wealthy lord

Chapter 918: Bad news comes, go all out?

Chapter 918: Bad news comes, go all out?

On the contrary, the Qi family father and son chose to acquiesce, which was also a gesture of goodwill to Lin Yun, hoping that Lin Yun could let the Qi family off the hook.

At this time, there was a rush of footsteps outside the door.

Everyone looked back and saw an intelligence soldier wearing light armor with two small red flags on his back walking quickly into the room.

"Your Majesty, urgent news from Chujiang County, eight hundred miles away!"

Lin Yun stood up suddenly and asked, "What's going on? Tell me!"

"Seven days ago, General Shi Bao led 30,000 elite soldiers from the Divine Machine Camp and marched deep into the sacred capital of the Panda Royal Court, the Wa Lian Village! A fierce exchange of fire took place with the enemy's 130,000-strong army!"

After these words were spoken, everyone held their breath and looked at the intelligence soldier nervously.

Lin Yun asked anxiously: "What's the result?"

The intelligence soldier looked guilty and clasped his fists and said, "The 30,000 elite troops of the Shenji Battalion were annihilated, killing more than 80,000 enemy troops! They also detonated hundreds of mines in the Panda Holy City, causing huge losses to the enemy!"


Lin Yun raised his hand and overturned the table beside him, making a loud noise.

He was furious, and all the powerful officials present were frightened. They dared not breathe and kept their heads down.

They understood that the Panda royal court was finished.

Now it depends on whether Lin Yun’s two wives are okay. If they are dead, given Lin Yun’s protective character, he will definitely launch a bloody revenge, and it is estimated that the grassland will be flooded with blood.

Lin Yun angrily asked, "Where are my two beloved concubines? Are they still alive?"

"Both Concubine Wu and Concubine Ye were captured alive by the Pandakhan King Wu Meng and detained in the Holy Capital Palace!"

Finally, the intelligence soldier took out a letter from the Panda royal court.

"Your Majesty, please take a look. This is a handwritten letter from Khan Wumeng to you."

Lin Yun patiently took the letter and opened it. He first saw some polite words written in the two languages! The second page contained several conditions proposed by Wu Meng to him.

The first thing was to make the Great Duan Dynasty recognize the legitimacy of Wumeng's succession to King Panda Khan.

Secondly, he hoped that the Great Duan Dynasty would gift him a batch of arms and ammunition.

Finally, Wu Meng expressed his willingness to reunite with the Great Duan Dynasty, but he would never be held responsible for the battle at Wa Lian Village.

As long as Lin Yun agrees, the Panda royal court will extradite his two wives and Wu Li back to the Great Duan Kingdom.

Lin Yun stared at the contents of the letter with an expressionless face.

But it was hard for the ministers standing on both sides.

They have all seen Lin Yun's temper. If he shows anger, it proves that he still has time to maneuver. If he suddenly laughs, it proves that everything is under control.

But if you suddenly become expressionless, that would be a serious problem.

This indicates that there will most likely be another bloody massacre.

At this time, Lin Yun finally came to his senses, and the letter of credence slipped through his fingers and fell to the ground.

"Lin family's great elder Lin Biao and Lin family's three-army commander Lin Fuling are still in Mucheng, right?"

This sudden question left everyone a little overwhelmed.

Seeing that the nobles were silent, Lin Yun frowned and asked, "Are they all mute?" Qi Rui quickly clasped his fists and said, "Your Majesty, they are indeed still in Mucheng! They will probably return to Fengyang County in the next few days!"

"Okay, order Lin Biao and Lin Fuling to return to Fengyang County immediately and prepare for war!"

"According to the order!"

Qi Rui responded, turned around and went out to instruct his confidants outside on the task.

Fu Lin'an knew that Lin Yun was furious, but as a subject, he had to speak, otherwise the problem would only become more difficult to resolve.

"Your Majesty, are you planning to have the Lin Family Army and the Panda Royal Court formally declare war?"

Lin Yun said in a deep voice: "Why not?"

"The Panda Royal Court is not worth mentioning, but Your Majesty, don't forget that our attention is still on the King of Han and the Daqian Dynasty behind him! If we send troops rashly, we will not be able to take care of both ends, and it will also give them enough time to prepare for war!"

Fu Linan clasped his fists.

Qi Changyun also said, "Your Majesty, what Fu Zhongtang said makes sense! It's just a mere Panda Royal Court. Your Majesty can destroy it at any time in the future! But if you suddenly change the strategic direction now, it will be a taboo in military strategy!"

Lin Yun raised his eyes to look at them and said, "According to what you two nobles meant, do you want me to swallow my anger? Wu Meng actually asked for hundreds of thousands of weapons and equipment from me! If the current court can provide so much equipment at once, I don't mind fighting on two fronts!"

At this time, Li Mu said respectfully: "Your Majesty, I think we should send out a large number of troops this time! Completely eliminate this uncertainty factor!"

Fu Linan snorted coldly: "It's easy for the Eighth Prince to say that! Although the current treasury has some foundation, it can't withstand a two-front war! You have also led troops before, don't you understand that war is all about logistics support? Once the war starts, the daily consumption of food and grass will be astronomical!"

Li Mu sneered, "I know what Fu Zhongtang is worried about, and Your Majesty knows it even better! But Wu Meng asked for hundreds of thousands of pieces of equipment right away. Can Fu Zhongtang give them all?"


Fu Lin'an was suddenly speechless.

What Li Mu said did make sense. The other party had put forward a demand that the Great Duan Dynasty could not accept. So what was there to talk about?
If we can really take out so much equipment at once, we might as well start a war directly.

"Your Majesty, I still think this matter needs to be considered carefully! War cannot be started lightly! The 30,000 Shenji Battalion under Shi Bao's command were all elite troops, and they were sacrificed just like that! Behind them are 30,000 families, and the pensions paid by the court to these 30,000 families are an astronomical figure!"

Lin Yun raised his hand to interrupt, "Enough! It's not that I don't understand what Fu Zhongtang and Master Qi mean! But can you really understand what I'm thinking?"


Everyone looked at each other, but no one dared to speak.

After all, Lin Yun is now the emperor, not the regent he was before.

So, who dares to talk about him?

Even if they can understand it, they dare not speak it out.

Lin Yun continued, "I am not the Li Jing of the past who would shrink back when faced with diplomatic issues! If I were to go to war with the Daqian Dynasty, I would indeed have to make a careful decision, but the Panda Royal Court would not make me hesitate to act rashly!"

"Didn't Fu Zhongtang say that wars are fought for logistical support? You're right! Under normal circumstances, this is indeed the way to go! But I am a tough guy who came from a grassroots background and worked my way up step by step! Therefore, this time when we go to war against the Panda Royal Court, the 200,000-strong Lin family army has no supplies. Apart from the food, fodder, weapons and ammunition they carry with them, they have only the determination to fight to the death!"

"If we win, the entire Panda Royal Court will be enough to restore our health! At the same time, it will also let those foreign countries around us who are eyeing us covetously understand that our Great Duan Dynasty can not only go to war with equal powers head-on, but also go to war with those short-sighted small and medium-sized countries at the same time! Anyone who is not afraid of death can give it a try!"

Everyone secretly sighed that Lin Yun was a madman. This was simply a huge gamble.

And they are betting on both sides, leaving no way out.

(End of this chapter)

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