"Xiao Hai!" Su Su rushed into an audition room of the largest entertainment company in the area like a whirlwind in full view.

The protagonist who was named was discussing the details of the new song with everyone in the band. When he looked up and saw Su Su, he smiled and stretched out his hand, "It's just in time, I have something to ask."

"Please tell me!" Su Su frowned, "I heard from Luo Luo that you guys are going to be late for your debut again. What's going on?"

Xiao Hai and his teammates looked at each other, then shrugged as if nothing happened, "I don't know."

"You don't know?" Su Su repeated, looking at him like looking at an alien.

"Susu, we really don't know, how do we know the reason for the decisions made by the higher authorities." The fat man also said aside.

Su Su squinted her eyes, "Why don't you look depressed at all?"

Xiao Hai chuckled twice, threw away the sheet music in his hand, walked up to her and ruffled her hair, "Little girl, this is what a mature man can bear, learn from it."

Su Su was amused by him, grabbed his thick arm and said, "I can only say you are thick!"

"It's so courageous." Xiao Hai lowered his arms and strangled her neck.

"I made a mistake, big brother." Su Su begged for mercy immediately, and the anger and worry when she heard the news gradually subsided.

"Hmph," Xiao Hai smirked twice, "I'll punish you to hit me twice according to the score."

"Yes." Su Su was so strangled that she raised her hands in surrender.

Only then did Xiao Hai let her go.

While rubbing her poor little neck, Su Su muttered and sat down in front of the drum, "I've never seen such a domineering person."

With a smile on his lips, he picked up the drum stick and was about to knock it down, but was abruptly interrupted by an excited voice that suddenly broke in: "Xiao Hai!"

Everyone followed the prestige and saw their manager standing at the door with an excited face, and there seemed to be a few people behind him.

"Everyone, we're lucky!" He was still cursing this morning, but now he just wants to thank God for his kindness. It really is a blessing in disguise!The agent thought excitedly.

"What's wrong?" Everyone in the audition room didn't enter the situation at all.

"Do you know who invited you to be a guest at his concert?"

"Who?" Xiao Hai frowned, he intuitively thought of someone who was impossible.

The other team members also looked at each other in blank dismay, Su Su was even more confused, someone is holding a concert here?Which big name?

"It's Norn Moody, the little godfather of music!" God, just saying his name made him so excited that he couldn't sleep at night.Oh Norn Mody!That talented young man who has created miracles in the world's entertainment industry would take the initiative to invite their undebuted band as a guest, it's pie in the sky.

Except for Xiao Hai and Fatty, the three team members exclaimed. They were all selected by the company, and they didn't know anything about Norn Modi and them.They are both musicians, of course they know the strength of Norn Mody's so-called "God's Domain", even if he is younger than them, they have no choice but to bow down.

Xiao Hai quickly looked at Su Su, only to see that she lowered her head, as if she was concentrating on reading the music score.

Looking at Fatty, he frowned in embarrassment. It would be easy if he was alone, but these team members...

"Mr. Chen." Someone outside the door called their manager in blunt Chinese.

As soon as the manager surnamed Chen turned his head, he immediately exclaimed, "Mr. White, why are you here?"

"Can we come in?" The brown-haired middle-aged man called Mr. White asked with a polite smile.

"Of course, of course." Manager Chen quickly gave up his seat.

A tall foreign man and a slender man in a hat were squeezed into the small audition room.

Xiao Hai's attention was subconsciously focused on the man wearing a sports cap who couldn't see his face at all. He was wearing casual clothes with his hands leisurely in his pockets, completely different from the middle-aged man's suit and leather shoes. Tune in.Could it be...

"Hi everyone, I'm Norn Moody's agent, Black White." The brown-haired middle-aged man introduced himself with a smile, "And this one is..." He raised his hand to his side——

Following the introduction of the brown-haired man, the boy wearing the hat slowly took off his hat. It was a handsome face that was almost exploded on TV, but it was harder to see in reality than reaching the sky. A face that made a woman scream, The handsome face of a man with envy.

"Noon Modi!" Everyone including Manager Chen exclaimed, except for the little woman who kept her head down.

"Hello, everyone." The party greeted with a smile. Although he was the youngest one in the room, the kingly aura he exuded forced everyone down.

The young boy in front of him deservedly became the figure that countless fans in the world are crazy about.Just one side, everyone present thought at the same time.

Seemingly not aware of the unusual silence in the audition room, Nuo En's beautiful green eyes locked on Xiao Hai, "Hi, Xiao Hai, long time no see."

"Huh? Hmm..." Although I heard that Norn Modi is Karen, it is still not as powerful as a face-to-face confrontation.Xiao Hai didn't react for a while, and nodded in a daze.

The team members all looked at Xiao Hai in disbelief, did he know Norn Modi?Is there a mistake?

"Fatty, your face is still swollen." Next, Fatty became the second Gu Lamb to be stabbed in the eye.

"You... hello." The fat man managed to force a smile. Who would have known that the foreign boy he met only occasionally by playing basketball a year ago would be the king surpassed by people in their circle.

"Hey, Xiao Hai, are these your new teammates? They weren't the ones I saw last time." Nuo En acted like he was at home.

"Oh, let me introduce." Xiao Hai came back to his senses, took a peek at the petite figure in the corner, and pulled the bass player to block her, "This is Dong Ping, the bass player."

The bassist, who was always extroverted like a lunatic, is now just as cautious as a child who has made a mistake and met a teacher. "Hi, nice to meet you." He greeted in his not-so-proficient English.

"Hello." He responded in standard Chinese.

"You can speak Chinese?" Xiao Hai couldn't help asking in surprise.

"Oh, I learned a little this year when I was in a good mood." Norn replied casually.

"Oh... this is the lead singer Guan Jin."

"Hi, I'm your loyal fan." The lead singer stretched out his hand with a little nervousness.

"Thank you." Norn calmly stretched out his hand to shake it.

Norn's manager Black showed surprise in his eyes, he had never seen such a patient Norn.

"There is one player who hasn't come yet. This is our manager. You should have seen him?"

Nuo En nodded to Manager Chen, "No, we met for the first time today."

"Nuen, I'm very glad that you came to our country for a concert. Is this your first time in our country?" Manager Chen chatted with him enthusiastically.

"No... I've been here once." Norn smiled half-smile.

"Huh?" Never heard of him coming here before?

"We met when he came here." Xiao Hai explained.

"So that's how it is! Then according to our words, it's really fate!" Manager Chen laughed loudly, and then said enthusiastically, "This audition room is too narrow, we'd better go out and talk." He had to Just notify the boss.

"Oh, that's good." Xiao Hai followed his words and wanted to take Nuo En out.

But I don't know whether it's intentional or intentional, Nuo En raised his eyebrows and said: "Wait a minute, you haven't introduced that person who has been sitting there, will you be angry if you neglect him like this?" Without waiting for Xiao Hai to respond, he walked straight away Before the drum, "Ah, so it's still a lady." There was surprise in his voice, "Sorry, miss, I didn't see you just now. I'm Norn Modi." He smiled and said charmingly.

Su Su raised her head, her eyes flashed with confusion, suddenly realized, and then returned to desertion.

Everyone's focus is on that corner.

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