Chapter 213 Meeting

"Mother Dan, Sister Xuan." When they arrived at House No. 1, Chen Xinghe and the others put away their umbrellas and came to the familiar restaurant, where they greeted the two elders from Taohuawu.

"Hey, I'm not used to you guys not exercising or playing basketball in the yard this morning. It seems like we haven't seen each other for a long time." When Song Dandan saw them coming, he smiled and hugged them.

Dong Xuan was also sighing beside him, "Me too, there are no more shouts from Di Di and Chuan Jun playing ball in the yard. Although there is heavy rain falling, it is very quiet."

After greeting the two elders and nodding to the others, Chen Xinghe returned to his old place, and then high-fived Wang Sulong next to him.

"Hey, it's a meeting. Let's see what's going on today." At this time, Song Dandan took charge, but since there was no dock director, it was understandable that she would preside over it this time.

On the TV, the staff also started to play today's task in a cooperative manner, "Ding!"

"Keyword trigger, performance art! Take a nap in the sun! Lie down on the cusp of the storm, and let's talk our thoughts to the sea together. The wind of creation has been blowing for two seasons. Joseph always shouts the classic saying "Everyone is an artist" when he sees it. !”

"The community members who are masters of art per capita are no longer satisfied with just participating. The initiative of the whole activity must be in their own hands. How to do performance art? The community members will propose together!"

As soon as the task came out, everyone started discussing it with great interest. Wang Hedi was the first to express his proposal: "My proposal is to go to sea for 24 hours."

As soon as he said what he said, Meng Ziyi frowned, and the others were very afraid to be interested. Song Dandan refused directly and said, "I object!"

Even Moringa Yangzi, who had always supported Wang Hedi, looked at him and said, "I can't help you, Didi. I won't even agree to your begging."

Seeing that his proposals were rejected one after another, Wang Hedi also sat there with some embarrassment.

Wang Sulong saw Wang Hedi's awkward look and said, "The next person can go directly."

Everyone knows what Wang Hedi means. Isn't it just going out to sea to play? It can also be performance art.

At this time, Wang Chuanjun, who was next to Wang Hedi, proposed: "We will be in a daze by the window of our room for 15 minutes, and then its request will be like this."

He leaned forward, wanting everyone to see him. After all, he was sitting relatively far back, and then continued: "Can't turn on the air conditioner, rain or shine."

"Pfft! Hahahahaha." Dong Xuan burst out laughing, and Chen Xinghe also remembered Wang Chuanjun's hobby of making a fuss.

Because of his hobby, they didn't turn on the air conditioner when they slept at night, and Wang Hedi was even more unlucky. The weather at the beach was changeable, and he often found that his quilt was wet by the rain when he fell asleep in the middle of the night.

This proposal ultimately failed because the windows in Fei Qiming's room were extremely high and they couldn't do it.

Wang Hedi said happily, thinking that if his own proposal failed to pass, it would be too good to pass other people's proposals, and he said happily: "Okay, next one."

Chen Xinghe and Zhou Xing watched their discussion with great interest. They had no interest in performance art at all, and it could even be said to be annoying to Chen Xinghe, so the two of them had no idea of ​​​​proposing a proposal. .

Soon Li Xueqin started his own proposal again and said: "I have a proposal. When I went to the isolated island last time, the stars that night were particularly beautiful.

There was a big light on that island, and the light was very bright! Then I asked the program team to turn off all the lights on the desert island, so my suggestion was that we pick a clear night with many stars, and then put All the lights in Taohuawu were turned off, and then we watched the stars together for ten minutes. "

Li Xueqin's proposal was approved by most people, and the two girls, Song Yanfei and Chen Yu, immediately clapped and cheered.

Song Dandan also clapped his hands and pulled his neck and shouted: "This is okay!"

Meng Ziyi also clapped her hands and said loudly, "Romantic!"

Although Chen Xinghe didn't like performance art, he thought Li Xueqin's proposal was particularly good and gave Li Xueqin a thumbs up.

Wang Sulong looked at Li Xueqin who was standing there making a proposal and said with pride: "How romantic!" Song Dandan continued to add: "Let's lie on the beach, and then Xinghe doesn't like performance art, then let Xinghe rest on the side A piano, play it for us."

When she said this, Song Dandan even laughed out of embarrassment, because she felt that she was a little outrageous.

Chen Xinghe was dumbfounded when he heard Song Dandan's words. Although he really didn't like performance art, at least let him participate. No, what the hell is playing piano accompaniment for them!
"Xinghe can play like this when the time comes." Moringa Yangzi said while jokingly making moves, raising his head and closing his eyes while playing the piano with a satisfied expression.

"I can go there and sleep for ten minutes. After all, last season Chen Chen Chen mentioned performance art three times and I didn't participate. This time it's just a make up."

After Chen Xinghe said this, the old members all laughed.

During the laughter, Li Xueqin's proposal was passed, and then Song Dandan started to speak: "Because the season we are in now is a season that keeps changing like a child's face in Haikou, so we have to find a day when it rains like yesterday. Like the hottest time in the morning, we rush out immediately! Just play a game in the rain and feel in touch with nature."

"Okay, okay." Wang Hedi was the first to agree.

"No problem!" Wang Chuanjun said the same.

"This is our strength. We usually do this when it rains." Wu Dajing also participated.

This proposal was quickly recognized by everyone.

Next, Wang Sulong started the proposal again and said: "My performance art is inspired by the Analects of Confucius, which means that if three people walk together, there must be a teacher. The name of the performance art is the public mind, but the public is the public of three people, so we 15 people will be divided into five groups, and then every three people will be in a group, and then what will happen to these three people, they will hold hands."

Speaking of this, Wang Sulong patted Chen Xinghe on the shoulder and asked him to demonstrate for him.

Chen Xinghe happily took Zhou Xing's hand and stood up. The two of them stood in a row holding hands. Wang Sulong took Chen Xinghe's hand next to him and explained to everyone: "For example, if you cook, then you two will do it." Do it, and then you both only have one hand each.”

Zhou Ming used the other hand that was not held by him to make movements consciously and cooperated very well with Wang Sulong. Then Wang Sulong took the two people's hands and continued: "What if it's time to eat, even you two have to Feed me."

Seeing that everyone else was attracted by his words, Wang Sulong continued his explanation: "Then if you want to change, then you two hold hands."

Then Wang Sulong let go of Chen Xinghe's hand, and then gently held Zhou Ming's fingers. This time, Zhou Ming became the middle of the three, and her hands were all restrained.

Chen Xinghe, who had both hands immobilized before, had one hand freed.


Everyone immediately understood Wang Sulong's proposal.

After reading the explanation, Song Dandan immediately nodded and said, "Okay!"

Moringa Yangzi also echoed: "This is interesting."

"Well, this is a bit like performance art." Song Dandan was full of praise for Wang Sulong's proposal.

Wang Sulong's consent was also approved, and others actively shared their proposals, but none of them were approved again. Therefore, three performance arts were included in the targets for subsequent recordings.

After the meeting, Chen Xinghe saw that it was still raining, so he told everyone that Wuyou Station would not be open tonight, but the number of recordings at Wuyou Station this season was a bit less. After discussing it with several of their employees, they all I went to the small station and planned to record an internal dinner party.

To be continued. .

(End of this chapter)

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