wealthy lord

Chapter 922 Repaying others with their own methods

Chapter 922 Repaying others with their own methods
Fu Linan was pleasantly surprised and said, "Your Majesty, since the Daqian Dynasty likes to play the game of internal infiltration, why don't we give them a taste of their own medicine?"

Lin Yun raised his finger and pointed at his old face, jokingly saying: "Old man, this time you and I are on the same page!"

On the side, Li Mu looked at their faces and felt quite disdainful, especially despising Lin Yun.

He totally lacks the spirit of an emperor of a great country, and spends all his time playing these shameful conspiracies.

But he didn't dare to say these words out loud.

In fact, he admired Lin Yun deep in his heart. Whether it was governing the country or foreign policy, to be fair, he was indeed better than his Li family.

Fu Lin'an smiled and said, "Then I wonder who your majesty is going to attack first?"

"Isn't the Qing Prince Lu Zongqing that Tong Xiangrou just mentioned the best candidate? He is in Hanzhong County, leading 100,000 elite troops to hide in Shadow Mountain and train day and night. If I don't choose him, it would be a shame for this hard-earned intelligence!"

Fu Lin'an nodded secretly. He meant the same thing and felt very proud. His idea this time coincided with Lin Yun's, which also proved that he had figured out Lin Yun's thoughts.

This way, it would be much easier for him to serve as an official beside Lin Yun in the future.

"Your Majesty, are you going to ask the Royal Guards to take action?"

Lin Yun shook his head and said, "Not appropriate! If you want to gain the other party's trust, at least he must be a heavyweight in the court! It would be best if he has some hatred towards me..."

Before he could finish, Fu Lin'an understood what was going on and subconsciously looked at the Eighth Wise Kings.

Even if Li Mu was slow to react, he realized something was wrong when he noticed Fu Lin'an's malicious sneer.

"Your Majesty, didn't we already talk before? Have we written off all the previous grudges?"

Lin Yun nodded with a smile, deliberately coaxing him.

"Don't be angry, Eighth Prince. To be honest, you are indeed the best candidate! Now the outside world knows that I have an irreconcilable hatred with your Li family! If you can personally take action and drag that Lu Zongqing, including his biological mother Tong Xiangyu behind him, into the water, I will definitely use you in the future, and will no longer target the Li family members!"

Fu Lin'an also advised: "That's right, Eighth Prince, I have thought about everyone I can think of, and there is indeed no one more suitable than you!"

He couldn't say it too directly in front of Lin Yun, but in Fu Lin'an's opinion, this was one of the few opportunities for Li Mu to change his fate.

Li Mu sighed inwardly, realizing that he could not escape this tough job.

Playfully: "Your Majesty, do you trust me so much? Aren't you afraid that I will reveal your plan to others after meeting Lu Zongqing?"

Lin Yun smiled and said, "There is nothing to be afraid of! If the Eighth Prince wants to sacrifice thousands of members of the Li family for his own glory and wealth, then I will accept it! At worst, I can just give up this infiltration plan!"

Li Mu sighed: "Your Majesty, do you keep your word? You won't suddenly change your mind when I succeed..."

"Don't worry! As long as the Eighth Prince doesn't let me down, I will never let you down!"

"Okay! Now that we've come to this point! I'll take on this mission! However, as the Prince of Qing, Lu Zongqing is still trusted by the Emperor of Daqian and led a hundred thousand troops to station in Hanzhong County. I'm sure he's not a fool! It's probably not easy to gain his trust, right?"

Li Mu gave an intriguing smile.

The expression on his face was as if he was about to ask Lin Yun for a benefit.

Lin Yun said in a deep voice: "Of course! I'm risking my life this time! Before leaving, Prince Eighth, you can take away a batch of bamboo guns as a token of your loyalty to Lv Zongqing!"

Li Mu nodded and asked tentatively: "Then I wonder how many are there in one batch?"

Lin Yun frowned secretly, hesitating. This batch of weapons cannot be too few, nor can it be too many.

Otherwise it would be difficult to deceive Lu Zongqing.

At this time, Fu Lin'an said: "Your Majesty, why not let the Eighth Sage Prince take away 30,000 bamboo guns! The number is not too much, not too little, it can make Lu Zongqing tempted, and it will not help them improve their combat effectiveness too much!"

Today, bamboo guns have become the most common weapon, and a mere tens of thousands of guns are not enough to change the situation of the war.

In particular, the emergence of the thunder bomb artillery completely established its position of dominating the battlefield.

"That's good! Fu Zhongtang's words make sense!"

Afterwards, Lin Yun found a pen and paper on the table nearby and quickly wrote a letter to Qi Rui, asking him to allocate 30,000 bamboo guns to Li Mu in the Qi family camp.

After writing the letter, Lin Yun walked to Li Mu, put the letter into his hands, and said earnestly: "Eighth Prince, to be honest, what I said before was all false, I just said it to make my subordinates happy! But this time, I really choose to believe you!"

"I also know that until today, you still have resentment in your heart, and even hate me for taking away your Li family's kingdom! But I took the kingdom away from your Li family, and I am still doing my best to protect every inch of the land and every citizen! So..."

Li Mu knelt on the ground with a plop. He knew it was time for him to express his stance.

Otherwise, Lin Yun would still be suspicious.

"Your Majesty, you don't have to say that! I did hate you! But during the time I was under house arrest in Prince Xian's mansion, I also thought seriously about everything that happened in the past. I can only say that it was God's will that the Li family lost their kingdom! It was not only because of your ability, but also because the Li family gave you too many opportunities! So, later on, I gradually let go of my hatred!"

"Your Majesty did not kill the Li family after all. All I, Li Mu, can do is to protect them so that they can live well! Therefore, no matter how dangerous this infiltration mission is, I am happy to accept it!"

"Finally, I hope that Your Majesty will play this scene with me well! This secret should not be leaked out!"

Lin Yun could feel his sincerity and immediately helped Li Mu up.

"Okay! I promise you! After you succeed this time, I will no longer treat your Li family differently! This will count as your unparalleled achievement!"

Li Mu nodded, bowed and left.

Fu Lin'an looked at his departing figure and said, "Your Majesty, do you really trust him so much?"

"What else? Is there a better way?"


"Don't say buts! Do you, Fu Lin'an, really think that I have no backup plan? Hanzhong County has long been infiltrated by my Jinyiwei, and there are spies everywhere in the county. If Li Mu makes the slightest move, he will be killed without a burial place!"

Fu Lin'an suddenly looked at Lin Yun, especially when he saw his deep and terrifying eyes, he swallowed subconsciously.

I secretly sighed in my heart that Lin Yun was still so experienced.

He couldn't quite tell which side was Lin Yun's true face.

Just then, the effect of the medicine disappeared and Tong Xiangrou suddenly let out a scream.

While the Jinyiwei were not paying attention, she actually pulled out the sword of one of them and put it directly on her neck.

(End of this chapter)

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