wealthy lord

Chapter 793 Qi Rui’s Highlight Moment

Chapter 793 Qi Rui’s Highlight Moment

Peng Ji and others slowly stood up and stared at him.

At this time, Shi Bao said in a deep voice: "Why is Commander Qi so aggressive? I have worked hard for the imperial court this time, so I deserve some benefits. What's more, this time the general led his troops to make great achievements, doesn't the imperial court intend to reward him? Even if It’s okay here!”

"Of course, if Commander Qi is willing to settle the matter, he can also get a share of the pie..."

"Enough!" Qi Rui yelled angrily: "Shi Bao, do you know that unsealing the tax money privately is a capital crime of beheading? Also, do you really think the regent is so easily deceived?"

Shi Bao sneered and said: "That's it! Why are you Qi Rui pretending to be a loyal minister? There is no need to put gold on Lin Yun's face. Nowadays, everyone in the civil and military dynasties knows that Lin Yun is the biggest corrupt official. Even if this general is a little greedy, he is still worse than Lin Yun. Not even a fraction of his price!”

Qi Rui said in a cold voice: "Okay! What kind of master he is, what kind of slave he has cultivated! I didn't expect that even the Eight Wise Kings would surrender, and you, the mere military commander of the Shenji Battalion, actually dare to speak ill of the regent. It seems that I have to perform my duties for the imperial court today!"

As he spoke, he pressed the gun bolt with his thumb, making a crisp sound.

Now all it takes is Qi Rui to pull the trigger, and Shi Bao's head will be opened.

Peng Ji and a dozen officers and soldiers also aimed their guns at Qi Rui.

"Commander Qi, you must think carefully. If you dare to shoot General Shi, you will also be buried with him..."

Peng Ji said gloomily.

He is Shi Bao's loyal confidant. If Shi Bao has any bad intentions, then he will be finished.

Qi Rui smiled contemptuously and threw the imperial golden sword hidden in his arms on the ground.

"You all know it, right?"

"The Royal Gift of the Golden Sword!!"

An officer and soldier shouted, and all the officers and soldiers were frightened and backed away.

Peng Ji and Shi Bao were completely disappointed when they saw the golden sword given by Yu.

Qi Rui said in a deep voice: "Seeing the golden sword given by the emperor is like seeing the Holy Lord, why don't you kneel down and worship? I am ordered to enforce the law. If you dare to shoot, it is treason. There will be no place for you in the Daduan Dynasty in the future. ! Moreover, you should know what the regent is capable of, even if he hides in the end of the world, he will definitely die!"

Everyone looked at each other in shock, and the last dozen officers and soldiers could only kneel on the ground obediently and put down the bamboo guns in their hands.

They couldn't bear it when Qi Rui took on such a big hat. What's more, even if they absconded for the money, their whole family couldn't escape.

Only Peng Ji was still pointing his gun at Qi Rui, and his face was already quite ugly.

Qi Rui looked grim: "Peng Ji, right? Are you really going to commit treason?"

Peng Ji hesitated and said in a low voice: "Commander Qi, I have no intention of treason, and I hope you can be noble. We don't want the money anymore, but can this matter be overturned? If you don't agree, it will be tantamount to If Xiaguan's life is cut off, then Xiaguan has no choice but to take risks! "

Qi Rui understood that he was speaking from the bottom of his heart, and nodded: "That's no problem! I have no enmity with you, and there is no need to offend anyone! Let me tell you what I mean, if I hadn't acted under orders, I wouldn't have done it at all. have a finger in the pie!"

Seeing that Peng Ji had been persuaded, Shi Bao angrily shouted: "Idiot, if you believe his lies, you will die!"

As he spoke, he struggled hard, as if he didn't believe that Qi Rui really dared to shoot.

Qi Rui cursed in his heart when he saw Peng Ji had lowered his gun and raised it again. Without saying a word, he aimed at him and shot him.


There was an explosion, and the officers and soldiers outside the camp were startled, and they quickly gathered here, but no one dared to break into the camp easily. But Peng Ji's head had been opened, and he unconsciously took two steps forward with his legs. Finally, he fell to the ground with a thud and died, with blood flowing down the river. It looked very miserable.

All the officers and soldiers kneeling on the ground were frightened.

This was the first time they saw a person shot at close range, so tragically.

But Shi Bao only paused for a moment and continued to struggle. Qi Rui hit him hard on the back of the head with the butt of his gun.

Shi Bao felt his eyes go dark and didn't know anything anymore.

When he woke up, he was already tied up.

Qi Rui was sitting at the main seat drinking real tea.

"General Shi is awake?"

"Hmph, Qi Rui, if you dare, kill me now! Otherwise, when this general escapes, I will be the first to kill you!"

Qi Rui sighed helplessly and turned to look to one side.

"Mr. Xiang, did you hear everything this time? This Shi Bao is so bold. He wants to embezzle taxes and money for personal gain, and he also wants to silence the court officials. What do you think we should do?"

Xiang Chong sat aside, gently stroking his beard, and said, "General Shi, you are confused! These taxes have been reported to the court a long time ago, and you actually allow your subordinates to withhold the taxes. Isn't this deception? Prince Regent It’s not as stupid as you think! Do you still think that you have caused a big disaster and the Eight Wise Kings can intercede for you?”

This sentence was like the straw that broke the camel's back, making Shi Bao completely despair.

"Mr. Xiang, the Eighth Prince has really given up?"

"Is this still false? Hey, General Shi has committed a major crime this time. If he still wants to survive, there is only one way left!"

Shi Bao asked: "Please give me some advice from Mr. Xiang..."

Xiang Chong had already discussed it with Qi Rui while he was unconscious.

Xiang Chong said solemnly: "That's just asking for forgiveness!"

"No! If this general pleads guilty, this matter will be completely exposed! Can't you two really give this general a chance to change his ways?"

Qi Rui said coldly: "If you hadn't said anything nonsense just now, Peng Ji would not have died. There is still time for this matter, but now... Peng Ji is a general of the Shenji Battalion after all, and it is impossible for him to die in an unknown way. …In the end, it’s your own fault!”

Xiang Chong sighed: "General Shi, no matter how much I talk to Commander Qi now, you will not be able to feel the changes in the capital. Only when you experience it yourself will you understand how difficult the current regent is! Let you To plead guilty is to save your life. If you insist on saving face now, then only death will be waiting for you in the end!"

Qi Rui added: "That's right! I also understand some of the regent's temper. If you take the initiative to plead guilty, he may give you a chance, but if this matter is reported back to the court, then not only you will die, but also the Eight Wise Kings I will all suffer from you..."

Shi Bao's psychological defense completely collapsed. He was tied up with five flowers, lying on his side on the ground, and said: "Shi Bao is willing to listen to the words of the two adults and stand on the thorn to apologize to the regent!"

Xiang Chong and Qi Rui looked at each other and smiled, and both breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, I got this stone treasure.

If Lin Yun hadn't admired Shi Bao's abilities so much, the one Qi Rui shot to death just now wasn't Peng Ji, but Shi Bao.

Afterwards, a soldier untied the rope from Shi Bao.

(End of this chapter)

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