Chapter 254 Memories set sail
As one of the two major industries in Taohuawu, Wuyou Station naturally holds too many memories for Chen Xinghe.

Whether it was me smearing flour on Zhou Ming's face during the first recording, being stopped by Meng Ziyi in the end, being severely punished by my girlfriend, or being the founder of the blindfolded beating challenge game that became popular all over the Internet. The reputation has spread far and wide overseas, or the table thief is a brain-burning and acting-testing person. Countless famous scenes have been staged here.

But now, Chen Xinghe feels that this place is a bit strange. Is it because he regrets his girlfriend's absence? Still feeling anxious about not being able to think of new games?
Chen Xinghe doesn't know much about it, but it doesn't matter. Wuyou Station is always Taohuawu's first industry, isn't it? Even the second season of 650 Entertainment, which was highly praised, cannot shake the status of Wuyou Xiao Station as the number one group in Taohuawu.

Opening the lock, Chen Xinghe pushed the door and entered. Compared to the previous two seasons, the Wuyou station was nearly twice the size. The transparent glass on one side of the original was removed and extended to nearly 30 square meters. The original two ovens became one , instead, there are four stoves similar to those used in restaurants, and the cake display rack in front that was used to display Zhou's craftsmanship has been replaced with an electric baking pan, from which you can make some barbecue and other things.

Doesn't Chen Xinghe know how to make cakes?


It was because the person who baked the cake didn't arrive, and Chen Xinghe didn't retain the idea of ​​continuing to make the cake.

The staff of the program team have carefully cleaned up this place, so the entire Wuyou station is extremely clean. Chen Xinghe has no idea of ​​​​wiping it. Oh, I forgot to mention that the station was also so clean during the recording of the previous two seasons. It’s just the boss lady. I just want to serve everyone as well as possible.

Sometimes Chen Xinghe thinks that if the two of them were not in the entertainment industry, they could open a small restaurant and the business would be very prosperous. However, he just thinks that if the two of them had not entered the entertainment industry, a person from Beijing and a person from Chongqing would be People who grew up in Guangzhou most likely have nothing in common with each other.

The game props that Zhou Xi left behind in Taohuawu are still there, and even the position where the ice cubes fell are exactly the same as when they left last season. I think the show team has carefully restored them, Chen On a whim, Xinghe took a photo and sent it to Zhou Ming.

Soon a WeChat video was sent, Chen Xinghe clicked to connect, and a delicate face that he had just seen three days ago appeared in front of him.

"Have you gone to Wuyou Station?"

However, a familiar voice came out, and Chen Xinghe looked at the beauty on the screen. Although she was covered by exquisite makeup, fatigue was visible to the naked eye on Zhou Ming's face.

"According to your schedule, you are probably doing promotions in Shanghai now. Are you too tired?"

Chen Xinghe's voice was full of heartache. He was missing people after seeing things in a picturesque place, but his girlfriend worked tirelessly to run around. This made him full of apologies to his girlfriend.

"No, it's just that the schedule was delayed last night in the afternoon and I didn't get a good rest. This level of work intensity is far inferior to that of filming "One Thought of Guanshan"."

Zhou Ming's face was full of smiles. He was not at all depressed because of exhaustion. Instead, he tried his best to show happiness and reassure Chen Xinghe.

"We won't go to Star City, Mountain City, or Yangcheng after the Magic City. Let's go together when the official premiere happens. It's just a screening now."

After Chen Xinghe finished speaking, Zhou Xing did not refute him, but just nodded and said "ok".

Then he said again, "I'll go back and see my uncle, aunt and..., don't worry about things at home."

Chen Xinghe naturally knew what Zhou Xi meant, and after exchanging a look that only two people could understand, he skipped the topic and started talking about Taohuawu.

"How are you getting along with the new guests?"

"They're all pretty good. Haolei, Teacher Guoli, and Teacher Fan are all old acquaintances. The other new guests all have pretty good personalities, so they won't be bad at getting along with each other."

"That's good. Haolei told me that your bed and quilt have been made and mites removed, and she also made breakfast for you and so on. It's just that your compliments are a little bit suspicious. Don't bully other people's children. .”

"No, Brother Fan and I are sincere in our compliments."

"Be a good person. By the way, remember to wipe down the station before it opens for business."

"I understand, boss lady, you said you would continue to come. Why did you quit?"

"What's the matter if you want to rest more? You're not allowed to."

"Xu Xu Xu."

"Okay, I won't tell you anymore. I'll be on stage right away. Let's talk later."

"Okay, let's talk later."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xinghe's lips unconsciously filled with a smile.

After looking around at Wuyou Station, Chen Xinghe took a few more photos and sent them to her, then locked the door and left.

