If it wasn't for his elder brother, Su Su would have killed him.Where on earth was she... deceived to?

Not long after arriving at the place and getting off the plane, Karen gave Su Su a reluctant look, then turned to his elder brother and said, "Eisen, Su Su will be handed over to you first."

"I know." Ethan nodded.

"Susu, I'm going to accompany a bad old man first, and I'll come to you in a while." He lovingly pressed a kiss on her cheek, and before Su Su could speak, he got into a car with real guns in military uniform on both sides. A solid military guard greeted him in the stretched Lincoln Lane.

"Where is he going?" Su Su was a little dumbfounded.That's a soldier!Soldiers!

"Mr. Modi, welcome to come, please come with me." A well-mannered middle-aged man smiled and bowed politely.

"Yeah." Ignoring Su Su's absence, Eisen bent down and got into another car.

Su Su froze in place for a moment.

"Miss, please get in the car." The middle-aged man was puzzled by her identity and Eisen's attitude, but he still invited her with a standard smile.

"Oh." Su Su finally came to her senses, she was really hated.She thought as she got into the car.

Sitting in the spacious car, both maintain the highest quality-quiet.Eisen closed his eyes and meditated as if she didn't exist in the car. Su Su tilted her head, and seemed to understand the reason why she didn't want to see her from the clues of the past.Cursing the culprit secretly in her heart, Su Su sighed in her heart, forget it, just give him a sigh of relief.

So she was worried, but she didn't realize that she had entered a place that ordinary people would never think of and couldn't enter, but it appeared very frequently in movies and novels-the royal palace.

When she noticed something was wrong, it was when a group of well-trained female officers helped her put on makeup and change clothes.Because what was changed was not the new fashion of Chanel or Prada, but the luxurious princess bubble skirt that was worn by the typical medieval European ladies and daughters and needed a waist!

God, she has never worn such a priceless dress. The point is not the clothes, but the rows of gems set on it.Su Su, who is an expert, can tell at a glance that the above are all top-quality jewelry.In today's society, where are the clothes inlaid with so many real gems?Could it be... that she somehow encountered the most popular thing among women nowadays - what did she wear?

Don't be kidding, although that guy is a bit annoying, but she already... what was she thinking!How can there be such a thing as time travel!Su Su suddenly woke up as if she had just woken up from a dream, and tapped her head. Is she really having zero IQ now?

The female officer at the side looked puzzled at the inexplicable movement of the lady in front of her, and said softly: "Miss, I'm sorry, please come to us to put the crown on you."

Su Su stared at the delicate diamond-encrusted crown in her hand, and once again doubted whether she had worn it, "Why... do I want to wear a crown?" Based on her shallow knowledge, not many people have it even if she is a noble daughter. That's the qualification to dress up like this.

"You are the prince's fiancée, aren't you?"

Prince's fiancée?Who is the prince?Who is the prince's fiancée?Su Su was really dizzy.

Dazedly, he left the dressing room surrounded by all the female officials, and the middle-aged man who picked up the plane was still waiting outside with a smile, "Miss Su, Mr. Modi has already gone to the banquet hall for something, and he ordered me to accompany you there. .”

"Oh, I'll trouble you then." Su Su couldn't help chuckling.I'm very happy that I really didn't wear it. Compared with this, these little difficulties of Eisen's are of great importance.

A trace of astonishment flashed in the eyes of the usually calm man. He was left behind...how could he be happy?

Su Su was led to the gate of the banquet hall. As soon as she entered, she felt that she had entered a royal feast in the 78th century.People in gorgeous European court attire talked and laughed happily in the banquet hall, just like a movie.

Su Su was in a daze. It's not that she hadn't attended a banquet before, but this kind of banquet, which was like interlaced time and space, and the so-called aristocratic atmosphere exuded by those people made her feel... out of place.

"Miss Su Su, the fiancée of Prince Alex Cecil Griffiths, is here." The official at the door said loudly.

For a moment, there was a crow and sparrow in the banquet, and they all looked over with a very strange look, which was not lacking in murderous intent.

The corner of Su Su's mouth twitched, and finally raised a reluctant arc, and slowly entered the banquet hall under the eyes of everyone.

Slowly, the nobles who felt impolite turned their gazes back and started talking to people again, but the corners of their eyes always turned to the black-haired oriental beauty.Especially the aristocratic ladies who covered their faces with fans stared at the crown on her head, with angry eyes as if she had committed a heinous crime.

Su Su looked around without a trace, but she couldn't see Eisen.After greeting Karen again in her heart, she adhered to the principle of coming as soon as she came, and she moved to the food area without any haste, dragging her definitely not light bustling dress.

But the closer she got to those ladies, the stronger Su Su's heartbeat became. In the end, she was almost staring at their... accessories with a kind of fanatical eyes.

The ingenious design, the nostalgic style, the shape that seems to have never been shown in front of the public, oh!The ancient people are great!

Su Su didn't know that her concentration aroused disdainful eyes and snickering discussions from the noble lady.

"His Majesty the King has arrived--His Royal Highness Prince Eric has arrived--His Royal Highness Princess Regina has arrived--His Royal Highness Prince Alex has arrived--" At this time, an angry voice came from the door.

Hearing this, the people in the banquet hall began to move towards the door quickly but gracefully.

Su Su didn't suddenly regain her senses until the necklace she had been staring at disappeared, and then saw the backs of everyone going out.

