The conspicuous bag in China Entertainment Taohuawu

Chapter 225 Season 2 Taohuawu officially ends

Chapter 225 The second season of Taohuawu officially ends
Everyone was full, and everyone cleared the table together. Everyone also noticed that a few people from 650 were setting up something. All the things that were not important enough had been finished, so they stopped pretending and let everyone start helping.

Soon the living room was decorated, and the tea table was filled with melon seeds, candies, fruits, and tea. Everyone came to the living room and sat down. Li Xueqin looked at everyone and started to host, "Today we are going to watch the Spring Festival Gala, which is a must-have item during the New Year."

When Song Dandan heard Li Xue's request, he immediately opened his mouth and asked in disbelief: "Ah!"

"What about the TV show?" Meng Ziyi looked forward to it very much!
The same is true for others, because they have not received any notice to perform the show before, can they do it well just by themselves?

However, Chen Xinghe had some doubts. He thought about the fact that the other party had asked him to record a short video with Zhou Ming in the past two days. Is it related to this?
The moment the TV was turned on, everyone put down what they were doing and turned their attention, except that the background on the screen was as red and festive as the Spring Festival Gala.

"Taohuawu No. 650 Group Entertainment Group and the sponsor dad sincerely invite you to watch the Spring Festival Gala!"

Then the voice from the TV appeared. Wang Hedi patted Wang Sulong beside him and said with a smile: "Brother Long, isn't this your voice?"

"Yes, my voice."

After Wang Sulong finished speaking, he met Chen Xinghe's eyes, and suddenly felt guilty. He stood up and sat away from here, sitting on the other side, because what he just said mentioned that 650 Entertainment was the number one group.

But at the end of the day, Chen Xinghe started reading it seriously without any hesitation.

But what was unexpected was that the accident came, and the screen became very stuck for some unknown reason, which made several people in 650 very anxious.

Once the rhythm of a comedy show is interrupted, the effect will be greatly reduced. Fortunately, this episode was quickly resolved by Moringa Yangzi and the screen continued to play.

The first scene showed people dancing square dance in Room No. 1.

I saw Dong Xuan, Song Dandan, and the others leading the dance in front, while the others were backing up as backup dancers. The former was very surprised when she saw this scene. She didn't even know when the other party took the photo.

Song Dandan looked at the TV at this time and said: "I asked you why you ran into our house and asked us to gather everyone to dance in the square."

Then everyone in House No. 1 walked forward side by side!
The editing of the picture was very powerful, and the scene was changed seamlessly, and the scene was changed just right, which immediately caused everyone to exclaim!

"Why did you take a step forward?" Song Dandan complained again while looking at this scene.

Various programs immediately began to play on the TV. First, Chen Xinghe and Zhou Xi danced a pas de deux from the previous program. The funny thing was that the last scene of Zhou Xi spinning in circles was looped infinitely, which made everyone laugh. Not only After this period, the circle in the lower right corner of the video is still spinning.

"Oh my god, Xiao Ming is too tired." Looking at this scene, Wang Chuanjun teased Zhou Ming.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect this. I thought it was just a simple dance. Wow, Brother Xueqin, you guys are so bad!" Zhou Xi couldn't help laughing, and complained about Wang Sulong and Li Xueqin.

Soon Chen Yu and Fei Qiming performed Song Dandan's classic skit and the hilarious performances of the Three Idiots, which also made everyone laugh. Moreover, Meng Ziyi and Song Yanfei's appearance as a regular audience was interspersed in the show, which made the two people directly Huo Wang Su Long, the bad guy!

During Dong Xuan's magic, 650 people appeared in front of everyone. Li Xueqin hosted everyone: "The New Year's bell is about to ring, and we will hold an award ceremony for friends who have made outstanding contributions to Taohuawu in the past season. , now switch the screen to the barn branch room."

As soon as Li Xueqin finished speaking on the screen, several people from 650 quickly stood in front of everyone, holding cards and announcing to everyone, "The first award I will present to you is! Annual Breakthrough Individual Award!"

Everyone applauded and cheered very generously. They are indeed very talented. This work is very interesting and I am very satisfied with the view of the sea.

After everyone applauded and cheered, Li Xueqin read the award speech very emotionally, "I used to wait for the birds and now I act like a bird, I used to think about it and now I barbecue, I used to be cool! Now I am three idiots, I used to slap the table and now I flatter!"

At this point, Li Xueqin paused. Everyone else also knew who the award was awarded to, and then they all looked at Wang Chuanjun. He was stunned for a moment, and then he covered his face in embarrassment and sat upright. Everyone watching was very amused.

Xu Zhisheng then talked about the award speech, "No one could force him to perform at the party before, but now there is no party and he can force him to perform!"

"Since arriving in Taohuawu, he has broken through his own bottom line time and time again and opened up his own situation. So who pushed him?" Moringa Yangzi also read the award words with emotion, and finally the three of them shouted in unison: "he himself!"

"Wang Chuanjun, who just joined the dock, has 'died'. Now it is Niu Colu Chuanjun. Please invite the winner Wang Chuanjun to come to the stage to receive the award!"

After Li Xueqin finished his last award speech, the scene suddenly burst into laughter, and Wang Chuanjun stepped forward amidst the laughter, making the scene even more joyful.

