wealthy lord

Chapter 952: Rebuilding the Shenji Camp

Chapter 952: Rebuilding the Shenji Camp

Shi Bao pondered for a moment, gritted his teeth, and rushed out.

When he walked through the corridor and arrived at the reception room, he saw from a distance that Lin Yun was whispering with Fu Lin'an and Zheng Youli.

He took a deep breath, knelt on the ground, and banged his head hard on the ground.

"Your humble servant Shi Bao pays homage to our Emperor. Long live the Emperor! Long live the Emperor!!"

Lin Yun and the other two were startled by the sudden sound and looked outside the door at the same time.

When he saw Shi Bao crawling on the ground and refusing to look up, Lin Yun deliberately pretended to be angry and serious.

"Humph, you finally show up? Someone who doesn't know you would think you are an unmarried girl!"

"I am guilty, but I am too ashamed to see your majesty!"

Lin Yun grinned: "Alright! Stand up and go into the house to talk!"

"I dare not do that! Please forgive me, Your Majesty!"

Lin Yunduan took a sip from his teacup and scolded, "Look at your behavior! You are even more effeminate than a woman! Besides, victory and defeat are common in the military, so what's the big deal about losing once? In my opinion, you are just a rat with a gun in its den!"

Lin Yun scolded him, and Fu Lin'an and Zheng Youli just watched the joke.

Shi Bao then stood up and knelt beside Lin Yun again with a flattering look on his face.

"Your Majesty, you scolded me well! I feel much better now! I will avenge my previous humiliation one day. I will destroy the Panda King's court!"

Una, who was standing by, listened silently, but felt uncomfortable.

Even if the Panda Royal Court becomes a worse place, it is still her hometown!

This Shi Bao clearly didn't care about her feelings.

But in front of Lin Yun, Una didn't dare to say anything and could only lower her head and sulk.

Lin Yun said playfully: "You are such a jerk! I can't even talk to you nicely, but I have to scold you to feel good!"

Shi Bao smiled innocently: "It is a great honor to be scolded by His Majesty now! Besides, I know a little bit about His Majesty's character..."

Fu Lin'an frowned and said, "Don't get carried away, kid! Who gave you the courage to make irresponsible comments on His Majesty's character?"

Shi Bao realized that he had said the wrong thing and kowtowed again.

"The guilty minister is guilty!"

Lin Yun knew that Shi Bao was just a reckless man, and at best he was only slightly smarter than the average general.

So I'm too lazy to argue with him.

"Get up! This time I'm giving you a mission to atone for your sins. If you can do it well, not only will I not punish you, I'll also reward you handsomely!"

Shi Bao raised his head and said in surprise, "Your Majesty, please explain clearly!"

He was waiting for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Lin Yun said in a deep voice: "Next, I will formally accept Wumeng. No matter how much hatred there is between you, you, Shi Bao, must endure it! I plan to re-station troops in the Panda Royal Court. As the general of the garrison, you will be responsible for monitoring Wumeng. Is that okay?"

Shi Bao was overjoyed: "No problem! This is exactly what I want! I have dealt with this barbarian many times before, with both wins and losses. This time, I will make him convinced!"

Lin Yun nodded with satisfaction.

After this period of training, Shi Bao has gained a certain understanding of the political environment of the Panda Royal Court, and is indeed very suitable to complete Lin Yun's task.

Seeing that Lin Yun remained silent, Shi Bao rolled his eyes, smiled flatteringly, rubbed his nose and said, "Then I wonder how many soldiers and equipment your majesty plans to give me this time?"

Lin Yun said with a smile: "How many soldiers and equipment do you want?" Fu Lin'an and Zheng Youli looked at the expressions of their king and his ministers, and smiled helplessly.

But Shi Bao's status in their hearts also rose.

Because Lin Yun was too tolerant of Shi Bao.

If it were someone else, if they were defeated, no matter what the reason, Lin Yun would not be able to just let it go so easily.

What's more, Lin Yun could still smile and joke with Shi Bao like this.

Shi Bao showed a street-smart face, rubbing his hands and said: "I heard that His Majesty just mobilized 100,000 Lin family troops to station at the Yehe Port. How about handing them over to the guilty minister?"

He immediately straightened his back, raised three fingers and said, "I swear to heaven that I will train these 100,000 troops into a truly fierce army, and make them the most courageous spearheads under your majesty's command in the future!!"

Lin Yun did not doubt his ability, and said with a curled lip: "You are so rude! You still want an army of 100,000? I can give you 30,000 at most! Restore the previous structure of the Shenji Camp! As for weapons, I will ask Wu Meng for the equipment that was seized before, and then ask Niubei Village to mobilize a batch of ammunition for you!"

Shi Bao looked disappointed: "Okay!"

Fu Linan said in a deep voice: "General Shi, don't be greedy! If His Majesty really gives you a hundred thousand troops to station at the Panda Royal Court, Wumeng will definitely not agree! It will also affect the overall situation in the future! So, you should stop while you are ahead!"

Shi Bao suddenly realized and said with a smile: "Okay! Thirty thousand is thirty thousand. I will definitely fulfill your Majesty's orders! Let your Majesty rest assured!"

He did not dare to push his luck any further, and he knew that Lin Yun did not punish him, firstly because of his ability, and secondly because of Ye Wanqing.

The fact that Lin Yunti didn't even mention his last defeat fully proved his love for him.

The Yehe Port is a frontier fortress between Chujiang County and the Panda Royal Court.

It was also the place where Utova and Chu Xiangyu signed the non-aggression treaty.

Therefore, Wu Meng proposed to conduct state negotiations here to remind Lin Yun to respect the Panda Royal Court, and he also hoped that Lin Yun would show mercy because he was Utova's eldest son.

At this moment, he was waiting in the camp on the other side of the Ye River.

Lin Yun was two days late, which made Wu Meng extremely anxious, fearing that something might have gone wrong, or that Lin Yun was planning to do something cruel to him.

It can be said that these two days were like a year for him.

At this time, a Panda maid came over with a tray filled with cooked beef and milk wine.

Wu Meng has an astonishing appetite and can eat four or five kilograms of beef in one meal.

"Your Majesty, please have your meal!"

Wu Meng looked at the fragrant beef in front of him, but he couldn't muster up an appetite. He frowned and asked, "Is there any news from Lucheng?"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty. If there is any news, we will report it to you immediately! Please enjoy your meal!"


Wu Meng raised his hand and pushed the tray in front of him to the ground.

"With the muzzle of a gun pointed at my head, how can I still have the mood to eat or drink? Get out of here!"

The maid was frightened and kept nodding and bowing, then she retreated with her body hunched.

Mr. Zhebie, who was tied to a chair, had a sneer on his face.

“Haha! Wu Meng, your reaction now reveals your uneasy mood! You still have a chance before you meet the emperor of the Great Duan Dynasty. As long as you let me go, we can change our strategy. Once Lin Yun shows up, we will have a chance to kill him!”

"When the time comes, I will introduce you to the Great Qian Dragon Emperor and let you become the overlord of the royal court. How about that?"

(End of this chapter)

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