In many cases, the trend of the masses must be followed.Su Su made a decisive decision, stepped on high-heeled shoes that seemed to be made of crystal, and moved out of the hall.

After the crowd arrived outside, they quickly divided into men and women and stood on both sides. Su Su stood silently as the last lady.Smile with joy in bitterness, this is also an experience in life.

A red carpet was rolled out quickly and straightly, and on both sides of the red carpet stood gallant and heroic officers with guns.

Several people got out of the car under everyone's attention.

Well, that kind old man with white hair and slightly fat should be "His Majesty the King", and a thin, middle-aged man in a dark red military uniform beside him is... "His Royal Highness"?The mature beauty behind him with an elegant smile is "His Royal Highness"?But, on the other side of "His Majesty the King", who is the young man in a white military uniform with a slight smile?

Su Su blinked her eyes in disbelief. With blond hair and a handsome face, she should know him right, but the military uniform on him that completely embodies the aristocratic temperament...and even has a military rank!Damn...what's that called?Prince Alex?

Su Su gritted her teeth secretly, this guy... his identity is getting more and more exaggerated.

But even though she was annoyed by him, looking at his handsome and noble face because of the decent military uniform, as well as that heroic expression and posture, made her heart beat faster.

God!Could this be the legendary uniform temptation?

Su Su's cheeks were flushed, and she remembered that she had watched several European court movies, and the elegant and noble prince in military uniform and military badge was her girlish feelings when she was young.But now, the appearance of that prince gradually merged with the approaching Karen, Su Su was at a loss for the first time facing her younger lover.

It turned out that all her dreams belonged to him.A kind of relief and sweetness emerged spontaneously, and she couldn't help smiling at him.

Among the many ladies and ladies, Karen saw the smiling lover at a glance. His green eyes were full of doting. He left the king and the three and walked straight towards her.

Seeing Karen approaching, the ladies and daughters hurriedly bowed down to salute the court, only Su Su was still in a daze.

"Susu, what are you laughing at?" Karen asked with a loving smile while reaching out to her.

"No..." Su Su put her hand on his naturally, quite ashamed.She couldn't let this guy know what she was thinking, otherwise tonight... She rolled her eyes unnaturally, but was shocked to find that all the people who came out to greet her were bowing their waists in court salutes, but she was the only one standing straight!

God!let her die.Disgraced and thrown abroad.Su Su groaned softly.

"Alex, is this lovely lady...?" His Majesty the King also came over and asked curiously.

"Susu, my beloved fiancee." With a smile on the corner of her mouth, Karen took her hand into her arms affectionately and brought her to the king, "Susu, let me introduce you, this is His Majesty the King of Monaco, my grandfather ; Eric, my little uncle; Regina, my aunt."

A bunch of royal relatives... Su Su doesn't know how to greet them anymore, God pity her, she really has never dealt with the royal family!

"This lady is the one who fascinated our first nobleman? It's really disrespectful." Prince Eric said humorously first.

This sentence gave her a few more eyes.

"Hehe, hello, three."

"Hi ma'am." The King of Monaco smiled with scrutiny in his eyes.

Princess Regina returned an elegant and distant smile.

Su Su pinched Karen's arm indiscriminately.

Karen chuckled, "Let's go in and talk about the rest. Your Majesty Shou Xing will invite you first."

The King of Monaco looked at his most beloved grandson, shook his head with a smile, and walked into the banquet hall first.

The salute officers fired their cannons.

Karen walked behind the princess with Su Su on his arm. He smiled and bowed his head in her ear and said, "Susu, you are so beautiful today." He had seen Susu's beauty in a large court dress since he was a child. Incredible.

"You're handsome too." Su Su lowered her eyes and said softly, quite embarrassed and shy.

The corners of Karen's lips rose, and he couldn't help kissing her lightly on the cheek.

Su Su blushed and raised her head, looking at his mature and stable smiling face, "Do you have a dual personality?" She blurted out.Today's Karen doesn't look like a brat who clings to her to death.

Karen laughed, "Susu, although I really want to restore that personality, I am still a prince here, a role model for the people. If my grandfather sees how I treat you, I will definitely faint. Nuo En Modi already has a big opinion."

"But why are you a prince?"

"My mother is the second princess." Karen said naturally.

"Why not your elder brother?"

Karen's green eyes blinked in astonishment, "Don't you know that my brothers are all from different mothers?"

Typical corruption performance of a wealthy family!Su Su took a deep breath and forced herself to accept this matter calmly.

After the king's speech of thanks, the banquet began.After the king and princess danced, pairs of partners slid down the dance floor and danced lightly.Karen saluted gracefully, "Miss, may I have the honor to dance with you?"

"I'm very honored." With a smile on the corner of Su Su's mouth, she put her hand into his.

The two danced leisurely on the dance floor, whispering intimately, staring at each other, and smiling brightly.

A group of unmarried daughters stared at the couple, their smiles almost couldn't hold on anymore.His Majesty the King specially summoned all the noble ladies to choose a princess for Prince Alex, but where did this commoner woman come from!

Damn it, that's not only Prince Alex, but Norn Modi, the young master of the Hank Consortium who conquered the world with his singing!Such a triple identity, such a proud son of heaven, is definitely the dream lover of every girl. Obtaining him means gaining wealth, fame, and women's admiration and vanity.They were also secretly glad that they might become the other half of his life, but they didn't expect... Damn commoner woman!

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