Chapter 206 It’s all a favor
Just as Chen Xinghe and the others were cleaning up their room, everyone from other houses came to their door.

"Hey, the boys' room is too crowded, so my room is bigger. Why don't you move to our room?" Song Dandan looked at the boys' room and said worriedly.

But this is not a problem for Chen Xinghe and the others. The main reason is that if it is not a single room, it is better for the three of them to live together.

"It's okay Dan Ma, it's good for us to live here, mainly because we like it." Chen Xinghe directly refused.

Song Dandan was hesitant to speak, but was immediately stopped by Wang Sulong, "Mom, you have to comply with other people's wishes. Just let them live here if they like."

Song Dandan immediately nodded to express his understanding. Seeing Wang Sulong controlling Song Dandan's words and deeds like a spokesman, everyone suddenly felt very funny.

Song Dandan, who couldn't persuade the boys, went to persuade the girls. If the girls moved over, the boys could be more relaxed. However, she also emphasized that she was negotiating gently and not forcing her. It seemed that she was really scared by netizens.

After sending the others away, everyone in House No. 3 went to the supermarket to do some shopping and prepare for today's lunch.

"Hahaha, Xiao Xi, we are so happy. There are five people and three chefs. It is estimated that we will gain 2 pounds of meat after the recording." Chen Yu looked at the backs of the three people cooking and whispered to Zhou Xi.

Zhou Xing looked at Chen Xinghe's back skillfully shaking the spoon and responded with a happy expression, "That's right, Mother Dan wants us to come over. How happy we are in this house."

Soon the four dishes and one soup were ready and served on the table. If people in other huts saw it, they would definitely hold the snail noodles in their hands and call them luxurious.

"It's so delicious. Brother Jun's braised pork is really a masterpiece." Zhou Xi ate the braised pork and gave Wang Chuanjun a thumbs up.

The same goes for Chen Yu, "As expected of a Shanghai man!"

"Ahem, be careful with your words and actions, be careful with your words and deeds." Chen Xinghe quickly reminded him jokingly after hearing this, because everyone often said that he was the little man from Shanghai.

"I was wrong." Chen Yu said as he sewed his mouth together like a needle and thread.

Wang Chuanjun was so amused that he burst out laughing, "Hahahahahahaha, I feel like everyone is a lot more reserved this time."

Wang Hedi: "Indeed, the laughter recorded last time is gone."

The others nodded together, and then tacitly agreed not to talk about this topic anymore.

After being silent for a while, Chen Yu brought up another topic, "Xinghe Xiaomeng, I watched your new TV series. It's really good."

"Hey, you've watched the show." Chen Xinghe raised his eyebrows and replied with interest.

"Yes, my friends abroad recognized you immediately when they saw you. They said you were that handsome and handsome car mechanic."

"From what you can tell, I have quite a few foreign movie fans."

"Of course. When I go to catwalks, my friends often ask me if I know Chen Xinghe. After I answer that I do, they want me to introduce him to him."

"Cough, cough, cough, forget it." Chen Xinghe immediately started coughing upon hearing this, and glanced at Zhou Xi's reaction from the corner of his eye.

His little movements did not escape the observation of others, who were all amused.

After dinner, Chen Xinghe thought about going to Li Xueqin, Wang Sulong and the others to check out the new songs. After telling them to gather at Wuyou Station at four o'clock, Chen Xinghe went to Room 2 to find Wang Sulong and the others.

"Galaxy is coming."

"Brother Taki Xueqin, let me ask you about the new song."

When Chen Xinghe arrived at Room 2, Li Xueqin and Wang Sulong happened to be discussing the post-650 broadcast together, so they didn't have to look for them one by one.

"Okay, you sit down for a while and I'll find some headphones."

Because the new song cannot be exposed yet, Wang Sulong did not release it directly.

Soon Wang Sulong brought a professional music player and the world's top noise-canceling headphones.

"Listen to it."

Chen Xinghe turned on the player, and Wang Sulong's voice came out.

"The anchored ship staggered to the shore
I looked up at the sail that was riddled with holes.

It was so brave that it took me across thousands of rivers and mountains

It turns out that the invisible wind can easily wear it away

Countless people crowded onto the deck

Looking into the distance and fantasizing about romance
The ocean they yearn for

Hidden dreams that can never be salvaged

Ask me if I have ever seen the light at the end of the world

I nodded and waved my hand
I think every minute and second is insignificant

Can be willful and unrestrained, proud and arrogant

Put down your dignity and risk your life
All the money has been lost

Just got a bad check

When I was young, I made bold promises
After half a lifetime, there is still no story worth telling.
A wish made on the last day
It’s you who don’t remember me anymore
Looking up at the sky, there are planes and migratory birds
The clouds are like crumbling nests
All the edges have been worn away, and it's finally my turn to take the helm.

Only then did I discover all the directions
The terminal is the same

I clenched my fists and refused to give up
I think every minute and second is insignificant

Can be willful and unrestrained, proud and arrogant

Put down your dignity and risk your life
All the money has been spent..."

