that they have no intention of assisting the prince at all. It is estimated that the prince is just a pawn of them.

Raising a prince with a cruel temper is definitely the most fatal blow to a country.

When the prince ascends the throne and becomes cruel and unkind, these powerful officials will have an excuse to take action.

"Okay! Miss Hongyu, I deeply sympathize with you for the misfortune that happened to you! However, if you are willing to listen to me in the future, you will definitely land safely in the future!" Cui Hongyu said: "What about my brother?"

Lin Yun sneered: "Does Cui Mingchong know the torture you have experienced?"

Cui Hongyu nodded, then suddenly reacted, quickly shook his head and said: "I don't know!!"

"Okay! You don't have to cover up for him! I can only try my best to protect you brothers and sisters, but everything depends on how you do it! Miss Hongyu, I am relieved, but Cui Mingchong... eh, don't mention it!"

Cui Hongyu bit her lower lip secretly. She understood that Lin Yun was telling the truth. Her eldest brother was just a villain, and he was greedy for power and money.

Cui Mingchong asked her many times before to help intercede with Meng Yuan, hoping to get a promotion, but Cui Hongyu refused.

Because of this incident, Cui Mingchong still holds a grudge.

Cui Hongyu knew that Meng Yuan was a guy with an animal face and a heart, so that was all if she got involved. If her brother also got involved, it would be all over, so she refused, wanting to protect her only relative in her own way.

Lin Yun took out a small revolver from his arms and handed it to her, saying: "There are only five bullets in this gun! You can save your life by keeping it with you at the critical moment! However, don't take it out unless you have to." Don’t let anyone see it!”

Of course, he didn't just save Cui Hongyu's life, he just wanted to plant a seed of revenge in her heart.

If one day Cui Hongyu couldn't bear it anymore and did something, Lin Yun wouldn't be surprised at all, but he couldn't express these thoughts clearly. I believe that Cui Hongyu would be able to understand it because of his intelligence.

Cui Hongyu knew some of Lin Yun's deeds, so she was no stranger to this pistol. She said, "Thank you Lin Zhongtang for the reward! Please give the slave family some tasks!"

Lin Yun smiled evilly and said, "You don't need to do anything now! It's probably hard to hide our meeting tonight from those people. If they ask you another day, just say that I'm inquiring about the prince. I want to please the prince! Don’t say anything unnecessary!”

Cui Hongyu Bingxue was smart and immediately understood what Lin Yun meant. She nodded and said, "Don't worry, sir. The Nu family knows what to say!"

Lin Yun had to show a certain degree of ambition to paralyze those old guys.

Otherwise, as long as he shows his confrontational mood, he will definitely suffer various attacks.

Lin Yun also planned to return to Fengyang County in the next few days, so he had no choice but to make this decision.

Lin Yun stood up and smiled: "Okay! If Miss Hongyu has anything that can't be solved in the future, you can ask someone to deliver a letter to my government! Of course, if you get any important information, please let me know as soon as possible!"

Cui Hongyu bowed and saluted: "Don't worry, sir!"

"Well, I'll take my leave now!"

Afterwards, he opened the door and left.

Cui Hongyu looked down at the revolver in her hand and immediately hid it under the pillow.

She couldn't say she was in a good mood at the moment. Although she was still not sure whether Lin Yun was reliable and whether what he said counted, she and her brother at least had a hope that they wouldn't need to hang themselves on that tree in the future.

However, she also realized that her situation was already very bad.

Downstairs, Ma Ji and Cui Mingchong were sitting and drinking tea, chatting.

They were also familiar with each other. Cui Mingchong had also dealt with Ma Ji when he was an imperial envoy.

What Cui Mingchong didn't expect was that Ma Ji actually became Lin Yun's best confidant and was even transferred to the capital. The future must be bright.

Cui Mingchong has the mentality of loving Wujiwu and his attitude towards Ma Ji is also very good.

At this time, when Ma Ji saw Lin Yun coming down, he immediately stood up to greet him and asked, "Master, are you coming out so soon?"

(End of this chapter)

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