wealthy lord

Chapter 99 Harvesting Overnight

Chapter 99 Harvesting Overnight
  At this time, the old village chief said: "Mr. Lin, you came to us for a heart-to-heart talk, right?"

Lin Yun stood up on the slope and said solemnly: "Of course not! I have been observing the wheat fields in the past few days, and the wheat has matured! Therefore, I called you here this time to inform everyone that from now on, the harvest will be officially started. , mobilize the power of the whole village, let everyone put down their work for the time being, and harvest all the food as soon as possible!"

The eyes of the old village chief and the villagers brightened. They had been waiting for this day for half a year.

I didn't expect it to come so suddenly.

The old village chief said in surprise: "Is this too hasty? It will be dark in less than an hour! Why don't we wait until tomorrow to harvest?"

The villagers also nodded in agreement.

"No! What I'm waiting for is darkness! Tonight, the whole village will be mobilized. Even the old, weak, sick and disabled will have to come out to harvest and finish harvesting all the crops before dawn!"

Lin Yun had already thought of countermeasures, especially this morning, when Fu Yin Qiu Guangri sent someone to ask if he wanted to arrange for officers and soldiers from Yucheng Fu to help with the harvest, but he declined politely.

In fact, Lin Yun understood what Qiuguangri meant.

Coming to help with harvesting is only one aspect. The most important thing is to know how much production Niubei Village will produce this year.

But this is a major event related to the future destiny of Niubei Village. How could Lin Yun leak it?

No matter what, he must have a surplus of food. Only when his job is in his own hands, Lin Yun will be most secure. Moreover, if he wants to make more money in the future, he must have a surplus of food to make it easier to operate.

If Qiu Guangri knew the specific output, he would definitely make a plan to plot against Lin Yun.

The old village chief said bitterly: "Mr. Lin, we have planted more than a thousand acres of land this year. It is absolutely impossible to harvest it all in one night!"

This time, the old village chief firmly denied that harvesting grain was a purely manual job. Even a young man could harvest up to two acres of land in one day.

Several villagers also looked surprised. If a thousand acres of land were harvested in one night, everyone would be too tired to climb up the kang the next day.

"Old village chief, I know there are difficulties, but no matter how great the difficulties are, we must complete it! Let me tell you the truth, the food in our Niubei Village has been targeted by the Yucheng Mansion! The harvest will be completed tonight, and when the Yucheng Mansion sends someone Come on, they don’t know how much food we produce! If they know the specific production volume, Niubei Village will be exploited by Yucheng Prefecture every year in the future!”

"So, you just have to figure it out!"

Lin Yun knew very well that it would be extremely difficult to harvest a thousand acres of land overnight. If calculated on a per capita basis, the old, weak, sick and disabled would not be able to finish the work.

But now is the critical moment for Niubei Village to race against time. It can only win but not lose.

The expressions of the old village chief and several villagers changed drastically.

"They really bully people too much!!"

The old village chief complained.

The villagers also echoed.

Lin Yun smiled bitterly and said: "It's useless to say all this now! Success or failure depends on this one move. Whether Niubei Village can break through a Yangguan Road depends on tonight!"

The old village chief turned around and discussed in low voices with several villagers, and finally said in a deep voice: "Okay! Even if we die from exhaustion tonight, we must finish the harvest and never give them a chance to take advantage of it!"

Lin Yun nodded and said: "That's it, I'll leave you to mobilize the villagers! Our family of four will also participate in the harvest tonight, and we will never get any special treatment!"

The old village chief took several villagers away.

When Lin Yun returned to the village, he saw all the villagers gathered at the entrance of the village, and the old village chief was lobbying impassionedly.

Although the villagers looked reluctant, they all felt as if they had been given blood when they learned that Yucheng Mansion was going to exploit the food they had worked so hard to grow.

For a time, morale was high and everyone was full of energy. At this time, Ye Wanqing came over and asked, "Ms. sir, are you sure you want to do this?"

Lin Yun glanced at her and said, "Is there a better way?"

Ye Wanqing was suddenly speechless.

But Lin Wuyue and Oona didn't have any objections.

Lin Wuyue was originally from a farmer's family. In the past, when farming was busy, she would harvest crops with her family.

Oona was once a barbarian soldier, and it was no problem to work hard.

When the villagers saw Lin Yun coming, they quickly made way.

Lin Yun came to the old village chief, glanced at the whole village, and said loudly: "Everyone, food is the lifeblood of our Niubei Village, and no external forces are allowed to get involved. Even if we have to sell food in the future, The initiative must also be in our hands!"

"I know everyone has been working hard these past two months! I, Lin Yun, have seen it all, and sincerely thank you all for your continued cooperation! Therefore, when harvesting grain tonight, each person must harvest at least two acres of land. As long as it can reach As requested, I, Lin Yun, will reward each person with one tael of silver in my own name. If anyone can harvest more than two acres of land, for each additional acre, he will be rewarded with another one tael of silver, and so on!"

Lin Yun was a time traveler, and he was very good at giving speeches at such gatherings and mobilizing people's hearts.

He knows very well that no matter in any era, as long as you have money, there is no problem that cannot be solved.

Sure enough, the villagers' enthusiasm, which was already aroused, became even louder after hearing what Lin Yun said.

"Don't worry, Mr. Lin!!"

"Yes, even if Mr. Lin doesn't reward you with money, we will definitely complete the mission!"

Everyone was talking about it, as if they regarded money as dirt.

Lin Yun smiled happily and was very satisfied with everyone's reaction.

But Ye Wanqing and Oona were secretly complaining.

Secretly scolding these guys for being hypocritical, they all love money as much as their lives, but they still say these high-sounding words.

At this time, the old village chief saw that the time was ripe, looked at Lin Yun, and said loudly: "Okay, let's start now!!"

After that, the whole village, old and young, came together to start the official harvest.

Lin Yun's family of four were naturally busy as well.

Ye Wanqing held the sickle and whispered while working: "Mr. sir, you don't have enough money to raise, what can you do with so much money?"

"It's just that the money spent is not worth it!"

Oona also looked complaining.

Lin Yun cut off a handful of wheat ears and felt a soreness in his back. He punched his lower back and said with a wry smile: "It doesn't matter if you spend some money, but this is the first good harvest. You must boost your morale. If the Yucheng Prefecture takes the opportunity to seize it, Without the food, everyone can’t make money or eat, so who will bother farming in the future?”

Both women curled their lips and didn't listen to Lin Yun's words at all.

Lin Wuyue, who had been silent all the time, suddenly said: "Second sister and third sister, my husband is right. You have never farmed before, so you have no idea how hard it is! If you have been busy for more than half a year and there is no harvest, why should farmers work hard?" Not flattering? Besides, food is the lifeblood of the Daduan Dynasty, and it is a material that no one or any force dares to ignore!"

(End of this chapter)

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