wealthy lord

Chapter 602 Tit for tat

Chapter 602 Tit for tat
The Eighth Sage King smiled awkwardly. He understood that Lin Yun deliberately mentioned this matter in front of the Fifth Prince.

"Hey, isn't it because Fulin'an colluded with the Panda tribe to rebel? Your Majesty is not at ease. He discussed with me last time about laying landmines on the border of Fengyang County!"

The fifth prince touched his chin and said, "Seeing that Lin Zhongtang is in such a good mood, the emperor must have approved a lot of military pay this time, right?"

Lin Yun smiled bitterly and said: "I am indeed happy. As the Minister of the Ministry of War, I share the emperor's worries. Naturally, it is a good thing for the whole world to celebrate! Isn't the fifth prince happy?"

That night, the Fifth Prince had a solid relationship with him. Lin Yun's words of holding a gun and a stick made the Fifth Prince quite unhappy.

"Hmph! I am naturally happy! But...Lin Zhongtang has made a lot of money this time, right? It's really enviable!"

The Eighth Sage King asked: "By the way, Lin Zhongtang, how much military pay has the emperor approved this time?"

Lin Yun sat on a chair nearby, poured a cup of tea, and said, "Not much! Only three million taels!"


Even though the two princes had been mentally prepared for it, they were still shocked when they heard this number.

"Three million taels! Is the emperor really just purchasing landmines?"

The fifth prince narrowed his eyes slightly. Based on his intuition, there must be something going on here. Three million taels of silver is not a small amount, it is enough to do a lot of things.

Lin Yun sneered and said: "Of course! The emperor attaches great importance to the landmines in my hands! However...I think that the emperor may also use the landmines for other things! For example, to deal with an ambitious and traitorous minister! Then if he steps on Above, guaranteed to be shattered to pieces!”

His words were not only meant for the Fifth Prince, but also for the Eight Wise Kings to understand Lin Yun's thoughts.

In the name of the emperor, he can avoid a lot of troubles.

The Fifth Prince and the Eighth Prince looked at each other, feeling a little heavy. They both remembered Lin Yun's harsh words that night.

Thinking back to when Lin Yun carried out assassinations in Fengyang County, his methods were frightening.


The fifth prince suddenly stood up, slapped his hand on the table, and shouted: "Lin Yun, what do you mean by this?"

Lin Yun sneered and said, "Don't be angry, Fifth Prince! I'm talking about those treacherous ministers and traitors, not you! Don't take your seat!"


The fifth prince was suddenly speechless.

"Okay!" The Eighth Sage King raised his hand to interrupt. He knew that the Fifth Prince had a bad temper. If he allowed the Fifth Prince to speak again, tonight's game would not be able to continue.

The Eight Sages smiled slightly: "Lin Zhongtang is the pillar of the country. Being recognized by the emperor is naturally a blessing to the court! Hey, in fact, when I couldn't sleep, I also wanted to share the emperor's worries, but I was really unable to do so!"

Lin Yun nodded. He didn't want to talk to the old fox. He raised his eyes and scanned the hall and asked, "By the way! Where is Meng Zhongtang? I haven't seen him for a long time?"

The Eighth Sage King waved his hand and said, "Don't mention it! Meng Zhongtang has caught wind and cold! He has been in poor health during this period! The day before yesterday, he told me that he wanted to resign from the emperor and return to his hometown!"

Lin Yun pretended to be suddenly enlightened and said, "Oh! Meng Zhongtang is only sixty this year, and he is getting stronger as he grows older. How could he have such an idea?"

The Eight Wise Kings sighed: "Lin Zhongtang, please stop pretending to be confused! Who doesn't know now that the emperor intends to train new people? Looking at Fulin'an's fate, who can still not know how to retreat bravely?"

Lin Yun looked suspicious: "That's not right! I was bored last night, so I went to Yichun Tower with a few subordinates to drink wine. I also heard that Meng Zhongtang and the oiran there were called, and she was quite beautiful. A woman is a confidante! To be honest, I am a little envious of Meng Zhongtang! He is so young and is accompanied by a beautiful woman!" He understood that even if he didn't say it, the two princes in front of him would definitely know it.

Although the capital city is large, it cannot hide from the investigation of interested people.

Sure enough, the fifth prince snorted coldly and turned to look out the window.

The Eight Wise Kings smiled awkwardly: "Lin Zhongtang is also a powerful official in a high position, so why do you still listen to the rumors outside? Even if Meng Zhongtang really likes beauties, he won't get involved with those women from the land of fireworks, right?"


Lin Yun slapped the table, startling the two princes.

"Huh! It's really unreasonable! I just said that Meng Zhongtang is so virtuous and respected that he would do such a scandal. It seems that it's time to rectify the public security in the capital! I will inform the people in charge of the infantry army tomorrow that those who spread rumors to frame Meng Zhongtang will be punished. If they are arrested, the oiran from Yichun Tower must also be suspected! We must give justice to Meng Zhongtang!”

At this time, the Eight Sage King's complexion also turned livid, and he looked at Lin Yun meaningfully, not knowing how to answer the question.

Lin Yun was clearly looking for trouble on purpose, eager to reveal the secret.

The fifth prince threw the tea cup on the table to the ground and shouted: "Lin Yun! Do you have to completely tear up the last dignity between us?"

Lin Yun still pretended to be stupid and said with a smile: "What does the fifth prince mean by this? I have always had a good relationship with Meng Zhongtang, and I also know that he is a loyal minister of our Daduan Dynasty, so I don't want Meng Zhongtang to be ruined in the evening." !”

"You fart! Lin Yun, have you lost your memory? Don't you remember what happened that night?"

Lin Yun smiled contemptuously: "That night? Which night?"

"You're still pretending to be stupid!" The fifth prince was almost mad. If he hadn't known that Lin Yun was not easy to mess with, he would have taken action long ago.

When Lin Yun saw his furious expression, he slapped his forehead and said, "Hey! I remembered it! It was about the fifth prince who was so scared that he wet his pants, right?"

As soon as these words came out, the Eighth Sage King looked at Li Zhen in surprise.

The fifth prince's face turned red, and he stood up to fight Lin Yun.

At this moment, he finally understood that Lin Yun was deliberately forcing himself to get angry and then make himself look embarrassed.

The Eight Wise Kings couldn't stand it anymore, so they stepped forward and grabbed him, whispering: "Fifth brother, calm down!"

At this point, how could the Eight Wise Kings not understand that Lin Yun had become slippery, knowing that he was not easy to deal with, so he deliberately angered the Fifth Prince.

Once the fifth prince says something in public, or does something outrageous, and leaks the secret, there will be big trouble.

"Lao Ba, let go! I have to kill him today!"

The fifth prince was still unconvinced.

At this time, Lin Yun picked up the tea cup, blew the tea leaves in the cup, and said meaningfully: "Fifth Prince had better think carefully! Even if I ask you to kill me, whether you can bear the consequences or the person behind you can bear it ?”

The fifth prince was suddenly speechless.

The Eight Sage King said with a dark face: "Lin Yun, when you are an official in the capital, it is best not to be too public! You can offend one person, but don't try to offend too many people! I admire you very much, so I give you this advice!"

(End of this chapter)

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