Chapter 241 Wuha opens the record

At Qiqihar Airport, Lu Han was sitting alone in the rest area of ​​the airport with a thermos cup in his hand. Facing a circle of photographers around him, he calmly unscrewed the bottle cap and took a sip of hot water to warm his body.

Since the high-speed train arrived, his body began to shiver unconsciously. The weather was too cold.

However, as an old variety artist, he naturally couldn't let the scene look too dry, so after taking a sip of water to warm his body, he talked to himself in front of the camera.

"The high-speed rail is faster. Why haven't they arrived yet?"

But after all, he was alone. After saying this, he got no response, and he felt bored, so he changed his movements to ease the awkwardness of the situation.

Just when he really didn't know what to do, the savior appeared. Talk show actor Wang Mian walked into his field of vision holding a white plastic plate in his hand.

"I'm here to pick you up. Do you know Mr. Deng?"

Seeing an acquaintance, Lu Han immediately became active, waving his hands and muttering "I don't know him."

"Then do you know the two Mr. Chens?"

Lu Han naturally knew that he was talking about Chen Xinghe and Chen He, but Mr. Deng didn't know the two Mr. Chens. How could he say he knew them? He continued to wave his hands and said vaguely, "I don't know them."

Upon hearing this, Wang Mian continued to ask, "What about Ms. Lu?"

Good guy, this is so cheeky. When Lu Han heard this, he immediately stood up and took care of Wang Mian twice, letting him see the power of the pure men in the capital.

After jostling for a while and repeatedly begging for mercy, Wang Mian remembered his business and crossed out the two words after "Ms. Lu". After obtaining his forgiveness, the two of them came to the entrance of the terminal building to greet the passengers who were flying to and from Qiqihar. Four people.

Over there, Chen Xinghe and the four of them felt the chill of the Northeast as soon as they got off the plane. Fortunately, Chen Xinghe has been exercising all year round and is young and strong. They adapted to it soon after getting off the plane. Next to them, Chen He, Deng Chao, and Fan Zhiyi, three native southerners, Some can't stand it.

This is only in the indoor terminal, so I’m not sure what will happen if it goes outdoors.

"It's too cold. What are we going to do in the next few days?" As he walked towards the exit of the station, Chen He unconsciously tightened his down jacket and complained about the temperature in Qiqihar.

"It's okay. Just stay in the house until then. Don't go out and it will be okay." Chen Xinghe gave him a note.

Deng Chao couldn't help laughing when he heard it and said: "What a great idea, Wang Zhengyu won't let us go."

"Really? Director Wang Zhengyu invited me to come but he told me that this show is relaxing and comfortable. Is it too urgent for me to quit now?"

"It's too late!" Brothers Chen He and Deng Chao said in unison, causing Fan Zhiyi next to him to unconsciously tighten his down jacket.

When they arrived at the exit, Chen Xinghe saw two figures from a distance. One of them was holding a big sign with a few words on it.

He naturally knew that the people coming were Wang Mian and Lu Han, but he still pretended to be unfamiliar and said, "Hey, there are people coming to pick us up."

Chen He directly made the show work, pointing at the two people at the door and laughing, "Hahahahaha, hahahahaha."

The laughter directly attracted the attention of the two people at the door. Looking at the four people walking towards the door, Wang Mian glanced at the sign in his hand suspiciously and said: "Hey, I was asked to pick up four people, why did five people come? "

Chen He saw the names written on the sign clearly, pointed at Fan Zhiyi next to him and teased Wang Mian, "You are wrong, Teacher Fan is here, you have no name, you are wrong today."

"You're done." Deng Chao also echoed from the side.

But Fan Zhiyi himself didn't care. He went up to shake Wang Mian's hand and said, "I heard that I was visiting your house today, so I'm here."

As a fan, Lu Han was very happy when he saw Fan Zhiyi coming and quickly asked, "Who invited Teacher Fan?"

"I invited you." Chen He raised his hand.

"Brother Lu."

"Xinghe is coming."

"Boss Chen."

"Hello Wang Mian."

Chen Xinghe greeted the two of them from the side.

Everyone gathered and walked out of the airport. As soon as they stepped out, they immediately felt the chill on their faces.

"Oh, let me go, it's too cold in this place." As soon as he went out, Fan Zhiyi complained in Mandarin.

