The conspicuous bag in China Entertainment Taohuawu

Chapter 233 The birth of a daughter

Chapter 233 The birth of a daughter
"My dear, are you tired these past few days?"

Chen Xinghe has been on the set of "Sturdy as a Rock" for more than ten days. For some reason, the crew is in a very fast pace. He often works day and night. This day, he can finally rest normally at night. Chen Xinghe ate and lay on the big bed in the hotel with My girlfriend Zhou Ming made a video call.

On the phone, Zhou Xi was lying on the sofa enjoying a massage from Chen Xinghe's assistant Wang Yihan. Chen Xinghe deliberately left her behind when he left. There were no action scenes on the film crew here, so Zhou Xi was left by his side to help her. It would be more appropriate to condition your body with a massage or something.

Although he was a little tired, in front of his boyfriend, Zhou Ming still smiled at him and said: "Fortunately, there are not many action scenes these days, and Youhan is by my side to take care of me, so I don't have much trouble, but you I have to take good care of my body even though I'm on set all the time."

"Well, although I have a lot of scenes to shoot here, there are basically no action scenes. And you don't know about my physical strength." Chen Xinghe saw that Zhou Xi was in good condition, so he also teased her.

"Humph, I don't know who is hiding in the name of visiting the class." When Zhou Xing heard Chen Xinghe's words, he immediately started teasing Chen Xinghe unkindly.

Upon hearing this, Chen Xinghe immediately became unconvinced, "Ahem, cough, cough, you little bastard, you dare to tease me, if you hadn't..." But when it came to this, Chen Xinghe realized that Wang Yihan was next to him, and immediately He stopped the car, and then continued, "Next time, I promise to kill no one."

"Okay, I'll wait for you."

The conversation between the two people made Wang Yihan, who was helping Zhou Xing massage, widen his eyes. Oh my god, what a big deal she had. Although the two were boyfriend and girlfriend, it was not a big deal, but hearing this, I felt that Chen Xinghe was so strong. Ah, this made her fall into imagination, and even the strength of Zhou Ming's massage became soft.

But he was suddenly awakened by Zhou Xi's words, "Yihan, please try harder. Why do I think your strength has become weaker?"

"Ah, is it too small? Then I'll try harder. Now it's comfortable. If not, let's change the position."

Good guy, what kind of talk is this! Chen Xinghe's scalp was numb as he listened. Then he threw away the picture in his mind and continued to ask seriously: "How is the progress of the crew?"

"It's okay. It's just that the progress of the scenes is a little slower. Everything else is okay. How about you? Is it stressful to be with director Zhang Yimou and so many outstanding seniors?"

"What kind of pressure can I have? You have forgotten that your boyfriend is also very good. Why are you both the best actor and the best actress? You are still worried that I will be compared with them if I act with them."

"That's not true, my boyfriend is the best, right?"

"That's pretty much it."

The two joked for a while, and Zhou Ming asked vaguely, "When are you going back? It's only in the past few days."

Hearing Zhou Ming's words, Chen Xinghe was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Li Yiran's due date was at the end of October or beginning of November. He thought for a while and then responded: "I'll take leave in two days." Go back, you can come back too, let’s go together. I hope you will be there by then.”

Seeing Chen Xinghe's eager eyes, Zhou Ming nodded, "Okay, I'll go back too."

"Okay! Honey, I love you so much!"

After getting what he wanted, Chen Xinghe was so happy that Zhou Ming, who was opposite him, was also amused.

Then the two chatted about filming for a while and then hung up the phone.


Two days later, Chen Xinghe and Zhang Yimou took leave and returned to the capital.

Zhou Ming was earlier than him. The two met and then went to a private maternity hospital not far from the Chen family's old residence.

This is the best private maternal and child health hospital in Beijing. It not only has a good environment and facilities on the first floor, but also has very good privacy.

After much consideration, Chen Xinghe decided to let Li Yiran give birth in the capital, mainly because it would be inconvenient for his family to take care of him abroad.

Chen Xinghe contacted this private hospital very early and signed an extremely strict confidentiality agreement with the hospital. The doctors and nurses are the medical team dedicated to serving Li Yiran and have signed relevant agreements. Even the wards and operating rooms are It is developed independently and will not be disturbed by outsiders.

