wealthy lord

Chapter 757 Angrily Killing a 9-Year-Old

Chapter 757 Angrily Killing Nine Thousand Years Old

Meng Yuan's entire face was deformed by the kick. Although his skull was not broken, the bridge of his nose was directly sunken, and blood spurted out directly from his mouth and nose.

Such a ferocious scene made everyone present tremble with fear.

At this time, Sun Dehai, who was sitting on the ground, suddenly pulled out three silver needles from his sleeve and was about to shoot them at Lin Yun. Qi Rui quickly reminded him: "Lin Zhongtang, be careful..."

Lin Yun screamed secretly, so he turned around and fired a shot, directly breaking Sun Dehai's right hand holding the needle.

He was also blinded by anger, and he actually forgot that Sun Dehai was very skilled in martial arts.

Last time at Prince Gong's Mansion, the flying needle was really powerful. If you didn't pay attention at close range, you would definitely get hit.

Zheng Li suffered a hidden loss, and the swelling in his right knee has not gone away.

The Eight Sages and Prince Fu Tianchen both looked at Qi Rui meaningfully.

He suddenly reminded Lin Yun that his true attitude had been exposed.

Everyone present looked at Lin Yun and the Queen Mother with strange expressions.

He just looked at him with an indifferent expression.

As the Empress Dowager said, was she trying to provoke a fight between the imperial court and various vassal kings with different surnames and profit from it, or was she trying to usurp power and seize the throne under the pretext of doing business?
Lin Yun was not surprised at all that the Queen Mother knew so many things.

The Queen Mother said solemnly: "That's right! The Ai family really thinks that you don't dare to kill! The Ai family has heard about the letter you wrote to King Chu Jiang before! Isn't it just that you hope to provoke a fight between the court and King Chu Jiang? Are you a good fisherman? In a word, this matter ends today, and the Ai family is willing to pay 10 million taels of silver as compensation!"

They were also a little confused about Lin Yun's thoughts.

However, Lin Yun was so scheming, how could he not detect that the Queen Mother was harboring evil intentions and deliberately tricking him into admitting to using the Emperor and the court?

Lin Yun sneered and said: "The Queen Mother is indeed the Queen Mother. She uses the toughest tone and the most cowardly words! She is obviously begging for mercy, but she says it so grandly! Do you really think that I, Lin Yun, dare not kill you?"

Lin Yun stared at her fiercely and angrily said, "I don't accept it! To tell you the truth, after today, the Daduan Dynasty will no longer have a queen mother, and the Dongjishi Factory will also collapse!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone became nervous.

But now it doesn't matter whether he is exposed or not, because Lin Yun controls the entire palace.

Queen Mother Chu Yao was still calm at the moment and did not show any fear because of Lin Yun's cruelty.

Lin Yun raised his head and laughed and said: "The Queen Mother is already very old. Why doesn't she want to take care of herself in her old age, but she still wants to participate in the party struggle? Aren't she afraid that she will lose her security in the later years?"

Although the emperor was not forced to abdicate, it was even more difficult for them to accept.

Over the years, the Queen Mother has been secretly colluding with King Chu Jiang, and they have long established common interests.

"At the same time, it also allows you to get your wish and do business with various lords of different surnames, how about it?"

"Ha ha!"

Sun Dehai was also seriously injured, but he still stood in front of the Queen Mother and seemed to have no intention of retreating.

The Queen Mother said with a gloomy face: "You, Lin Yun, are a smart person. There are some things you should have figured out! The Ai family won't explain! In one sentence, do you accept the Ai family's proposal~!"

Sun Dehai looked at Lin Yun with a look of resentment, all the grudges and resentments between them flashed in his eyes, and quietly pulled out the bamboo gun hidden in his back with his other hand.

"Lin Yun, the Ai family admits that they made a wrong decision this time! It caused your eldest wife to have a miscarriage. We are both women, and the Ai family feels the same way! I will make amends to you! You don't have to continue to commit crimes. What are your requirements? You can mention it, the Ai family will not refuse!"

Lin Yun lowered his head and glanced at the half-dead Meng Yuan, then walked straight towards the Queen Mother.

He wanted to take the opportunity to kill Lin Yun.

But how could Lin Yun give him a chance? This time, his shot hit Sun Dehai between the eyebrows.

Nine thousand years old, who had dominated the harem for decades, died. Everyone watching was in awe.

Although this shot killed Sun Dehai, everyone understood that without Sun Dehai as a hawk, the Queen Mother completely lost the chance to make a comeback.

"Do not!!"

Seeing Sun Dehai being shot in the head and having his face spattered with blood, the Queen Mother completely collapsed and screamed in despair.

"Lin Yun, you rebel and rebel, you dare to kill the Ai family's henchman, just wait, the Chu family will definitely not let you go!"

Even if she says harsh words now, she can only use the Chu family to threaten Lin Yun.

Because the emperor himself could not protect himself, the entire Daduan Dynasty had been disintegrated from within by Lin Yun.

Now Lin Yun was furious in the imperial study, but the powerful officials present did not dare to say a word.

Fulin'an and Qi Changyun, as senior figures in the court, did not even show their faces.

Everything proves that the Li family's empire is on the verge of collapse.

Lin Yun looked at the hysterical Queen Mother, scolding himself for his incompetence, and a smile appeared on his lips.

At this moment, he finally felt the thrill of revenge.

When he thought of his seriously injured eldest wife and the child who died before he was born, the smile on his face gradually turned ferocious.

And walked towards the Queen Mother step by step.

At this time, Meng Yuan, who was lying in a pool of blood, said weakly: "Lin Yun, you must not... kill the Queen Mother!"

He knew very well that once the Queen Mother died, the Meng family would be finished. No matter who became emperor in the future, he would be the first to be liquidated.

After all, Meng Yuan was the first powerful official to seek refuge with the Queen Mother, and in the past few years, he had made suggestions, bewitched the Crown Prince, and even deceived the emperor.

Picking any crime at random would be enough to make the Meng family die without a burial place, or even be executed by the Nine Clans.

The Eighth Sage King laughed and said: "Meng Zhongtang, Lin Yun is avenging his wife, what else do you have to say?"

Meng Yuan said bitterly: "Li Mu, you despicable and shameless villain, I am so blind that I chose you as my son-in-law!"

Lin Yun was too lazy to pay attention to what was going on behind him. He came to the back of the Queen Mother and pointed his gun directly at her.

The Queen Mother looked at Lin Yun with a crazy look on her face. She didn't know whether she was pretending to be crazy or was really being driven crazy.

But to Lin Yun, this is not important anymore. He caused quite a stir this time. Although he used force to forcibly break through the imperial power of the Li family, he could not kill everyone.

Therefore, the Queen Mother must take the blame.

This is very important to him, because he has no intention of wearing a yellow robe and proclaiming himself emperor immediately.

Because the time is not yet ripe, Lin Yun does not want to be someone else's target.

Just when everyone thought that the Queen Mother must die, the Emperor, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said: "Stop!!"

Lin Yun showed an intriguing smile and glanced sideways behind him.

"What? The Emperor has something to say? My eldest wife was killed, resulting in the miscarriage of my seven-month-old child. Don't you even have the right to punish the murderer?"

The emperor looked at Lin Yun with a complicated expression. For the first time in more than ten years, he was afraid of someone.

"Lin Yun, the Queen Mother is my mother after all. Although she has done something wrong, she is not worthy of death! Can you give me some face?"

(End of this chapter)

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