wealthy lord

Chapter 81 I don’t believe it at all

Chapter 81 I don’t believe it at all

However, Qiu Guangri is so shrewd and sophisticated, he knows that everything must be balanced.

Everyone below me knows that I am greedy for money, but if I want to succeed for a long time, I must leave a way for the people below me to survive.

That is to say, I eat meat and let everyone drink soup. As long as I don't do it too much, Qiu Guangri will turn a blind eye.


Qiu Guangri nodded, put down the account book in his hand, and said with a smile: "Manager Ma did a good job! This record is clear and clear!"

After all, Ma Ji's ethics were a bit poor, and he thought he had really blinded Qiu Guangri, so he immediately smiled and said, "It's the adults who lead well, and the villains who just do things impartially!"

At this moment, the sound of boots was heard outside the door, and a figure walked quickly.

"Dad! The child needs to see you for something!"

Qiu Yi stood in front of the door, his luxurious robe already soaked, looking a little embarrassed.

However, these were nothing compared to his mood.

Qiu Guangri said in a deep voice: "Come in!"


Only then did Qiu Yi push the door open and enter.

When he saw Ma Ji, Qiu Yi immediately clasped his fists and said, "I've seen Manager Ma!"

In Yucheng Mansion, Ma Ji's position was second only to Qiu Guangri, the chief official.

But he did not dare to show any slightness to Qiu Yi and quickly returned the greeting: "Mr. Qiu, you are too polite!"

At this time, Qiu Guangri frowned and said, "Why did you go? Are you in such a mess? Why don't you change your clothes?"

"Dad! The child is in an emergency and there is no time to change clothes! You want to hear what I have to say!"

Saying that, Qiu Yi glanced at Ma Ji deliberately.

Ma Ji understood instantly and said, "Sir, I will resign from my humble position!"

With that said, he turned around to leave.

But Qiu Guangri immediately said: "Don't leave yet! I have something to explain later!"


Ma Ji can only stay.

"If you have anything to say, just say it. Manager Ma is not an outsider!"

Qiu Guangri said in a deep voice.

Seeing this, Qiu Yi could only nod and said, "Dad, it's raining outside! Do you know what's going on?"

Qiu Guangri looked confused, looked at Ma Ji, and sneered: "It rains when it rains, and you still want to find out the reason? What? Are you stupid after drinking flower wine?"

Although Ma Ji didn't dare to make fun of him, looking at his expression, he knew he was suppressing a smile.

He knew very well that his master was not used to his only son at all.

I also understand that father and son usually play their own roles, especially Qiu Yi, who has been secretly cultivating his own power over the years.

This made Qiu Guangri extremely dissatisfied.

But the father and son never mentioned these things face to face, and Qiu Guangri also kept pretending to be stupid.

"No...Dad, please listen to me first! The child followed your instructions and went to Niubei Village to meet Lin Yun! During this period, Lin Yun made a bet with the child, saying that he could make it rain and solve the problem of Niubei Mountain. A drought and no rain environment!" Qiu Yi looked bitter, not being recognized by his father made him very depressed.

Qiu Guangri understood instantly, stood up suddenly, and said, "You mean, the rain outside is caused by Lin Yun?"

"That's right! Yesterday, I went to Niubei Village to pick up the four men sent by Lin Yun. I saw him doing research at home. He said it was going to rain. Just one day later, it really rained! So, this rain , 80% of it has something to do with him!"

Qiu Guangri suddenly raised his head and laughed.

"Ha ha!!"

Ma Ji also smiled shyly this time and said: "Sir, I once had a relationship with Mr. Lin in a humble position. To be honest, he is indeed a person! But to say that he can make it rain? Isn't this nonsense? ?How can this be?"

Ma Ji shook his head helplessly, feeling that Qiu Yi was so stupid today.

Qiu Guangri said in a deep voice: "Are you crazy, kid? It is true that Lin Yun is powerful, but there is no need to demonize him! If he has the ability to make it rain, wouldn't he be a living god descending to earth? Boy, you Do you really think your father is dizzy?"

"Hey! Dad, I know it's hard to win your trust by saying this! Otherwise, how about you come with me to Niubei Village in person? We'll know as soon as we see you!"

Qiu Yi wanted to speak clearly so that his father could prepare in advance and at least not underestimate Lin Yun.

But Qiu Guangri immediately objected: "Impossible! I am the governor of Yucheng Prefecture, how can I go to Niubei Village in person? Is it a bad idea that Lin Yun gave you?"

Seeing this, Qiu Yi finally understood that no matter how much he said, he could not convince his father.

However, he could understand it, after all, what happened was too absurd.

At this moment, he also felt that he was too arbitrary.

After thinking about it, Qiu Yi said in a deep voice: "Since dad doesn't want to believe it, then I'll leave first! However, there is one more thing, I hope you can listen to it, dad!"

"Say it!" Qiu Guangri said patiently.

"Then Lin Yun's next step is to grow grain on a large scale in Niubei Village. Once successful, Dad should understand what this means, right?"

Qiu Yi has already spoken his mind.

Then, turn around and leave.

He was holding back his anger, so he kindly reminded him and tried a lot of words, but he was regarded as a lunatic.

Qiu Guangri watched her son leave, the smile on her face faded, and she sat back in the chair.

At this time, Ma Ji said: "Sir, although the eldest son likes to live and drink, he never violates principles. Now that he has spoken, he will not target without reason. Then Lin Yun does have a problem! Let's be careful. wonderful!"

"Hmm..." Qiu Guangri responded, picked up the teacup and took a sip, and continued: "There is indeed something fishy! But if Lin Yun can really let Niubei Village open up wasteland to grow food, he will definitely solve the food shortage in our Yucheng Prefecture. Question! We no longer have to spend a lot of money to buy food in Haocheng Mansion."

"Sir, Li'er is so reasonable, but the eldest son's worries are not unreasonable! Lin Yun already has deadly firearms in his hands. If he can be self-sufficient in food, he will be tantamount to treason. capital! This matter..."

Ma Ji looked worried. In fact, he wanted to take the initiative and go to Niubei Village again.

Lin Yun had given him two hundred taels of benefits last time, which was still fresh in his memory, and he knew that Niubei Village was extremely rich now.

Of course, that's only relatively speaking.

Qiu Guangri smiled contemptuously and said: "This kind of thing is simply impossible. Do you really think that I am a vegetarian? Forget it... Since Manager Ma has spoken, I will leave this matter to you! It's good to find out the truth! However, We need Lin Yun’s help now, so don’t offend him! If you ruin something important for me, be careful with your head!”

Ma Ji was secretly happy in his heart, and immediately bowed and said: "When you do things in a humble position, you should keep your heart in mind! There will definitely be no problems!"

"Okay, then go down! In addition, I heard that the imperial court sent an imperial envoy, who is currently in Haocheng. If you have time in the next few days, you can make a trip and send me some money!"

Ma Ji nodded quickly and said, "Sir, how about giving me a thousand taels?"

(End of this chapter)

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