Chapter 258 Exile

The weather in Taohuawu was very good the next morning, not a bit better than yesterday's square dance. The residents of Taohuawu gathered here to start the second Taohuawu collective activity.

However, Chen Xinghe is very indifferent to this activity. It can even be said that he hates it. Why? Because the large-scale performance art collective sleeping is back, but this time the sleeping location has changed from the land in the first season and the ocean in the second season to the sky now.

It's not the sky, it's just something similar to a bird's nest dropped on the railing.

This bird's nest was made of hemp rope and straw. It was very large and could carry fifteen of them to the top.

"Is this thing strong?" