wealthy lord

Chapter 92: Build a granary and make money every day

Chapter 92: Build a granary and make money every day
  "I can't guarantee it, but the yield should be around 300 kilograms per mu!"

The old village chief didn't dare to tell the truth. If it really didn't meet the estimate, he would be slapped in the face.

"Okay!! It seems that our Niubei Village is going to have a good year this year!"

Lin Yun smiled playfully.

The old village chief asked curiously: "Mr. Lin, have you got any good news?"

Lin Yun turned to look at him, nodded and said, "Not bad!"

After that, he told Ma Ji what he had just said about the lack of food in Haocheng and the possibility of the imperial envoy coming to patrol.

The old village chief took a breath of cold air.

He said in surprise: "Mr. Lin, this is a great thing! If an imperial envoy comes to patrol, Niubei Village will definitely stand out!"

“I can’t say it’s absolutely a good thing, I can only say it’s a mixed blessing!”

It was precisely because Lin Yun had analyzed some possibilities with Ma Ji and several other ladies just now that he was so conflicted.


The old village chief looked puzzled. If it wasn't a good thing that the imperial envoy came to inspect, then it really wasn't a good thing.

"This year, many areas in Fengyang County have been hit by drought, resulting in insufficient food supply. According to Mr. Fu Yin's consistent performance, for the sake of his own career, he is afraid that he will use this year's food in Niubei Village for disaster relief!"

Lin Yun still expressed his worries.

As the head of Niubei Village, he is naturally qualified to know about this matter.

Sure enough, when the old village chief heard the news, his expression suddenly turned ugly.

Lin Yun comforted: "So, for the long-term interests of our Niubei Village, I plan to harvest in advance. If there are 300,000 kilograms of grain produced, I will falsely report 200,000 kilograms. This way, we will have surplus grain in hand, no matter what happens." Don’t panic!”

The old village chief gave a thumbs up and said approvingly: "Master Lin is still the one who has the foresight! Then let's do it! None of these corrupt officials are good!! In addition, no matter how well Mr. Lin arranges, the young man will definitely organize the villagers, even if they work overtime, , we must also harvest food in advance and never give them a chance to plot against us!"

Lin Yun nodded and said: "Okay! That's it, you always estimate the date of harvesting the wheat fields, and then start three days in advance! Remember, this matter cannot be publicized!"

"Understood! Xiao Lao will go back and hold a meeting with them now!"

The old village chief turned to leave.

"Wait a moment!!"

Lin Yun's plan has not yet been arranged.

The old village chief stopped quickly.

"Master Lin, do you have any other instructions?"

"Organize the villagers tomorrow to dig a larger cellar in the village to store grain! Remember, this cellar is used to store grain. The site must be dry and ventilated! Before harvesting the wheat field , the cellar must be prepared, and I will personally inspect it when the time comes!"

Lin Yun had been thinking about this issue just now.

But because the workload was unusually large, he was afraid that the villagers would be resentful.

The old village chief hesitated, nodded and said, "Okay!"

Then, turn around and leave.

Calculating the time, there are still more than two months until the crops are harvested.

If we start digging the cellar tomorrow, we will definitely not be idle for more than two months, and we will even be very tired.

Moreover, after digging the cellar, you may have to harvest crops without stopping.

But no matter how tired he is, he must comfort the villagers. After all, all the efforts and contributions he makes now are laying the foundation for the future. Lin Yun arranged everything and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After the tasks are assigned, the pressure falls on the old village chief. What to do and whether he can do it well will test the old village chief's organizational ability.


On the other side, Ma Ji brought back a hundred bottles of perfume and immediately sent people to deliver the perfume to the homes of dignitaries.

In less than a week, he recovered three thousand taels of silver and made a net profit of one thousand taels.

One thousand taels of silver a week is equivalent to four thousand taels of silver a month.

This kind of speed of making money is absolutely unique.

Even faster than Qiu Guangri's greed for money, which made Ma Ji completely give up on Lin Yun.

But as the saying goes, people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. In just one week, the perfume became popular in most of Yucheng.

Among the upper class in Yucheng, perfume has become a topic of discussion. It is not only loved by celebrities and nobles, but also by women from some scholarly families.

Some even compared the perfume to the ambergris used by the royal family.

Soon, this matter reached Qiu Guangri's ears.

That day, I was sitting at the study table, looking at a secret letter in my hand, with a gloomy expression on my face.

Standing opposite him were Master Chang Yufeng and Chief Internal Affairs Officer Ma Ji.

However, San Yufeng looked calm and even continued to fan himself with a folding fan.

On the contrary, Ma Ji had an indifferent look on his face. He lowered his head slightly and looked at his nose and heart. He seemed calm, but in fact he was panicking.


Qiu Guangri slapped the letter on the table, stood up suddenly, and asked, "Do you two know how Lin Yun sold perfume to dignitaries and celebrities in the city?"

Lin Yun had mentioned to him about selling perfume at the beginning, and even at the celebration banquet that day, Lin Yun even took out trial bottles and gave them to the officials present.

But Qiu Guangri didn't take it to heart at that time.

In his opinion, how much money is a small bottle of perfume worth?

But looking at the information on the letter, I saw that a bottle of perfume that was only the size of a thumb could be sold for a sky-high price of thirty taels of silver, and a hundred bottles were sold.

In other words, one-third of the family members of dignitaries and celebrities in Yucheng today have purchased this perfume!

Chang Yufeng chuckled and said: "Sir, why are you so angry! Lin Yun is just speculating and making some quick money! It's hard to get into the elegant hall! Moreover, my Daduan Divine Court is divided into four levels: scholars, farmers, industry and commerce. Since Lin Yun has lowered his status and is willing to be a merchant, then just let him be!"

Qiu Guangri snorted coldly and said worriedly: "If he didn't have such big ambitions, I wouldn't be worried! I'm afraid that under the guise of doing business, he would secretly use perfume as a guide to form cliques for personal gain! That would be a huge threat! "

Qiu Guangri's ability to say such words proves that he is sensitive enough to see deeper problems.

San Yufeng's smile froze and he frowned secretly.

At this time, Ma Ji, who had been silent, clasped his fists and said: "Sir, Lin Yun's ambition has been exposed for a long time. As the saying goes, it is easy to hide from the hidden arrows. As long as everything is kept on the bright side, it proves that Lin Yun has no intention of hiding anything." What you mean! Since you are all under the eyes of the adults, then why is there any threat?"

He had to say good things for Lin Yun, after all, he was the initiator of all this.

If you really ruin the perfume business, you're digging your own grave.

How could Ma Ji do such a stupid thing? What's more, he has not made enough money yet!

Chang Yufeng nodded and said: "General Manager Ma is right. Sir, this Lin Yun is a talent. We must win over him. Even if we have to suppress him, it is definitely not now! Don't forget, we have already agreed with the Imperial Envoy to go to Niubei Village. Inspection!”

(End of this chapter)

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