wealthy lord

Chapter 931: Behind Enemy Lines, Mr. Zhebie

Chapter 931: Behind Enemy Lines, Mr. Zhebie

Lin Yun nodded: "Jiang Kun, come in!"


The palace door was opened and Jiang Kun walked in.

"I have restored Li Zhen to the throne. There is a special mission ahead. You will go with him! As for the manpower, you can get it from your Jiangxia Governor's Mansion!"

Jiang Kun took a deep breath and looked at Li Zhen in surprise. He didn't understand what he had just said that would make Lin Yun suddenly change his mind and make an exception to reuse Li Zhen.

"His Majesty…"

"Okay! You don't have to ask any more questions! Li Zhen, you can go find Ye Ruhui now! He is now the Minister of Personnel, and you still need his help to restore your official status!"

Li Zhen bowed, then turned and left.

At this time, Jiang Kun asked: "Your Majesty, what is going on?"

Lin Yun sighed, "Next, you must keep an eye on Li Zhen! I don't really trust him! I want to use him! If he has any evil intentions, you can kill him first and report later! Remember, your mission is to capture the defected Li Mu! But in the end, you can't really capture him back! Do you understand?"

Jiang Kun had a bitter look on his face. He didn't know what was going on inside yet. It would be a miracle if he could understand it.

"Yes! I will strictly follow your Majesty's orders! I won't ask about other things!"

Lin Yun walked down from the imperial desk, patted his shoulder, and smiled with satisfaction: "That's right! I'm not avoiding you! I'm protecting you! The more you know about this, the worse it will be for you!"

To him, his subjects were also divided into those from far and near.

Jiang Kun and Zheng Youli, who have been following him to start a business, are his own people. Lin Yun would definitely not be willing to let them participate in these things.

After all, infiltration and lurking are shady activities, so it is best to let the Li family do it.

Jiang Kun clasped his fists and said, "Your Majesty, there is no need to say more. I understand!"

"By the way! You finally came back to the capital, didn't you go and meet up with Zheng Youli?"

"We have already met! Your Majesty, this kid has changed so much! If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I really wouldn't have believed that Zheng Youli would become a counselor of the National Academy of Scholars! Now he has become so shrewd and calculating!"

"Haha!" Lin Yun laughed heartily: "The biggest difference between humans and animals is that they know how to learn and think! If he were really a piece of rotten mud, I would not use him!"

At the same time, Fengyang County Zhennanguan Fortress.

Yang Lin led a team of ten people, disguised as members of the Panda tribe, and successfully crossed the minefield on the actual control line under the cover of the Lin family army.

The crowd galloped all the way, crossed the mountain range that blocked the two countries, and finally saw the endless grassland.

This used to be the territory of the Yunshan tribe, but now there is no herdsman to be seen here anymore.

The Yunshan tribe has been completely wiped out, and even the Yunshan King, Wuli, is still being held in the water dungeon in the Holy City.

Yang Lin looked dignified, his eyes coldly scanning the completely unfamiliar environment, feeling pressured for no reason.

This kind of open grassland is not suitable for forced marches.

Although they were in disguise, they still looked too out of place.

They are simply not able to withstand observation by those who are paying attention, and their hidden identities can be easily seen through.

At this time, a Jinyiwei whispered, "Sir, there is not a single person in such a large grassland? Isn't it said that this area near Fengyang County is the territory of the Yunshan tribe?"

Yang Lin glared at him and said, "What you know is all old news! The Yunshan tribe was exterminated several months ago! All of you should be smart! Our mission this time is to rescue the two concubines of His Majesty. Everything else is secondary! So, no matter who you meet, as long as they are a threat, you will kill them without mercy!"

"But remember, don't use firearms unless you have no other choice! So as not to alert the enemy! Understand?"

"As ordered!"

Everyone agreed in a low voice, all with serious faces. Although they didn't know the specific task before coming, they were a little nervous after hearing what Yang Lin said.

After all, this is not the Great Duan Divine Dynasty, and we have to go deep into the enemy's holy land to rescue people, which will inevitably involve a massacre.

If there is any mistake, death is likely to await them.

Yang Lin took a deep breath, swung the whip in his hand, and quickened his pace towards the Holy City.

According to the designed marching route, they must reach the outskirts of the Holy Land before dark, and then follow ordinary herdsmen on foot into the holy city.

But as the saying goes, it is easier to go up the mountain than to go down. What Yang Lin is most worried about is not entering the city, but how to get out quickly after succeeding. Moreover, he has to take several burdens with him, which is definitely a test for him.

But no matter how difficult it is, he must complete Lin Yun's will.

Inside the Holy Capital Palace.

After a period of rest, Wu Meng's injuries have basically healed. With his good physical fitness, it would be difficult for anyone else to recover so quickly.

After all, both the shoulder and the thigh were seriously injured.

He was shirtless at the moment, sitting at the table, playing chess with a mysterious man opposite him.

Behind Wu Meng was a beautiful woman who was tattooing him meticulously.

Tattooing is the tradition of the Panda people, and ordinary people are not qualified to get tattoos.

Only by being crowned a king or becoming a Khan can one do these things.

Although the royal court worships the god Panda, they are not allowed to have tattoos on their bodies out of respect for the god.

Therefore, out of worship of absolute power, the Khan could only have tattoos of jackals, tigers and leopards.

The more tattoos there are, the greater your achievements are and the more people you have killed.

At this moment, the beautiful woman was tattooing a pack of wolves on his back, because they had recently wiped out 30,000 elite soldiers from the Great Duan Kingdom's Shenji Camp.

Although it caused heavy losses to the Panda royal court, it was also the first foreign battle that Wumeng won on behalf of the royal court.

Wu Meng was sweating profusely as he endured the tingling pain from the tattoo, but this pain was nothing to him.

At this time, he picked up a black piece and placed it on the chessboard in front of the mysterious man.

"Haha! Mr. Zhebie, it seems that this Khan has won this game of chess!"

The mysterious man had a black scarf wrapped around his head, so his appearance could not be seen at all.

The only eye that was exposed was extremely cold and stern, staring at the chessboard in deep thought.

Then he picked up a white piece with his sword finger and said jokingly, "Your Majesty, don't be too happy too soon! It's not the last moment yet, and the outcome is unknown! In special times, even an insignificant chess piece can play an unimaginable role!"

After saying this, he placed the white piece in the empty space in the middle of the chessboard.

Just by placing one move, the situation changed drastically.

Wu Meng, who had originally secured victory, suffered heavy losses, with more than half of the black pieces being eaten by the opponent.

"Damn it! It's not raining anymore. What a bummer!"

He overturned the chessboard to the ground.

The mysterious man was not angry. Judging from his eyes, he should be smiling.

(End of this chapter)

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