wealthy lord

Chapter 699: The situation escalates and a city-wide manhunt begins

Chapter 699: The situation escalates and a city-wide manhunt begins
Qi Changyun also has good intentions. Similar things have happened before. Once he openly targets the people in the city, it will definitely cause bloodshed.

After all, ordinary people do not have a good impression of the court officials. They can usually live in peace with each other, but if the court goes too far, there will definitely be riots.

"Hmph! Mr. Qi, you don't seem to have understood how serious the chain reaction caused by this explosion in the palace is? You have said it yourself. As the admiral of the Nine Gates, you are the person directly responsible for this explosion. If you don't get rid of it as soon as possible. Show your attitude and the emperor will find out about you soon!"

Fu Tianchen is worthy of being Fulin'an's successor. After these few months of training, he has become quite experienced.

Although he was a little scared when facing people like the Eight Sages and Lin Yun, he was not afraid of Qi Changyun at all.

Sure enough, Qi Changyun was frightened by him and quickly knelt on one knee on the ground.

"I obey your order! Please wait a moment, Master Zhongtang. I will come back as soon as I go!"

With that said, Qi Changyun turned around and walked out of the living room.

Outside the door, Qi Rui had been waiting for a long time, and naturally heard the conversation just now. He whispered: "Dad, why are you so humble to Fu Tianchen? You are the admiral of the Nine Sects. Although you have not joined the cabinet to worship the prime minister, you still No lower than him!"

Qi Changyun sighed: "Idiot, haven't you seen the seriousness of this incident? My father is the admiral of the Nine Sects and is responsible for protecting the safety of the royal family. However, if something like this happens, my father cannot escape the blame! What's more, the emperor Dad doesn’t know what the specific attitude is, so it’s not a bad thing to be careful! It’s better to lose your price than to lose your life, right?”

Qi Rui nodded: "But what if this explosion was plotted by Lin Zhongtang?"

Nowadays, everyone will doubt Lin Yun, but no one dares to say it to the outside world.

Therefore, it is understandable that Qi Rui thinks so.

Qi Changyun said in a deep voice: "No matter whether this matter has anything to do with Lin Zhongtang or not, we still have to do a good job in the situation! I believe Lin Zhongtang will understand us! Okay, don't ask any more questions, give the order quickly, and mobilize the infantry. Everyone in the command yamen will be searched throughout the city! In addition, all departments will be informed that they are not allowed to take leave or leave the city in the near future, and they are not allowed to discuss this matter in private! Anyone who violates the order will be punished!"


Afterwards, Qi Rui left and personally led the team to execute the order.

On the other side, Yang Lin led three men all the way to Ma Ji's house.

They didn't dare to go through the main entrance, let alone let anyone see it, so they entered directly over the wall and came to Ma Ji's study.

Although Ma Ji didn't know about it, he could only choose to keep a low profile when such a big thing happened, informing his family that they were not allowed to go out recently, and thanked guests behind closed doors.

Especially since he had worked under Lin Yun, and after learning the specific details of the explosion, he instantly realized that it must have been done by Lin Yun.

Such emergencies frequently occurred in Fengyang County.

At that time, the Lin family was still under the leadership of Lin Fengjiao, and was devastated by Lin Yun, and was eventually disintegrated from within.

And this time the explosion in the palace also killed the powerful Meng Yuan and Meng Zhongtang.

It will definitely alarm the entire government and opposition parties.

At this time, Ma Ji came out of the room, wearing a navy blue gown, holding a teapot in one hand and a folding fan in the other, and walked slowly to the door of the study.

When he came home from work, he would come to the study to read or complete the tasks assigned by Lin Yun.

But at this moment, the closed window of the study slowly opened halfway. Ma Ji didn't react at first, but when he saw Yang Lin's face, he was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat.

He looked around, and after making sure that no one had thought of it, he quickly opened the door and entered the study.

The three killers drew their knives at the same time and pressed Ma Ji against the door.

Yang Lin angrily scolded: "You are so presumptuous that you are not allowed to be rude to Master Ma! You are still not backing down!"

The three of them then sheathed their knives and stepped back.

These killers only recognized Lin Yun and Yang Lin, so they didn't know Ma Ji at all, let alone his relationship with Lin Yun.

Yang Lin put on a smile and said, "Master Ma, don't be nervous! These subordinates are rough men. I was rude to you just now. I hope you will forgive me!"

Ma Ji smiled bitterly: "Why did Mr. Yang come without asking for help? There was an explosion in the palace this morning. Could it be you who did it?"

Yang Lin nodded and said: "That's right! We are also following the order of the Fourteenth Master! We originally planned to leave the capital, but we didn't expect that it would explode in advance. In order to alert the snake, I can only follow the instructions of the Fourteenth Master and come to Master Ma. Take shelter at home!”

Ma Ji suddenly realized, and felt extremely bitter in his heart. Lin Yun arranged for these dangerous killers to come to his home without even saying hello. If anything happened, he would be in trouble.

But he didn't dare to say much on the surface. He knew that Yang Lin was Lin Yun's killer. It was the guy in front of him who was responsible for the collective poisoning of the middle and senior leaders of the Lin Family Army.

In Ma Ji's heart, Yang Lin is Lin Yun's shadow, and he is ruthless and a person who must not be messed with.

Ma Ji nodded to everyone with a smile, raised his hand and said: "Don't stand around, sit wherever you want! You don't have to be polite when you get here, just treat it like your own home!"

Yang Lin secretly breathed a sigh of relief, then sat on the chair, clasped his fists and said, "This time we have caused trouble to Lord Ma! When the Fourteenth Master comes back, we will leave as soon as possible and will never cause trouble to Lord Ma!"

"Hey, Mr. Yang said this politely! It is thanks to Lin Zhongtang that Xiaguan is today! What's more, Lin Zhongtang can think of Xiaguan at the critical moment, which is also his trust in Xiaguan. It's not too late for Xiaguan to be happy. Woolen cloth!"

Yang Lin and the four of them looked at each other and felt relieved.

Not only did Ma Ji mean what he said, but at least for Lin Yun's sake, they would not be betrayed.

At this time, Yang Lin asked: "Master Ma, I wonder what is going on outside now?"

Ma Jichang sighed and said in a deep voice: "The situation is not good! Many people died in this explosion! Even Meng Yuan and Meng Zhongtang were implicated. We still don't know whether they are alive or dead! Moreover, the infantry commander's office has already The city is on lockdown and the suspects are being rounded up throughout the city!”

He wanted to ask the reason, but he was worried about offending these killers, so he could only keep it in his heart.

"Oh, then please help Mr. Ma keep an eye on it. If the Fourteenth Master comes back, you can notify me as soon as possible!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Yang and several brothers will rest at home these days, just wait until Lin Zhongtang returns to Beijing!"

Yang Lin nodded: "By the way, will the infantry commander's office find out about this? I have no other intention, I'm just worried about hurting Mr. Ma!"

Ma Jihan said with a smile: "It's okay! Mr. Yang doesn't know something. Lin Zhongtang has always had a good relationship with the people in the infantry commander's office! Especially the nine-door admiral Qi Changyun, who can be regarded as one of our own..."

(End of this chapter)

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