wealthy lord

Chapter 615: Escape from death, a friend in need is a friend indeed

Chapter 615: Escape from death, a friend in need is a friend indeed
Everyone immediately understood what it meant and obeyed obediently.

After Lin Yun checked that everything was correct, he threw it down hard, and the rope formed by the belt fell just above Li Daozong's head.

He stretched out his hand to grab it with great difficulty, but all his strength was used up along the way. As soon as he raised his arm, he kept shaking.

Finally, he gritted his teeth, suddenly slipped and stepped on Zheng Li's head.

Li Daozong grabbed the rope, but Zheng Li was unprepared and fell directly into the mudslide.

"Do not!!"

Lin Yun let out a heartbreaking howl, and his heart was bleeding as he watched his beloved being swallowed bit by bit by the mudslide.

"Fourteen...Master!! Leave me alone...Oh, let's go!!"

At the moment of life and death, Zheng Li still cared about Lin Yun, which made him regretful.

Since Lin Yun traveled to this world, it has been smooth sailing, but he has never made such a big sacrifice.

In the past, no matter what kind of enemy he faced, he could deal with it calmly.

Only this time, he had to watch his beloved die, which was definitely a heavy blow to him.

Soon, Li Daozong was dragged up by several soldiers. He was already weak from exhaustion and lay flat on the ground, wheezing.

Lin Yun stared blankly at the rapid mudslide below.

At this time, Li Daozong gradually recovered, stood up, looked at Lin Yun, and said apologetically: "Lin Zhongtang, I'm sorry..."

When Lin Yun heard his voice, he came back to his senses and raised his eyes to look at Li Daozong. His eyes were cold and biting, as if he were looking at a dead person.

When several soldiers saw something was wrong, they became nervous.

Lin Yun stood up, came to Li Daozong in despair, grabbed him by the collar, and said bitterly: "Second Prince, do you know that I lost a beloved general just because of your cowardice?"

"Lin Zhongtang, you... calm down! The situation was critical just now, and I didn't mean it..."

In his opinion, he is a prince, and it is natural for him to protect himself at critical moments.


Lin Yun raised his hand and punched him hard in the face.

Li Daozong was unprepared and was beaten so hard that he fell to the dirt.

Several soldiers immediately stepped forward to start a fight. Lin Yun pushed everyone away with force and shouted angrily: "Get out of my way!!"

Everyone looked at each other and could only step aside obediently.

I secretly sighed that Lin Yun was so courageous that he dared to beat the prince!

Although this place is in the wilderness and the court's laws cannot control it, Li Daozong is still alive. When he returns to Beijing in the future, he will definitely settle the score with Lin Yun.

Li Daozong reluctantly got up, and Lin Yun kicked him to the side of the rock wall again. The sharp gravel directly cut his arm, causing blood to flow out.

Li Daozong roared like crazy: "Lin Yun, what are you going to do? Just for a domestic slave, you still want to kill this prince!!"

Lin Yun came to him, patted his face hard, and said: "Li Daozong! Before I came out, I said, don't come out if you are not prepared! How did you promise me? Let me tell you, The life of my servant is more valuable than yours! If Zheng Li dies, you will pay with your life! Even if the emperor pursues it, I will never tolerate it!"

At this moment, Li Daozong was really scared, and Lin Yun's eyes were as fierce as if he wanted to eat someone.

Li Daozong subconsciously glanced at the foot of the mountain, but Zheng Li was nowhere to be seen.

At dawn the next day, the rain finally stopped, and the path below was already filled with mud and gravel.

Without saying a word, Lin Yun climbed down the mountain and searched everywhere in the mud.

When several soldiers saw this, they could only follow and search. Only Li Daozong was leaning against the rock wall alone, staring blankly down. This experience was a huge shock to him.

He didn't expect human life to be so fragile in the face of natural disasters.

Recalling the many times Zheng Li took care of him yesterday, tears of regret flowed from the corners of his eyes.

At that time, in order to grab the rope, he deliberately used Zheng Li's head as a stepping stone.

Looking back now, I really did something wrong.

Of course, he didn't expect Lin Yun to fight so hard for a slave. He shuddered when he thought of Lin Yun's harsh words.

He had told Lin Yun his intention to seize the throne. If Lin Yun made a big fuss about this matter, he would be doomed.

The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became. In order to restore his position in Lin Yun's heart, he could only reluctantly follow him down the mountain to search for Zheng Lili.

Of course, Lin Yun saw this scene but was too lazy to talk to him.

After searching for more than two hours, everyone finally found Zheng Lili in the corner of the rock wall.

His body was covered with mud, and a lot of mud was poured into his mouth. He no longer knew whether he was alive or dead.

Lin Yun quickly dragged him out, forcibly took off his shirt, placed it against Zheng Li's chest and listened carefully. When he heard the faint heartbeat, he was overjoyed.

He immediately performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation, pressing hard on Zheng Li's chest while helping him perform artificial respiration.

Several soldiers and Li Daozong on the side were stunned.

This was the first time they had seen this method of rescuing people.

But everyone hopes Zheng Li can survive.

They really didn't dare to think about what terrible things Lin Yun would do if Zheng Li died.

While Lin Yun was helping him with cardiopulmonary resuscitation, he was yelling: "Zheng Lili, I order you not to die! Open your eyes, quickly..."

After half a cup of tea, Zheng Li suddenly let out a low cry, tilted his head and spit out a large mouthful of mud, and then coughed violently.

Lin Yun's eyes lit up, and everyone gathered around him, especially Li Daozong, who was in the most complicated mood right now.

When did I expect an irrelevant slave to live so much?

This is definitely a first time.

At this time, Zheng Li opened his eyes weakly. When he saw Lin Yun, he forced a smile and said weakly: "Master Ten...Fourteenth, I have made you worry!"

Lin Yun smiled bitterly: "You are really lucky!"

When Li Daozong saw that the time was right, he immediately stepped forward and said, "Mr. Zheng, it was all my fault before! I was the one who harmed you!"

As he spoke, he lowered his head guiltily.

Zheng Li looked at Lin Yun's livid face and comforted him: "Fourteenth Master, don't blame the second prince! If it happens again, I will save the second prince without hesitation!"

Lin Yun sighed: "It's beneficial, you have to remember! You are my son, and your life is not inferior to anyone else! Do you understand? Don't do this again!"

Zheng Li said bitterly: "The second prince was brought out by the Fourteenth Master. If he has any evil deeds, he will definitely implicate the Fourteenth Master. He will exchange the life of his humble position for the life of the second prince. He has no regrets about his humble position!"

Everyone present looked at Lin Yun with envy. There were very few loyal slaves like Zheng Li.

Lin Yun was even more moved, as they all say a friend in need is a friend indeed.

Unless something goes wrong, you never know who is around you.

(End of this chapter)

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