wealthy lord

Chapter 873: Speak for the People and Follow God's Will

Chapter 873: Speak for the People and Follow God's Will

Made a wedding dress for Guan Haiyue.

This is something Li Mu absolutely cannot tolerate.

Everyone looked at the Eighth Wise King with some strangeness, but everyone could understand his feelings.

Guan Haiyue's betrayal completely shattered all the ambitions of the Eighth Wise Kings.

In this regard, Lin Yun was too lazy to pay attention to him, and said in a deep voice: "It's a traitor! Everyone has the right to kill him! There is nothing to say, Mr. Du, there is no need to beat around the bush, just say it directly!"

Du Sheng nodded: "This traitor should be Meng Yuan!"

"What!! Is it him?"

"How is it possible? This old man still won't give up?"

"Hey, the Regent was merciful and let him go last time, but he actually did something stupid like this! He is so stubborn and stupid!"

Some of the old men were cursing, while others were sighing with emotion.

Although several of these old men had fallen and been tortured badly since Lin Yun came to Beijing to become an official, Lin Yun never killed them.

Otherwise, Fu Lin'an would have died long ago, and the Eighth Wise King would not have been pardoned and reinstated.

Even when Meng Yuan colluded with the Queen Mother and caused Lin Wu Yue to have a miscarriage, Lin Yun still did not kill him, but simply imprisoned him for his retirement.

But his suicidal behavior this time was to force Lin Yun to kill him.

This is a very dangerous signal. Once Meng Yuan becomes the first powerful official to die at the hands of Lin Yun, it will be a precedent, and anything can happen in the future.

The Eighth Wise King managed to stand up. Although his left leg had recovered a lot, it had taken a hundred days for the broken bone to heal and it was still not fully recovered.

He could only limp forward and bow to Lin Yun: "Please ask the Regent to order Meng Yuan to be handed over to me for disposal. I will definitely satisfy the prince!"

Lin Yun nodded with a smile: "Okay! This is the first time that the Eighth Prince has been on duty since his comeback, so please don't let me down!"


Having said that, he didn't even sit in the wheelchair and limped out. The guards around him came to support him, but he pushed them away roughly.

Everyone saw it and understood why Li Mu was so proactive.

Lin Yun gave him the opportunity to perform in preparation for the next step of dealing with the Li family members.

At this time, Lin Yun asked curiously: "Mr. Du, please explain it in detail! What does this code mean?"

Du Sheng said in a deep voice: "First of all, I recognized it at first sight. This handwriting was from Meng Yuan. This old man loves calligraphy and is quite famous. I have several of his original works in my hometown! Secondly, this code was actually deliberately broken up and reassembled by him! If we piece it together, the truth will be revealed!"

"Zi and Shan together make Meng, Guang and Fu together make Fu, and Yumen refers to the Imperial Study. Shisanyao is the thirteenth prince born to Li Jing and Tong Xiangrou, but this child has a miserable life. He was strangled to death by the umbilical cord at birth!"

"Li Jing believed in Buddhism and thought that it was retribution for the killings he had committed before, so he used the child's ashes to condense a Buddha amulet and placed it in the Buddhist shrine to pray for the child's soul to be reborn soon! Only Xiao Lao and Meng Yuan knew about this! If I am not mistaken, there is a secret passage in the imperial study that leads directly to the Meng Mansion! The late Queen Tong Xiangrou must have escaped from the palace at midnight under the guidance of Meng Yuan!"

As soon as these words were spoken, all the powerful officials present began to talk about it.

He secretly sighed at Meng Yuan's audacity.

Lin Yun had already given him a chance. He had landed safely and was living out his days in the capital. He had never given up in his life.

But it is really puzzling that he had to get involved in this matter.

However, Fu Lin'an and others were not aware of the Thirteenth Prince's affairs. The old queen mother had always been dissatisfied with the late emperor Li Jing, so she could only vent her anger on the queen Tong Xiangrou.

The thirteenth prince died young, most likely at the hands of the old empress dowager. This is another internal grudge within the Li family.

At this time, Lin Yun suddenly stood up, walked around the desk and praised: "Old Du is worthy of being the chief minister of the National Academy. This move solved the problem that troubled the king and all the ministers! I really admire you!"

Du Sheng smiled bitterly, clasped his fists and said, "Your Majesty, you are too kind! I am just a grain of light, how dare I compete with the bright moon! It's just a coincidence!"

Lin Yun knew that this old man had been talking big all his life and could even fool people to death, so he was too lazy to respond.

He turned his head and looked at everyone, and said in a deep voice: "Qi Changyun..."

"The subordinate is here!"

"Lead your royal guards to the imperial study in the palace to check! If you confirm that there is a passage leading directly to the Meng Mansion, cover it up immediately! At the same time, invite the two brothers to the imperial study and tell them that the king wants to discuss something with them!"

Qi Changyun didn't dare to ask more questions, and quickly bowed and left.

Fu Linan was surprised and asked, "My Lord, could it be that they were also involved in the escape of the late queen?"

Lin Yun sneered, "What else? Do you think that if there is no insider in the palace, a woman like Tong Xiangrou can escape from the inner court of the palace?"

Fu Lin'an smiled awkwardly and could only lower his head.

In his opinion, if the old prince and the current emperor were really involved in this matter, it would give Lin Yun an opportunity to take action.

If Lin Yun investigates further or makes a big fuss about this matter, there is a great possibility that he will directly become emperor.

After all, Tong Mingchang had already pleaded guilty and admitted the fact that the Tong family had drained the foundation of the Daduan Dynasty over the years, and asked Tong Xiangrou to lead the younger generation of the Tong family to join the Daqian Dynasty.

The old crown prince and the current emperor are accomplices of the Tong family, which is tantamount to treason.

There has never been a monarch or emperor in history who betrayed his country.

In the study, not only Fu Linan, Du Sheng, Zheng Youli, but also Ye Ruhui and Xue Kai, all keenly noticed Lin Yun's intentions.

At this moment, Du Sheng suddenly became excited and clasped his fists and said, "Prince Regent, can I ask you a question?"

Lin Yun was stunned at first, but then he understood what was going on and said playfully, "Ask, Mr. Du!"

"May I ask if the Regent wants to restore the Great Duan Dynasty? Lead the people of the world to live a good life?"

Lin Yun sighed: "Of course, I am not the kind of regent who loves to show off and warmonger!"

Du Sheng nodded and knelt on the ground with a plop: "The Regent King is the dragon vein of Da Duan, dormant in these thousands of miles of mountains and rivers!"

"Therefore, for the sake of the people of the world, for the common people, and for the eternal prosperity of the Great Duan Dynasty, I dare to hope that the Regent can ascend the throne and become emperor as soon as possible. This is in accordance with the will of heaven!"

Du Sheng knew very well that Lin Yun would not be angry if he said this, but would be very happy instead.

He did this out of helplessness. Although Lin Yun was only the regent now, he had already seized all the power, and it was only a matter of time before he ascended the throne and became emperor.

Therefore, in order to protect himself, he must be the first elder to support Lin Yun to ascend the throne.

As soon as these words were spoken, Fulin, An Xue Kai, and Zheng Youli all cursed Du Sheng inwardly as an old fox, and they all knelt on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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