Perhaps because he was in a better mood and had better luck, as soon as Chen Xinghe went out, he saw wooden cows and flowing horses heading towards the place where they parked before.

Chen Xinghe, who was about to buy some ingredients for lunch, followed him. When he arrived, he was about to exchange peach blossom coins to buy something. The horn in the car rang, "Wooden Cow and Flowing Horse are here. You can get various products for free for a limited time of five minutes."

When Chen Xinghe heard that there was such a good thing, he quickly took off his coat and started cleaning up. He threw various ingredients and snacks into the clothes. He just took pity on Prada's latest casual jacket on the ground. He didn't expect that one day he would become Props for holding ingredients and snacks.

He had just finished the sweep, and Wang Hedi and Meng Ziyi also arrived. The two of them had just tied the ropes, but they encountered such a good thing. Then Fan Zhiyi and Zhang Haolei also rushed over from the room. Originally, Lan Yuefang was the family closest to Wooden Ox and Lost Horse.

The three of them returned home with a full load. Chen Xinghe was rarely happy and made four dishes and one soup. Fan Zhiyi and Li Xueqin burped repeatedly after eating.

"I just said that I came to Taohuawu, just for this meal." Fan Zhiyi patted his belly, leaned back in his chair and spoke with satisfaction.

Li Xueqin, who was next to him, followed his actions, "Why did I abandon 650 to find Xinghe? Isn't it because of this? Living in the same family as Xinghe is so happy."

"The boss blames the food you cooked for being too delicious. What if I can't put on the costume when I return to the set?" Zhang Haolei covered her stomach, not thinking that she was greedy, but instead attributed the mistake to Chen Xinghe. .

"Then you go for a run later. It doesn't have to be too much. Just run three times around a few families and you won't gain weight."

Naturally, Chen Xinghe would not get used to his artist's shortcomings, so he spoke directly.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Haolei immediately lowered his head and admitted his mistake, "Boss, I was wrong. I just won't be greedy again."

Seeing the little girl acting cute, the three of them laughed at her. After lunch, Chen Xinghe and others discussed who would be in charge of the family's finances. Finally, Zhang Haolei was entrusted with the important task and got the position of finance.

Now that she is an official and is in charge of money, Zhang Haolei's eyes are visibly shining, but she can't just do good things. Immediately after the meeting in the morning, the work of rehearsing for the square dance competition was handed over to her.

"Boss, I'm afraid that if I can't take the photo well, you will be laughed at. What should I do?"

"It's okay. If you don't dance well, it's your fault. If you dance well, it's the result of everyone's hard work. Just go ahead and arrange it boldly."



"you're a bad guy…"

Seeing Zhang Haolei's expression of tears, Fan Zhiyi and Li Xueqin, who were eating melon on the side, were overjoyed. After laughing, Fan Zhiyi seriously educated Chen Xinghe and said, "Don't bully this little girl."

"That's right, look at what you did to Haolei. It's bad luck to have a boss like you." Li Xueqin also echoed.

After dinner, the little girl went to rehearse gloomily, while Chen Xinghe and Fan Zhiyi discussed the football team together for a while.

"Have you made an agreement with Director Xie and Director Chi?" Chen Xinghe took the tea made by Fan Zhiyi and asked him. The tea was left by Zhang Guoli. Fan Zhiyi was good at making tea. Anyway, Chen Xinghe drank better than Zhang Guoli. The bubbles are refreshing.

"After the negotiation was completed, Director Xie contacted people and said that the football field can be completed by the next recording. Of course, there will be no special standards, but it is not a big problem. We are not professional athletes. We just want everyone to participate. "

Hearing Fan Zhiyi's words, Chen Xinghe nodded. They had four days left for this recording. It would be at least three days before they found someone to mark the lines and set up the goals. It was just such a day that they couldn't hold any other activities. Come to think of it. It’s very uneconomical, because the next recording might not be done here, so we might as well build a football field at the location of the next recording.

"That's good. Brother Fan has one more thing. You also know that we are not professional athletes. In addition, this is a variety show. There is a high probability that everyone is more willing to create a program effect than the outcome of the game, so you don't care too much about the game. "

"I know that it is actually very meaningful to allow everyone to find happiness in football. It can always inspire everyone's enthusiasm for playing football. Even if everyone is playing happy football on the stadium, it is better than those people occupying the football field to play Frisbee. Isn’t it?”

Fan Zhiyi's words reminded Chen Xinghe of an interview he had seen before, "Frisbee? Are they all sports? Frisbee football is all about exercising, it doesn't matter whether it occupies the field or not."

