wealthy lord

Chapter 678 Arrival at Panda Holy Capital

Chapter 678 Arrival at Panda Holy Capital
Everyone was on tenterhooks along the way, especially the three hundred private soldiers. They were all too aware of the horror of landmines.

They have personally supervised the buried mines in the past few days. If they stepped on them and were blown up to death, it would be an unjust death.

But fortunately, there was no danger, the genius was revealed, and everyone finally got out of the minefield.

After walking through the narrow mountain road, we finally arrived at the boundary of the Panda tribe.

Looking from a distance, there is an endless prairie, and the air is filled with the fragrance of green grass.

Especially Oona, who had not been back to her hometown for several years, was so excited that her eyes filled with tears.

Wu Li's mood was extremely complicated at the moment.

In the past, he had returned triumphantly by taking this route, but this time he came back as a prisoner. He could not imagine what kind of dilemma he would face when he returned to the royal court.

Lin Yunhan smiled and said: "King Yunshan, you didn't expect that you could come back alive, right?"

Wu Li sighed: "I didn't expect it! Lin Yun, although I hate you to the core, I can't hate you anymore! I heard my little sister say before that you can help me get the throne of the Great Khan, but is it true?"

Lin Yun nodded and said: "Of course! But it depends on King Yunshan's next performance! I also want to give you a solid background. This time I came to the Panda clan in a private capacity! Mainly because I want to make friends. Of course, If Panda Khan accepts it, I will definitely not let you suffer, but if you are stubborn, it is unknown what will happen next! King Yunshan should know that these three hundred people under my command are not vegetarians. of!"

Wu Li glanced at the three hundred fine knights following him solemnly, and nodded silently.

He was sure that no one in the Panda clan understood it, but he had personally experienced the terror of these three hundred people.

In fact, the last battle had already cast a shadow on him, and he had nightmares while sleeping these past few days.

Seeing that he remained silent, Oona whispered: "Second brother, don't hesitate! Do you want to see the Panda clan continue to bleed?"

"Of course not! Lin Yun, you just said you were here to make friends, so are you willing to sell me some weapons from the Panda clan, the things used by these soldiers!"

He didn't know the bamboo gun yet, so he could only raise his hand and point to the gun hanging on the waist of a soldier.

Lin Yunwan said: "If we become friends, I will naturally not be stingy! But in this matter, what you, King Yunshan, say does not count. It also depends on what Panda Khan means! So, what King Yunshan will do next? You have to work harder!”

The reason why he spared Wu Li's life was not only because he didn't want to make the third lady sad, but also because he wanted to use Wu Li to convince the top leaders of the Panda clan.

Wu Li showed an intriguing smile: "That's it! It seems that Mr. Lin has already made plans! I can promise to put in a good word for you! But it is a fact that the warriors under my command were killed. When the time comes, the Khan will ask, Have you figured out how to explain it?"

"There's nothing to explain! Isn't it normal for people to die on the battlefield? I think it's worth it to exchange a thousand lives for a good life for the next few generations of the Panda tribe. What does King Yunshan think?"

Wu Li snorted softly and galloped towards the oncoming patrol warriors.

Oona explained: "Ms. sir, my second brother has this temper, but he must have agreed! It's just that he's still a little embarrassed!"

"It doesn't matter! I'm not petty about your husband, so I won't argue with him!"

After that, Wu Li joined the Panda tribe warriors patrolling nearby, which numbered more than 500 people. Under their protection, they successfully arrived near the Panda Royal Court.

Oona introduced: "Ms. sir, this is Bailang Mountain, which is also the sacred mountain of our Panda tribe. In about two hours, we will arrive at the holy capital!"

Lin Yun looked at the surrounding environment curiously, sighing inwardly that this land was fertile, and the green mountains and green waters were definitely a good place for grazing.

But it also made him admire Lin Fuling even more. They walked for most of the day, and it was already noon. They encountered many warriors of the Panda tribe along the way. It is difficult to imagine how dangerous it was when Lin Fuling led only three thousand cavalry to pursue the enemy's hinterland.

It's no wonder that Lin Xuan, the Bage, puts Lin Fuling in such high regard. This guy is definitely a genius at leading troops in war.

Soon, everyone arrived at the Holy Capital.

This is the political center of the Panda people. The architectural style is completely different from that of the Daduan Dynasty. Most of the people walking on the street wear animal skins, but their skin color is slightly darker, which is obviously different from the people of the Daduan Dynasty.

Oona looked at the familiar environment and said with a smile: "Mr. Sir, the Panda tribe has a strict hierarchy. These ordinary people are the lowest people. Their descendants can only engage in the lowest jobs, such as sheepherders, or Vet or something like that!”

Lin Yun curled his lips and said: "We are still divided into three, six or nine levels. No wonder the overall strength of your Panda clan is not good!"

Although it was also a feudal society, the system of Daduan Shen Dynasty had more advantages and development potential than Panda Royal Court.

The Panda people are mainly nomadic and do not develop farming or commerce, let alone any industry.

This nation is very eager for land, and coupled with the strong folk customs, they only use the simplest way to expand, and that is plunder.

This is what Lin Yun values ​​the most. As long as he can secretly establish a relationship with the Panda royal family, he will have great potential in the future.

Not only can it threaten various vassals with different surnames, but it can also guide the court's policies towards various vassals and foreign countries.

At this time, Wu Li retorted: "Humph, isn't it the same for your Daduan country? It is the most unwise choice to create thirty-six vassals with different surnames to separate one party!"

Lin Yun said playfully: "I didn't realize that you, King Yunshan, actually have such a vision!"

"Don't look down on people! Mr. Lin, I am so ugly. As I said before, this is the Holy City, and its status is equivalent to the capital of your Daduan Kingdom. Here, it is best to keep a low profile, otherwise...even if the three hundred people under your command are no longer Even if you can fight, you will die!"

Lin Yun nodded: "Of course I know that!"

"I will now arrange for my men to send you to my territory in the Holy Capital to rest. Then I and my little sister will enter the palace. Later, I will arrange for Young Master Lin to meet the Great Khan alone!"

"Yes! But King Yunshan must not play any tricks! Since I dare to bring people to the Panda Royal Court, I am naturally confident!"

"Don't worry! I am still counting on Mr. Lin to help me, and I will definitely not act recklessly!"

Afterwards, Lin Yun and three hundred fine cavalry were taken to the palace of Wuli by a Panda warrior.

In terms of prosperity, the Holy City is definitely not as good as the capital city.

In other words, the streets I walked on when I first entered the Holy City were pretty good.

This official residence in Wuli is quite average, not to mention compared to the Yun Mansion in the capital, even the City Lord's Mansion in Qingcheng.

At best, it was the residence of a wealthy man from the Daduan Dynasty.

After placing the three hundred soldiers, Lin Yun and Zheng Li were led by the Panda warrior to the living room to rest.

The most common thing you see in Panda Palace is the statue of Panda God. The people here all believe that they are the children of Panda God.

(End of this chapter)

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