The next day, Su Su finally came to the school alone, and the classmates all joked: "Susu, why didn't your little boyfriend who will never be seen by anyone stop following you and quarreled?"

Su Su just smiled and didn't speak.

Luo Zichu and Yang Ye looked at each other and sighed.

After class, the three of Su Su went to the studio together, talking and laughing as they walked out of the school gate, a tall foreign man in a suit and leather shoes greeted him, "Miss Su, our master invites you to come over."

"Li Ao?" Su Su frowned and asked.

"No, it's the little master."

"I'm not going." When she heard it was Karen, Su Su subconsciously refused.

"Sorry, the master told us to bring you here. If you don't go, we may take some... coercive measures." The man said with a serious expression.

Su Su frowned even deeper.

"Susu, it's better to tell Karen clearly?" Yang Ye said from the side.

"Go, Karen has also worked very hard." Luo Zichu, who has been watching all this time, also stood by Karen's side and said.

Pursing her lips and thinking for a moment, Su Su nodded, "Then I'll be there later." After speaking, she bowed and got into the limousine waiting on the side of the road.

Taking the car to the empty football field, Su Su got out of the car and was wondering why she was brought to this place, but was shocked by the sight in front of her eyes: three long rows of dolls arranged neatly in the shape of steps, Almost the length of a football field.

"Susu, you're here." Karen greeted her with a smile.

Su Su looked at him with doubts.

"I thought about it for a long time yesterday. You don't want to forgive me, and I don't want to give up. In this case, it should be solved in the old way." He pointed to the doll on the field, "At that time, I kissed you and hit you nine times. The doll was forgiven by you, this time the mistake was more than a thousand times more serious than that time, you pity me, if I can destroy 1 dolls at once, you will forgive me, okay?" He was pitiful Looks the same as a year ago.

Su Su was in a trance, and nodded unconsciously.

"Great." Karen exclaimed.

Only then did Su Su understand what she had agreed to. She frowned and was about to break the contract, but when she looked at the three long dolls, a strange light flashed in her eyes, and she stopped moving again.

"Then sit here and watch." He ordered someone to move a chair and place it in the shade.

Su Su sat down as promised.

"Susu, I will definitely ask you to forgive me." Karen whispered in her ear like an oath before leaving.

Looking at the handsome side face who was seriously preparing, Su Su sighed in her heart, it would be good to take this opportunity to break up with him completely.Regardless of the pain in her heart, she made up her mind.

Karen raised her hand to signify the beginning.

Su Su sat up straight.

One, two, three... Ten, eleven, twelve... On the 120th fifth, the doll shook twice and stopped on it.

Karen salivated and said with a smile: "It's just a warm-up, just a warm-up."

Su Su was noncommittal.

Start again, one, two... the two hundredth, stop; start over again, one, two... the 290th fifth doll didn't even move, the sandbag was empty.

When Karen was covered in sweat and still smiled and said it was "warming up", Su Su felt something choked in her throat.She gripped the handshakes on both sides of the chair, trying not to show her emotion.

The tenth time, the No.20 restart, Karen finally fell to the ground exhausted when the No.30 No.30 doll was placed.

"Little master!" The guards on the side quickly stepped forward to help him up.

Su Su's body uncontrollably ran towards the handsome boy who had never been so embarrassed before. She looked down at Karen, who was soaked in sweat, with pale lips and trembling right hand.

Su Su has an expression on her face.

"Susu," Karen smiled apologetically, "Maybe it's all about warming up today, shall we continue tomorrow?" This is the only chance she gave him, and he has to complete it even if his arm is broken.

Su Su lowered her eyes, covering the complicated glint in her eyes, and clenched her hands into fists where they couldn't see.After a long silence, she turned and left.

Karen breathed a sigh of relief, he was afraid that she would announce his death sentence.

One night later, Su Su, who was at home on Sunday, was invited to the football field in the same way early in the morning.From a distance, she saw Karen rubbing his right hand while talking to a man dressed as a doctor. After he saw her, he waved to the doctor impatiently, and then with a smile that fascinated thousands of girls. She ran over with a bright smile, "Susu, it's great that you're here."

Su Su looked at him without saying a word.

"Then let's start." Although his right arm was throbbing all the time, when he thought of success... his heart throbbed.

"Little master, you can't do this anymore today..." The doctor also chased after him, speaking hurriedly in English.

"Shut up." Karen interrupted him sharply, "Send him out." He ordered the two guards behind him.

The two strong men who took the order looked embarrassed, but finally bit the bullet and "invited" the doctor out under Karen's cold glance.

As if she didn't see anything, Su Su sat down in her yesterday's position with an expression on her face.

Karen didn't say much, and asked someone to bring sandbags and started throwing them.

He began to repeat the same failure yesterday, start again, fail, and start again... Su Su stared at Karen who was focused on hitting the target, looked at his blond hair dripping with sweat, and looked at his wet back. T-shirt, looking at his right arm that kept massaging, looking at the regretful expression on his failure again... Damn why didn't he give up!

The fingernails holding on to the armrest were turning white. She watched Karen ask someone to put the knocked-out doll back on, and her heart boiled like a river.

Karen, who was sweating profusely, didn't have time to wipe. His left hand kept kneading his right hand, which was almost unconscious, and muttered to himself.

After the doll was rearranged, Karen took a deep breath and raised her hand to get the sandbags prepared aside.

It was clearly grasped by five fingers, but the sandbag still fell vertically in a very uncooperative manner.

Su Su trembled all over, her eyes widened.She stared straight at Karen, cursed softly, and struggled to pick one up again.The guard beside him was talking anxiously, but Karen just swung him away impatiently, took two steps forward, and started throwing again.

Su Su's eyes began to blur, and her lower lip was almost bloodless from being bitten by herself.

"Miss Su," Karen's guard standing beside her finally couldn't help but said, "Do you have to cut off the little master's right hand to forgive him?"

This sentence seemed to have touched all of her emotional switches, and the tears that had swirled in her eyes for a long time could no longer be controlled, and slid down her tender cheeks like pearls, continuously.

At this time, Karen, who was turning his head to see Su Su recharge his battery, saw her tears pouring down, took a breath, ran over in a panic, wiped her seemingly endless teardrops with his left hand, and said anxiously: "Susu , What's wrong with you, why are you crying, where does it hurt?" God, his heart was hurt by her pitiful appearance.

Su Su sobbed and pulled Karen's right hand with both hands, feeling that his hand was still trembling slightly, and cried even more fiercely, "Karen..." She finally called out his name.

Karen trembled all over, his green eyes filled with disbelief, "Susu," he knelt down in front of her slowly, and asked cautiously, "Did you just call me?"

Su Su held his hand tightly, pulled it up to stick it to her face, and kissed his palm lightly, "Karen." She cried with tears in her eyes.

Karen thought he had heard the most beautiful sounds in the world.He took her hand, brought it to his lips, and kept kissing lightly, "Susu, Susu," his muffled voice was choked with sobs, "I finally... heard you call my name again It's...God...I seem to have waited a century..."

Su Su felt her palms suddenly feel warm and moist. She was startled, and looked at those beautiful green eyes with tears, only to see that there were crystal drops of water on his long eyelashes, "Karen..." He cried ?

"Susu, my Susu..." Unable to hold back any longer, he raised his head, clasped the back of her head with his hands, and kissed the red lips that had been yearning for him with all his strength with his trembling thin lips...

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