You say you don't care, but are you quite honest in your heart? As an old footballer, how can you not care if football lovers' fields are taken over by others?

After drinking two cups of tea and chatting, Chen Xinghe went back to his room to take a nap.

Fan Zhiyi went to Wang Chuanjun and the others and listened to Chen Xinghe's words. He had a great time chatting and playing with Wang Chuanjun, Wang Hedi and the others in the past two days, and the three of them were also very irritable together.

Wang Hedi loves to play, and often begs Fan and Wang to accompany him. The two resist verbally, but they are very honest physically and never refuse Wang Hedi's request. Accompanying him on swings and playing basketball is like another three-idiot combination. About to be born.

The pattern of Taohuawu has almost been born. The 650 entertainment group, Fan Zhiyi, the two kings, and several girls in House No. 1 are entangled with the girls in other houses. As for Chen Xinghe, he gets along well with everyone and can talk to everyone. The little follower Zhang Haolei is in a league of his own, but overall he plays better with Wang Li from San Shao and Liu Wu Li.

It was not until 3:30 in the afternoon that Chen Xinghe ended his lunch break. After washing his face and sobering up a lot, he left the room and found Zhang Haolei who was watching a square dance video.

"How's Haolei's arrangement going?"

Seeing Chen Xinghe, Zhang Haolei's little face immediately became angry, as if he was a pufferfish being attacked.

"Boss, I really don't know how to do it. Then I found a few square dance videos on the Internet and let's practice that one?"

"Okay, you can teach us when you learn. Don't do it now. Follow me to the Wuyou Station."

"Ah, is it true? Boss, I'll go put some make-up on and I'll be right back."

Seeing Zhang Haolei's bulging little face beaming with joy as she hurried upstairs, Chen Xinghe couldn't help but shook his head and smiled. This child is really suitable for variety shows. I'll contact her later and find two variety show records for her. .

Zhang Haolei and Wang Ruiyu were the first two people signed by Chen Xinghe to join the company. According to the development potential, Zhang Haolei naturally has greater potential, but Wang Ruiyu's own goal is to become a powerful actor with a long career life. , he doesn’t have high expectations for quick fame, which Chen Xinghe appreciates quite a lot.

But they all came together, so naturally Chen Xinghe couldn't favor one over the other. After he finished filming Sauvignon Blanc, Chen Xinghe found another TV series crew for him.

The title of the drama is "The Third Brigade", and the male protagonist is Qin Hao. He plays Xu Yizhou, a newcomer who has just joined the police force. Chen Xinghe has read the script and found it to be really good. Wang Ruiyu himself was also very satisfied. One day he told himself Chen Shengnan, the manager of the hotel, drank too much during dinner and said that he wanted to stay in Canruo Xinghe for the rest of his life. Whether it was intentional or he really told the truth after drinking, Chen Xinghe was quite happy to hear this.

As for the three newly signed newcomers, they have just finished filming "Da Bong Part 2" and are now going back to school. Chen Xinghe still hopes that they have laid a good foundation.

His wish is that the contracted actors in the company may not be so popular, but each one has superb acting skills and a long career life. In the future, when the crew asks which company this person is from, he will use Canruo Xinghe as long as the role is suitable.

Soon Zhang Haolei ran downstairs. She was already very young, and she looked even more pure and pleasant with a simple light makeup.

Arriving next to Chen Xinghe, she took out a paper bag from the shopping bag in her hand and handed it to Chen Xinghe, "Boss, this is the apron I asked someone to make before I came to record the show. Do you think it looks good?"

When Chen Xinghe heard this, he immediately became interested. The aprons they had were made by the show crew in the first season. They did not change them in the second season. They just had the words Wuyou Station printed on them.

Opening the package and looking at the apron, Chen Xinghe saw that in addition to the four characters of Wuyou Station written by himself, there were also cartoon avatars of Chen Xinghe, Zhou Xi, Wang Chuanjun, Wang Hedi and other Wuyou Station employees in the second season. , what’s even funnier is that there is Zhang Haolei herself on it.

"What if I didn't let you join Wuyou Station? Wouldn't it be embarrassing for you to print this?"

"No, in addition to this edition, I also have another edition that only prints everyone's aprons from the previous season!" Zhang Haolei said matter-of-factly.

Good guy, this guy has made two preparations. One is that he has joined, and he is on top of it. The other is that he can still give it to the boss as a gift without joining. There is no loss on either side.

After patting Zhang Haolei on the head in a funny way, Chen Xinghe led her towards Youyou Station.

Chen Xinghe saw Wang Hedi and Wang Chuanjun at the door. The three of them looked at each other and smiled. The third season of Wuyou Station is starting again!
To be continued. .

(End of this chapter)

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