When Chen Xinghe and Zhou Xi arrived, Li Yiran was preparing to go to the operating room. When he saw Chen Xinghe coming, his eyes suddenly became happy. "Don't worry, I will wait for you outside the door." Chen Xinghe took her hand and whispered to her.

Li Yiran just held Chen Xinghe's hand, and nodded firmly after a while. Then he looked at Zhou Ming, who held her hand with her expectant eyes, and then separated after a while.

Seeing the nurse pushing Li Yiran into the operating room, Chen Xinghe was worried and excited at the same time, thinking, "I'm going to be a father!"

"Mr. Chen, don't worry. We have checked Ms. Li's physical condition and it is very good. With the experts from the hospital here, everything will go smoothly." The nurse next to her said something to Chen Xinghe and then followed her in.

Chen Xinghe thanked her repeatedly before she entered, and then wandered back and forth in the corridor.

Seeing him wandering around, Chen's father said angrily, "What are you wandering around? Find a place to sit down quickly."

Of course, this was also because Zhou Xi was present. After all, his son had made a mistake. Of course, he couldn't act very eager in front of his son's real girlfriend.

Mother also held Zhou Xing's hand, as if to express her attitude. Zhou Xing glanced at Chen Xinghe, and then sat with Chen Xinghe without saying anything.

Seeing the look in his parents' eyes, Chen Xinghe knew the reason and then went to the stairwell.

To be honest, Chen Xinghe was not as nervous as he was when he went on stage to receive the award in Venice. His whole body was numb and his head was empty. When he saw Gao Shengqiang who came with him, he whispered to him, "Do you have any cigarettes? I’ll take one.”

Gao Shengqiang took out the Heiliqun in his pocket, Chen Xinghe took out one, and the latter quickly took the lighter and lit it.

Chen Xinghe doesn't know how to smoke. Although he has drank a lot since he was a child, he has never smoked cigarettes. His father has said since he was a child that if he dares to smoke, I will smoke his ass.

He had smoked it before when he was developing a character, but he found it difficult to smoke and it choked his throat, so he didn't become addicted.

But today, for some reason, he wanted to smoke for no reason. He had forgotten the lung-passing smoking technique he had learned before in character creation. He just smoked it into his mouth and spit it out, puffing away the clouds. He didn't know if it was the effect of nicotine. , the inner restlessness and tension are indeed reduced a lot.

After taking three or four cigarettes in a row, Chen Xinghe, who had been pacing back and forth in the stairwell, finally saw the green light of the operating room turn on, and then quickly reached the door of the operating room.

Soon the doctor in surgical clothes came out and said to everyone in a brisk tone that could be felt through the mask: "Congratulations, mother and daughter are safe, and the child is very healthy."

Everyone's hearts suddenly dropped, and Zhou Ming, who was holding hands with his mother Chang Yuhong, was also very excited. Soon Chen Xinghe got the approval to go visit Li Yiran and his daughter. At this time, Li Yiran was lying on the bed resting. Chen Xinghe held her hand and said with some distress.

"Thank you for your hard work. It hurts a lot. I should have come back earlier to stay with you."

Li Yiran saw that Chen Xinghe was so concerned about him. Although he was a little weak, he raised his arm and touched Chen Xinghe's cheek. Then he said, "It's okay. The doctor is always by your side. It's going very well. Take a look at my daughter." Bar."

Only then did Chen Xinghe turn his attention to the small bed next to him, where a red-skinned baby was sleeping soundly with his eyes closed and his mouth open.

Chen Xinghe didn't know what he was feeling at this time. Looking at this wrinkled little guy with one or two sparse hair, it took him a long time to say, "It's so ugly."

It seemed that the little one heard these words, and soon he started to cry loudly while twisting his four "ahhh"s.

"What's going on!" Chen Xinghe was also very panicked when he saw this. Facing this scene, he lost all the calmness of an actor.

Fortunately, the nurse next to her helped calm her daughter's mood and gave Chen Xinghe some tips on coaxing children. Looking at Chen Xinghe who was studying hard, Li Yiran smiled, and the fatigue on his body was diluted a lot.

Then he happily watched the father and daughter meet for the first time. The nurse reminded Li Yiran that it was time to rest, and Chen Xinghe reluctantly left.

But with a little life connected to his blood coming into this world, Chen Xinghe was really happy inside!
To be continued. .

(End of this chapter)

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