Chen Xinghe also felt the cold. He didn't feel anything when he was indoors just now, but it was completely different when he got outside!

"How does it feel colder than Chongli?" Wang Mian, the host, asked everyone.

"It's cold."

"It's honestly cold."

Deng Chao and Chen He were answering, and Lu Han next to him made a sarcastic comment, "Hey, it feels a little warmer than I thought."

"Brother, let's not say this too early." Wang Mian immediately reminded a few people after hearing Lu Han's words.

Everyone looked at each other in confusion and didn't understand what he meant. How could he stay warm when he was already so cold?

"Okay, let's not talk anymore. I have prepared a luxury car for everyone and will pick you up back to our home."

"Luxury car? Real or fake." Deng Chao obviously didn't believe it.

"Really transferred from Inner Mongolia." Wang Mian responded again.

Soon a few people found the parking lot and saw two cars.

Although the car is a good car, what the hell is this body that leaks air from all sides? Open the convertible at minus 23 degrees Celsius?

"I'm going to tell you the truth, I won't have a stroke after sitting here." Fan Zhiyi immediately panicked when he saw it, and hurriedly complained.


Soon they walked to the car and saw a person stepping out of the car. Chen Xinghe saw that he knew gems. His song "Wild Wolf Disco" was very popular all over the country and even appeared on it with William Chan. Spring Festival Gala.

Several people greeted him, "Hello, uncle."

"Brother Fan, Boss Chen, Brother He, Brother Chao, Teacher Lu."


After chatting for a while, the director team signaled everyone to get in the car quickly and go to the next recording location.

"Do you really want to take this car? Can't we go to the beach and then take this car? If you let us take this car in the middle of a winter with a temperature of minus 23 degrees Celsius, are we losing face?" Chen Xinghe complained directly to the director team.

Seeing Chen Xinghe complaining about the director while playing Fan Zhiyi's jokes, everyone laughed out loud. Wang Zhengyu was also very funny after being complained about by Chen Xinghe, but since he has come to the Northeast, he will not punish you. Clear? After laughing for a while, Wang Mian said: "To be honest, I have never ridden in this kind of car in winter in the Northeast for more than 20 years."

"Come on." Since they couldn't resist, Chen Xinghe and the others could only accept it and got into the convertible.

The two drivers were Chen He and Dong Baoshi. Before the car started, Chen Xinghe heard Fan Zhiyi next to him angrily saying to Chen He, the driver of the car next to him.

"I'm telling you Chen He, I've already remembered it for you. You tricked me into coming here and you're going to suffer, right?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was amused and laughed again.

"Teacher Fan and I want to take him to experience the joy and warmth of our program and the real travel-style program."

Hearing the reason why Chen He deceived Fan Zhiyi, everyone couldn't help laughing again when they looked at Fan Zhiyi, the big enemy.

"Come on, brothers, we are 35 kilometers away from the destination." Tour guide Wang Mian said to everyone.

Everyone was shocked when they heard that it was so cold to drive a convertible for 35 kilometers without freezing to death. Chen Xinghe complained directly: "Why do you want to drive to the capital?"

As he spoke, Chen Xinghe fastened all the zippers of his down jacket, took out a cotton hat and a thick mask from his pocket and got fully equipped. At this time, what else did he care about his image? Keeping warm was the most important thing.

When the others saw this, they all arranged their clothes in a learned manner, while Deng Chao looked at Wang Mian with a murderous look, wishing he could beat him to death.

"Brother Chao's eyes are killing people. Drive quickly." Wang Mian was so frightened that he shrank into the car and reminded the driver Bao Bao to drive quickly.

The car immediately started moving, and the speed increased a bit on the road. Everyone immediately felt the cold wind like a knife blowing towards everyone, "Oh."


Suddenly a cry of exclamation came from the two cars, it was really too cold!

The two Northeasterners stood firm in front, Leng Ye said he wasn't cold, while Chen Xinghe and Fan Zhiyi hugged each other to keep each other warm.

"Oh, you two have the same body shape?" Wang Mian asked funnyly after noticing this scene.

"I can't hear anything." Fan Zhiyi couldn't stand the cold, and the sound of the cold wind was ringing next to his ears.

Chen Xinghe heard it clearly and responded speechlessly, "The style is not important, the important thing is that it is warm."

Suddenly the two people in front burst out laughing.

