wealthy lord

Chapter 895: Fierce Argument, Analyzing the Situation

Chapter 895: Fierce Argument, Analyzing the Situation

Guan Haiyue opened the secret letter and read it quickly, but the smile on her face gradually froze.

Then, he flew into a rage, threw the secret document in his hand to the ground, and shouted angrily: "You bastard Lin Yun, I, Guan Haiyue, will never coexist with you!!"

Lu Zongqing frowned and asked, "What happened? What made you, Guan Haiyue, so angry?"

Guan Haiyue ignored him and looked at the guard kneeling on the ground, and said in a deep voice: "Quickly summon Wei Feng to the audience!"

The guard looked up at him and said hesitantly, "Your Majesty, I just received news that Elder Wei's scabies has relapsed and he is recuperating at home..."

"You bastard! If I tell you to shout, go ahead! If you say one more word, I'll take your head!"

Yes, yes! Your Majesty, please calm down. I will go right away!
Having said that, the guard stood up and ran out without looking back.

Then, Guan Haiyue said in a deep voice: "General Lu, the front line just reported that the 30,000 defenders I had placed in Fufeng County have been wiped out! According to the spies on the front line, it was Lin Yun who led the army in person, and brought a very powerful weapon called the Thunder Cannon, which blew open the gate tower of Liucheng! Moreover, he has already announced his ascension to the throne! What should we do? What should we do!"

This time, Guan Haiyue was really panicked. He was able to sit back and relax because he had listened to the strategies of his adviser Wei Feng.

But now the situation has changed suddenly. Lin Yun has taken out a powerful weapon that can break into the city by force. If he continues to move north, his Hanzhong County will definitely not be able to resist.

Lu Zongqing's mouth curled up: "Your Majesty, why are you panicking? Didn't you already make a plan? If there's nothing else, I'll take my leave first and won't disturb you from discussing countermeasures!"

After that, he turned and left.

Guan Haiyue hurriedly stopped him and said, "General Lu, please calm down! I apologize for what happened just now. Can you wait for Wei Feng to come over so that we can discuss the next countermeasures together?"

Lu Zongqing turned around and looked at him, jokingly saying: "Sure! The arms that the general mentioned before..."

Guan Haiyue gritted her teeth and said, "General Lu, give me a few more days, and the 100,000 bamboo guns will be delivered on time!"

"Huh, that's pretty much it!"

Just relying on the 100,000 brave and battle-hardened troops under his command, once equipped with bamboo guns, their combat effectiveness will definitely not be inferior to any other army. Even if the opponent is Lin Yun, who has more powerful weapons, he has the courage to fight.

He was not worried because he had the support of the Daqian Dynasty. Even if he was defeated in the end, he could retreat to the Black Cliff Fortress.

That's why he dared to send troops to interfere in the civil war of the Great Duan Dynasty.

About half an hour later, hurried footsteps were heard outside the hall.

Four guards came in carrying a rattan chair, and an octogenarian was leaning on it.

He has sparse white hair and looks listless.

Guan Haiyue's eyes lit up, and she hurried forward: "Old Wei, I know you are not in good health, but there is really no other way. I can only invite you to the palace in the middle of the night!"

Wei Feng nodded weakly and said with a gasp: "It's okay! I once said that I would help you unify the world, even if I have to crawl over! Your Majesty, please tell me in detail what happened?" Guan Haiyue nodded and told him about the annihilation of the entire army in Liucheng.

"Mr. Wei, this Lin Yun is really a difficult problem. I heard that he has developed a secret weapon called the Thunder Cannon, which is very powerful for attacking cities and conquering territories! Mr. Wei is very resourceful. Can you teach me a strategy that can help the weak defeat the strong?"

Wei Feng sighed and shook his head helplessly: "It's difficult! It seems that I underestimated Lin Yun's ability! If the artillery can forcibly break into the city, I'm afraid we won't even be able to defend the city!"

Guan Haiyue's expression suddenly changed: "Could it be that I, the emperor, will be driven out of office just after I sit on the throne? Elder Wei, you are the military strategist who assisted the ancestor emperor of the Li family. You must help me come up with a countermeasure!"

Wei Feng stared at him with a complicated expression and said, "Your Majesty, I have a plan, but I don't know whether I should tell you or not!"

"Mr. Wei, please speak quickly. There's no need to beat around the bush! As long as I can defeat Lin Yun, I will do anything!"

"Let's speed up the production of bamboo guns! At the same time, we should submit to Lin Yun! I am sure that Lin Yun will gladly accept it. If the emperor wants to reduce the power of the vassal states, he can make a few requests!"

"First, let the Great Duan Dynasty take out 500 million taels of silver as severance pay for us!"

"Secondly, we must make the Great Duan Dynasty lift the economic blockade of Hanzhong County and resume trade!"

"Third, Crown Prince Guan Yang must be allowed to return to Hanzhong County unconditionally!"

Guan Haiyue fell into deep thought.

Lu Zongqing sneered, "The three demands raised by Elder Wei are impossible for me to accept, not to mention the arrogant Lin Yun! After all, we lost the battle of Liucheng and have already lost the right to speak! The morale of the Great Duan Dynasty must be unstoppable now. Not only will they not agree, but it will also arouse Lin Yun's ferocity. If things go wrong, he will send a large army to attack us and decide the outcome of the battle!"

Guan Haiyue said in a deep voice: "Yes! Mr. Wei, General Lu is right! I'm afraid your plan won't fool Lin Yun!"

Wei Feng smiled contemptuously: "Haha! If we only put forward these three conditions, then Lin Yun will naturally not agree! But what if the emperor promises to hand over Tong Xiangrou?"


Lu Zongqing was furious: "Wei Feng, I advise you to give up this idea as soon as possible! Tong Xiangrou is my aunt, if you dare to use her as bait, I will skin you alive right now!"

His biological mother was the imperial concubine of Emperor Daqian and Tong Xiangrou's elder sister, so Lu Zongqing had to call Tong Xiangrou "Aunt".

Guan Haiyue smiled bitterly and said, "General Lu, calm down~!" Then, he looked at Wei Feng and continued, "Old Wei, I have already made a gentleman's agreement with Tong Mingchang, promising to protect Tong Xiangrou's safety! Therefore, this is really not feasible!"

Wei Feng suddenly looked at Lu Zongqing and said in a deep voice: "General Lu, do you think your aunt's life is more important, or your Daqian Dynasty's country and people are more important?"

"Humph, of course the country is more important! But the life of this general's aunt is equally important!"

Wei Feng sneered, "The previous Great Duan Dynasty had already decayed and declined under the leadership of that brat Li Jing. Even without external intervention, it would have collapsed within ten years! But since Lin Yun appeared, the Great Duan Dynasty has reversed its decline! You, Lu Zongqing, are not only a general who leads troops to fight, but also the Prince Qing of the Daqian Dynasty. You must understand how big a threat Lin Yun poses to your Lu family, right?"

"Based on the ambition and ability that Lin Yun has shown, once Hanzhong County is lost, your Daqian Dynasty will be defenseless! A mere Emperor Mountain Range cannot stop his expansion! When Lin Yun's forces suddenly appear in Daqian in the future, the price your Lu family will pay will be far more than just Tong Xiangrou!"

(End of this chapter)

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