"Congratulations." Wang Sulong, the director of the station, handed the trophy stacked with paper to Wang Chuanjun, and the crowd burst into applause.

While applauding, Chen Xinghe recalled every detail of Wang Chuanjun's career since he joined the team. While lamenting his growth, he also lamented that Li Xueqin and the others were so talented.

Wang Chuanjun was about to say something while holding the trophy when he was stopped by several people from 650. The latter said in disbelief: "I don't have to say anything, right?"

"You don't need to give an acceptance speech. It's whatever we say." Li Xueqin waved at him and told him to get off quickly.

Such a funny scene made everyone laugh.

Then Li Xueqin continued to host the announcement: "He was riding a white horse on the beach, wearing sunglasses and was fascinated by Dan Dan. Although Shan Dan was fascinated, he was accompanied by a beautiful woman. Once Shan Dan was Cixi's minister behind the curtain, and he was the prime minister. Now Shan Dan is in control of government affairs. If I don’t say anything, I will agree with everything you say. But he has a "shhh" attitude. The netizens in front of the TV are watching you.

Although they kept doing funny things, his face always said I am a prince! Oh prince, although you already have Snow White, don’t forget that there are white clouds and black soil behind you! "

Li Xueqin, Moringa Yangzi and Xu Zhisheng cooperated very well, and the scene suddenly fell into a sea of ​​joy. Everyone also knew that the winner of this award was Chen Xinghe.

"His name is Chen Xinghe! Congratulations to him for winning the Song Dandan Personal Choice Award!"

When Chen Xinghe heard this, he immediately shook his head in thought, and fiddled with his hand on his chest as if he was adjusting his tie. Then he pulled Zhou Ming up and stood up together. The two hugged each other, and even pretended to be themselves after the hug. As if his tie was crooked, Zhou Ming helped him adjust it. Then he shook hands with Song Dandan, Wang Hedi and others before he walked onto the stage and took the trophy from Wang Sulong's hand.

"Oh my god, Xinghe, you didn't have so much to do when you won the Best Actor at the Venice Film Festival." Li Xueqin complained at the side, making everyone laugh.

Soon other awards were announced one by one, and Dong Xuan won the Communication Master Award.

Wang Hedi won the Most Historical Heritage Award.

Wu Dajing won the Zonghengzhihe Award.

Meng Ziyi won the Taohuawu Turing Award.

Song Yanfei won the Taohuawu Best Audience Award.

Zhou Ming won the Taohuawu Best Actress Award.

Fei Qiming won the Taohuawu Horse Award.

Chen Yu won the Taohuawu Mystery Award.

Song Dandan won the Taohuawu Lifetime Achievement Award.

Soon the award ceremony ended with everyone laughing, and everyone went back to their respective rooms to rest, and tonight was the last night in Taohuawu.

They entered the dream, Wang Chuanjun, He Di, Wu Dajing and the others acted as monsters and woke up all the sleeping people.

After everyone arrived, they gave everyone a gift. The director team put a video they made on the big screen that had been prepared in advance. It showed every detail of everyone's visit to Taohuawu!
Everyone was very happy when they watched it. After the film was played, everyone couldn't help but covered their eyes.

In the second season of Taohuawu, it was officially time to part ways. At this time, Song Dandan looked at the three of them and shouted with great excitement: "You three lunatics made us all naked here!" After saying that, he couldn't help himself. Tears were shed.

Wu Dajing hugged Song Dandan and comforted him, and then took the microphone and said to everyone: "Today is the last episode of Three Silly Chuan Bar and our last night in Taohuawu."

Yes, it's the last night, and the second season of Taohuawu is coming to an end. Thinking of this, Chen Xinghe looked at Zhou Xi, who was naked and still beautiful next to him, and saw two lines of clear tears appearing on her face. This was her last night to record in Taohuawu, and Chen Xinghe held her in his arms affectionately.

At this time, Wang Hedi continued what Wu Dajing said: "We have been together for so many days and I have made very good friends. We have been happy and unhappy, but on the last night we have experienced everything before. I believe this It will become one of our best memories.”

Wang Chuanjun also hugged the sad Song Dandan, then looked at everyone and said: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry to gather everyone together this night, because this is really the last night for everyone together, so thank you very much and hope everyone I can leave a desert island in my heart, leave a piece of Taohuawu and see you again fifty kilometers away, thank you all."

Everyone was moved by Wang Chuanjun's sincere words and applauded him one after another.

"Okay! Let's go to the last three silly groups and wish everyone a good morning." Amid everyone's applause, Wu Dajing took the microphone and spoke to everyone.

Then the microphone was handed to Wang Hedi, who shouted loudly: "Good afternoon!"

Finally, Wang Chuanjun concluded: "Good night!"

After saying this, everyone said goodbye to each other.

"Brother Taki, see you back in Beijing."

"See you later, Di Di."

"Xueqin will get together at home then."

"Goodbye, Danma. If you have nothing to do, I'll go to your house to have some food."

"Brother Jun, see you later."

Chen Xinghe said goodbye to everyone one by one.

The recording was completed the next day and everyone set off on their way home. The second season of Taohuawu has officially ended!
To be continued. .

(End of this chapter)

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