wealthy lord

Chapter 68 Seedlings are born

Chapter 68 Seedlings are born
  Lin Yun smiled happily and said, "Do you train them like this on weekdays?"

Zheng Li was startled and turned around suddenly. When he saw Lin Yun, he quickly bowed and bowed. He lost his previous momentum and said, "Returning to the young master, now we are conducting tactical training! It is also to train their physique. If they go to the battlefield, , without good physical fitness, even if they are given the best equipment, it will be difficult to form combat effectiveness!"

Lin Yun praised: "That's true! But we also need to pay attention to methods and actual conditions! What I want is a cavalry army that can act vigorously and resolutely! Physical training is a very rigorous and complex subject!"

"For example, to improve endurance, you need long-distance running! To develop arm strength, you need to practice weightlifting or throwing! Targeted training can greatly improve efficiency! It can also convince soldiers, while rough training has the lowest results!"

Hearing what Lin Yun said, Zheng Li was shocked and said, "Sir, you...don't even know how to train soldiers, right?"

If someone else were to point fingers at his training methods, Zheng Li would definitely not be convinced.

But what Lin Yun said was reasonable and well-founded. Although he didn't understand some of the terms Lin Yun said, he still understood the general content. After all, he knew everything about military training subjects.

Lin Yun smiled and said: "I have never led troops, but I have talked with the coaches of the Lin family and seen them lead troops!"

This is pure nonsense. Lin Yun is just a concubine in the Lin family and has no qualifications to enter the martial arts training ground, let alone discuss military training with the instructor.

He was just telling some stories from his previous life.

Although I only have a superficial understanding of it, it is still a very practical training method in this world.

After all, Lin Yun has also played in the gym and knows how the coach usually teaches.

Zheng Li suddenly realized it and said: "Then train according to the way the young master said!"

After finishing his words, he turned to look at the soldiers who were still lying on the ground and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, get up! Let me run around the top of this cow's back for training!"

After that, all the soldiers formed a team and started running.

Lin Yun shook his head helplessly, and said, "Come on, come and run at my pace! Don't be so messy!"

Afterwards, Lin Yun led the team, followed by a group of soldiers.

When Zheng Li saw Lin Yun running with him, he had no choice but to get involved.

Lin Yun was running and commanding at the same time. The soldiers finally found a pattern and started running in unison.

During his military training in college, the instructor once said that running in unison like this can not only exercise physical fitness, but also cultivate a coordinated herd mentality.

An army can only form cohesion and combat effectiveness by uniting as one. This is particularly important.

At this time, Zheng Li asked: "Sir, why did you get up so early today and come for a run?"

Lin Yun smiled bitterly: "I would rather train with the soldiers now!"

Ever since Lin Wuyue was angry last time, the atmosphere at home has not been good.

Lin Wuyue and Ye Wanqing usually didn't talk to each other during three meals a day. No matter how Lin Yun and Oona started the topic, they were busy with their own affairs.

Lin Yun also felt tired. After all, being physically tired and feeling tired are two different things.

Zheng Li heard something in the words, but he couldn't ask in detail, so he could only remain silent.

At this moment, a villager came to the top of the mountain. When he saw Lin Yun leading the team for a run, he shouted: "Master Lin!! Success! Success!!"

Lin Yun immediately withdrew from the team and asked breathlessly: "What succeeded?"

Zheng Li and a group of soldiers also looked curious.

The villagers laughed and said, "It was the experimental field that sprouted seedlings!"

Lin Yun's eyes lit up and he said, "Let's go! Go down and have a look!"

After that, Lin Yun and the villager quickly went down the mountain. When they arrived at the experimental field near the entrance of the village, a large group of villagers had gathered around them.

Everyone looked excited, because Niubei Village had not seen green plants for a long time.

The Datura flower blooms near the lake, still quite a distance from the village. It was discovered by the villagers because the villagers followed Lin Yun's order and came to water the water.

When the villagers saw Lin Yun coming, they quickly made way.

The old village chief said excitedly: "Sir, you are really amazing! Niubei Village can be saved!"

Thunderous applause suddenly occurred all around, and Lin Yun was already a god in the eyes of the villagers.

This problem that has troubled generations of people in Niubei Village for hundreds of years was easily solved by Lin Yun.

In order to save the land in Niubei Village and enable smooth farming, the imperial court sent a fifth-grade agricultural envoy.

This is an official in charge of agriculture in the Daduan Dynasty, enjoying treatment at the level of governor.

But after working hard for more than half a year, he came back without success. In the end, Niubei Village was defined as the most barren land, unable to grow food at all, and then he returned to the country and resumed his life.

It was also because of this that Niubei Village was completely reduced to a barren wasteland where the father did not love the mother.

Even Yucheng Mansion didn't bother to take another look at Niubei Village.

This shows how stupid Lin Yun was to the Lin family when he chose Niubei Village.

Lin Yun nodded with a smile, came to the experimental field and squatted down, looking at several rows of green buds growing on the soil, and finally raised his head and laughed.

The surrounding villagers also burst into laughter. They were even a hundred times happier than Lin Yun.

However, when he saw that the farthest soil showed no reaction at all, he couldn't help but frown and asked, "Why don't young seedlings grow there?"

Everyone looked at each other in shock. Now everyone completely believed that Lin Yun's ability could really help Niubei Village farm, so no one dared to talk nonsense.

At this time, the old village chief shouted: "Tell me! Who sowed the seed that day?"

A villager raised his hand in embarrassment and said: "Yes...it's me!"

Lin Yun smiled and said: "Don't be nervous, tell me the specific situation! What is grown there?"

"Reporting to the young master, the rice grown there is the rice you gave me together last time!"

The villager scratched his head.

Lin Yun suddenly realized something, slapped his forehead, and said with a wry smile: "I'm stupid! Of course, you need to use rice fields to grow rice!"

Growing rice and growing wheat are completely two different ways.

Wheat can be grown normally, but rice cannot.

The rice needs to grow into seedlings first and then transplanted into the paddy fields.

One is to facilitate weeding, and the other is to make the rice taste better.

The requirements for land are also extremely high.

Lin Yun said helplessly: "It seems that if you want to grow rice, you have to wait until the land is completely improved in the future!"

The old village chief and all the villagers nodded.

They were all farmers, so they naturally understood what Lin Yun meant.

After all, rice cultivation is more demanding.

The old village chief smiled and said: "It doesn't matter! Being able to grow wheat is already a gift from God to Niubei Village!"

Lin Yun nodded, stood up and said, "Okay! From today on, you will follow the way I did that day, first cultivate large quantities of organic fertilizer to improve the land, and then fully cultivate it!"

(End of this chapter)

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