Chen Xinghe only felt that the laughter of the two people was very noisy. Chen Xinghe mentally expected that he would suffer from this show, but he didn't know that he would suffer so much.

As the car kept moving forward, Chen Xinghe could notice that the people in the passing cars were looking at them. This was really cool!
"Do they think of us as seven scoundrels again?" Chen Xinghe sat in the back and complained.

"Hahahahaha, our styles are really unique." Of course the others knew what Chen Xinghe meant, and Dong Baoshi agreed with a smile.

After all, young people have better adaptability. After being cold for a while, Chen Xinghe felt much better, so he waved his hand behind him. When Fan Zhiyi saw it, he also followed him and wandered around for a while.

Lu Han in the car behind saw the two of them waving, and waved too, which was considered a joy in the misery.

"Teacher Fan, are you okay?" Since the speed of the two cars was not very fast, they could hear the voices of several people very close to each other.

Chen Xinghe saw Fan Zhiyi's appearance and responded, "Everything is fine now, but I won't know about it later."

"Hahahahaha." Chen Xinghe's words made everyone laugh again.

Soon they arrived at a place and saw a very provocative slogan, Are you a real man?
With all kinds of questions, Chen Xinghe and the others parked the car. Next to them, Chen He and Deng Chao made a joke and drove away instead of parking the car. They simply remembered that they were recording a program and did the effects and parked the car. Come down.

Just as they were parking the car, a group of people suddenly stood up in the snow next to them and jumped them.

As soon as the good guy stood up, they performed a set of military boxing on Chen Xinghe and others. Combined with the narration's slogans, it seemed like they were trying to intimidate them again.

After performing for a while, the leader introduced who they were and shook hands with Chen Xinghe and the others.

After chatting for a while, everyone finally understood what they did. It turned out that the program team invited them to train them. A director next to them even asked them if they were real men.

Several people waved their hands and said that they were not, and even Fan Zhiyi, who was standing beside him, even said that he was not. Only Chen Xinghe stepped forward and flattered the coach.

It’s not that Chen Xinghe is tough, after all, he can’t reach out and hit the smiling person, right?

However, they still did not escape the fate of receiving training, and they lined up according to their size.

After a while of training, they finally passed, and several people were dragged into wrestling with their team members for a while.

Bao Bao, Lu Han, and Wang Mian were knocked down in seconds one after another.

Soon it was Chen Xinghe's turn to play. His opponent was a scout who had served in a certain field unit.

After his impressive self-introduction, Chen Xinghe responded, "Chen Xinghe, I have received military training."

As soon as he said this, everyone including the program team and team members present were amused by his words.

At the official start, Chen Xinghe was entangled with his opponent. Chen Xinghe might have been defeated by him in a few blows, but after all, it was a wrestling match, so Chen Xinghe could still maintain a stalemate for a while.

"Okay Xinghe, I really can't tell how fierce he is." Deng Chao looked at Chen Xinghe's game and quickly said to the people next to him.

Chen He echoed from the side, "Is that okay? That's quite okay. Think about the scene in "Requiem" where he repairs the car at the beginning. Those tendons are not in vain."

Feeling the opponent's strength, Chen Xinghe felt that he was not as good as him, so he instantly used force to pull him towards him. The sudden force made the instructor on the opposite side unsteady.

Chen Xinghe seized the opportunity to bully him and used the fighting skills he had learned from the crew to step forward and instantly tripped the opponent to the ground.

"Awesome, that's amazing Xinghe." Seeing Chen Xinghe knocking the instructor down, the others immediately gathered around him excitedly, praising him.

Chen Xinghe helped the instructor up in a friendly manner and said modestly: "The instructor underestimated the enemy a little. He didn't expect that I was strong enough. I will definitely be knocked down if I try again."

Chen Xinghe's words gave the instructor a lot of face. After hugging him, Chen Xinghe returned to the team. Next came Deng Chao. After nearly five minutes of fighting, Deng Chao was defeated due to lack of physical strength.

However, the way he fought so hard just now still made everyone admire him, and the coaches on the opposite side also gave him thumbs up.

Later, Chen He took advantage of his own tonnage to tie with the coach, while General Fan successfully won.

So far, they have won the title of real men as instructors and received rewards.

It was a Coaster minibus, driving warmly towards Wang Mian's home.

To be continued. .

To be continued. .

(End of this chapter)

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