wealthy lord

Chapter 956 The Power of Tiger Knuckles

Chapter 956 The Power of Tiger Knuckles

The only difference is that the Khan's throne was retained.

Lin Yun did this in order to solve the problem once and for all, to completely resolve the security issues in the rear area, to avoid future wars against the Daqian Dynasty and problems in the rear area.

Retaining the throne of Wumeng Khan would allow the Panda Royal Court to become a strategic buffer zone for the Great Duan Dynasty.

In fact, when it comes down to it, Lin Yun's attitude towards the Panda Royal Court is almost the same as that of the Wayi Kingdom.

It's just a different way of saying it.

It's all about military, economy and politics, and we must surrender to the Great Duan Dynasty.

At this time, Una, who had been silent the whole time, sneered and said, "Wumeng, you'd better refuse! This way I will have a reason to seek revenge on you! If it weren't for His Majesty stopping me, I would have sent troops to deal with you long ago!"

Wu Meng looked at his third sister with a complicated expression, and finally sighed and lowered his proud head.

"Forget it! Since I can't win anyway, then this Khan will have no choice but to surrender!"

His idea was simple. He would keep a low profile first, and it would not be too late to take action when he had the strength to compete with the Great Duan Dynasty in the future.

Anyway, it is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge.

Lin Yun was satisfied and waved to Una.

Una came to him immediately.

"Ms. sir..."

Lin Yun raised his finger and pointed at Wu Meng, saying playfully: "Noble Concubine Wu, fight back the way he broke all your ribs that day!"


Una was obviously a little afraid. Even though she had been shouting loudly just now, she could not be a match for this big brother in a one-on-one fight.

Even if she doesn't want to admit it, it's the truth.

"Don't be afraid! With me here, he won't dare to fight back!! Go ahead! Just don't kill him!"

Fu Lin'an and others all smiled bitterly in their hearts.

He secretly sighed that Lin Yun was a man who doted on his wife.

The Khan of the Panda royal court, who controlled hundreds of thousands of warriors, was actually used as a living target for Una to vent her anger.

I guess no one would believe it if it gets out.

Although Wu Meng felt humiliated in his heart, he had a half-smile on his face and looked at Una provocatively.

"Third sister, do you remember how your brother taught you when you first started learning martial arts?"

"Humph, you said that if you want to learn how to hit someone, you must first learn how to be hit!!"

"That's right! Although you are considered a master in the eyes of outsiders, in my eyes, you are a good-for-nothing. When you were bullied, you only complained to our father, and now you have a man, you do the same thing again! Needless to say, I envy your good fortune! You will be loved by someone all your life! Unlike me, you are born with a hard life and need to rely on your own abilities to fight for everything!"

"I finally won the Khanship, but I still have to endure humiliation from a girl like you!!"

Everyone, including Lin Yun, could hear that Wu Meng's heart was filled with bitterness at the moment.

If you look at it from his point of view, Wu Meng's life is indeed a tragedy.

He lost his mother when he was young, and when he grew up as the eldest brother, not only was he not favored, but he was also bullied by his younger brothers and sisters.

Therefore, he was unwilling to accept such a cruel fate.

I am even more unwilling to be inferior to others.

This is what made him have a character as fierce as a jackal.

After hearing what he said, Lin Yun couldn't help but respect Wu Meng.

It seems that what Fu Lin'an said before was correct. No one who can ascend to the pinnacle of power is a weak person.

However, the person he met in Wumeng was Lin Yun, who was destined to become a stepping stone.

Una bit her lower lip secretly: "Don't talk as if you are the only one who suffered. None of us had a happy childhood! However, since you said so, I will not humiliate you. As long as you can take my attack, we can forget our grudges! If I have a chance in the future, I will avenge my father, mother, and second brother!!" Wu Meng smiled jokingly: "This Khan does not need your pity! If you want to fight, use all your strength. Isn't it just a few broken bones? This Khan doesn't care!!"

Una nodded and took out a pair of brass knuckles from her sleeve.

This thing is also a close combat weapon developed by Yang Tiexin based on the atlas given by Lin Yun.

When ordinary people wear brass knuckles, one punch can multiply the damage. If used by a martial artist or someone with high martial arts skills, it will be even more powerful.

One punch can easily break the enemy's bones and even cause great damage to the internal organs.

This was exactly what Yang Lin gave to Una not long ago for self-defense.

But no one knew what this little thing was; only Lin Yun could recognize its origin at a glance.

He smiled bitterly and said, “Oona, don’t use it!”

Una snorted coldly: "No! There is no way to hurt this bastard! Your Majesty, don't worry, I will show mercy and will never take his life!"

Wu Meng frowned secretly. He also didn't know the knuckles. He smiled contemptuously: "Want my life? Third sister, it's not that your brother looks down on you. If you use your fists and feet, let alone killing me, you won't be able to hurt me! ”

Looking at his stupid look of seeking great death, Lin Yun opened his mouth and could only acquiesce.

On the contrary, Fu Lin'an and others were all confused. They also didn't think that Una could hurt the big and strong Wu Meng.

Una sneered, "Good! I hope you can still laugh later!!"

She had seen brass knuckles for the first time a few days ago and didn't take it too seriously.

But when Yang Lin demonstrated it himself, he actually punched through a brick wall with one punch, which made Una completely fascinated by the brass knuckles.

She put on her brass knuckles, gathered her strength and rushed out, punching Wu Meng right in the lower ribs.


With a crisp sound, Wu Meng seemed to be hit hard. The tearing pain caught him off guard and he let out a scream. His strong body bent like a shrimp.


Everyone gasped and looked at Una in surprise. How could this seemingly light punch be so powerful?
Una was so happy and was about to attack again, but Wu Meng immediately raised his hand to interrupt her and shouted, "Stop! What's the name of this thing on your hand?"

"Hmph, it doesn't hurt to tell you!! This is called brass knuckles, specially made for bastards like you who have thick skin and flesh!! Watch out!!"

Afterwards, Una punched Wu Meng hard.

He was hit by dozens of punches, each of which broke his bones.

Not only did it tear Wu Meng's clothes, but it also scratched his skin.

His chest and lower ribs were already stained with blood.

Wu Meng is indeed able to withstand strong blows, but his flesh and blood cannot withstand the impact of steel.

And every time he screamed, Una felt relieved.

Lin Yun saw it and a smile appeared on his lips. He asked Una to take action just to let this girl vent her anger.

If you hold it in, you'll get sick sooner or later.

Ye Wanqing whispered, "Your Majesty, forget it! This girl didn't use any light or heavy force when she hit me. If she continues to hit me, I'm sure she'll be killed!!"

Lin Yun said nothing.

But suddenly, he caught a hint of murderous intent in Wu Meng's eyes. Wu Meng got in his fist and was really preparing to fight back.

Lin Yun said in a deep voice: "Wumeng, if you dare to fight back, all the results we discussed before will be invalid!!"

Wu Meng gritted his teeth and could only put down his right fist.

This time, Una threw an uppercut that hit him directly on the chin.

(End of this chapter)

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