A good song, really a good song. The lyrics "I once dreamed of reaching the sky in one step and becoming a hero, but all my wealth was gone and I was left empty-handed." It is understandable to express the desire for success, but the "greed and unwillingness" in human nature will also give criminals opportunities. It can be used to make people "lose all their money".

And it is particularly suitable for this movie, and it is very consistent with the purpose of the movie to reveal the inside story of the entire industry chain of overseas online fraud.

The movie itself hopes to appeal to the public: Instead of regretting and lamenting after failure, it is better to learn to cherish it now. The theme of this song is really great.

"Brother Taki, this song is really good, but why does it feel like a demo? Aren't you going to sing it?"

Hearing Chen Xinghe's words, Wang Sulong and Li Xueqin looked at each other and smiled. The former pulled out the USB flash drive plugged into the player and handed it to Chen Xinghe and said, "Xinghe, I have discussed it with Xueqin. She will write the lyrics for this song and I will compose the final part." I'll leave the singing to you, it's probably our best collaboration."

Chen Xinghe looked at the USB flash drive in his hand and was moved, "Thank you Brother Long and Xue Qin. Brother Long will help me record the show after the recording is over."

"It's necessary. By the way, this is for you." Wang Sulong patted his chest in assurance and gave Chen Xinghe another bag.

When he opened it, it turned out to be the copyright transfer agreement for the song. Even the two people's names had been written. Chen Xinghe didn't say anything more and hugged the two of them. Everything was settled.

Back in the room, Chen Xinghe put the USB flash drive and the agreement into the box.

The two gave Chen Xinghe such a big gift that he didn't know what to repay. It was too vulgar to talk about money, and to be honest, even if it were the top songwriter in the industry, 200 million would be the most, so what chance would there be to repay this? What about the relationship between two people? This made Chen Xinghe scratch his head.

Forget it. If you can't think of it, don't think about it. The days ahead are still long.

Just lying on the bed to rest for a while, Chen Xinghe suddenly received a call.

"Feed Dalin."

"Xinghe, I have something to ask you."

Hearing that Guo Qilin really had something wrong, Chen Xinghe asked with concern, "Just tell me if you have anything."

"That's right. I heard from Xiao Zhan that your company has moved to another location, right?"

Hearing Guo Qilin say this, Chen Xinghe was relieved, "Yeah, what's the matter? You want this place."

"Yes, I want this land and plan to open a studio of my own."

"Young master, you want to go it alone, why do you want the land?" Chen Xinghe immediately teased him after hearing this.

After hearing Chen Xinghe's words, Guo Qilin also started joking with him, "That's a lot of class leaders who are about to be kicked out."

Although it was just a joke, Chen Xinghe could hear his helplessness and worry from his mouth. Previously, Chen Xinghe had learned a lot from the Internet about Cao Yunjin's departure from Deyun Club. At first, they analyzed that it was related to Guo Qilin's inheritance of Deyun Club. Chen Xinghe still didn't believe it, but now that he thought about it, it was really not groundless.

Then Chen Xinghe stopped joking and became serious, "Wait a moment, I'm recording the show." After Chen Xinghe said that, he took off the microphone and left the room, refusing to follow anyone who was taking photos. He went to a deserted place and continued.

"What's wrong? From what you say, you really mean that you are ready to go it alone."

"Yeah, I think Deyun Club can't accommodate me anymore. I just had a chat with my master yesterday. He suggested that I go out on my own. With his connections, he can still take care of me." Guo Qilin told him with a wry smile. Talked about it.

After hearing this, Chen Xinghe didn't know why, but he sympathized with Guo Qilin's experience very much, "It's hard for outsiders to tell me what's going on in your family, but I don't have a problem with you wanting that place. Are you in the capital now? If you are, I'll tell you now. Ask Sister Zhao to transfer it to you."

"Here you are, I'm coming back to rest for two days."

"Okay, I'll give you Sister Ting's phone number later and you can just call her."

"Don't worry, I won't let you suffer. It's as much as you need."

"What are you talking about? It's money without money. I'm in a hurry to give you the money. I'll leave all the local things to you, but I can't control the rent in the future."

"Okay, good brother, I owe you a favor. I'll treat you to dinner later."

"No problem, I will give you a platform when your studio is established."

"Forget it, I don't plan to let others know about this for a while. It will be of no benefit to our father and son and Deyun Society."

"Well, that's okay. If you have anything to say in the future, you can tell me."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xinghe couldn't help but sigh that every family has its own scriptures that are difficult to recite, and then called Zhao Ting to explain the matter to her.

After finishing the matter, Chen Xinghe put on the microphone again. He was no longer sleepy. He looked at the time and saw that it was almost 3:30, then went out and gathered around.

At four o'clock, the six employees of Wuyou Station regrouped and started the first business of the fourth recording.

To be continued. .

(End of this chapter)

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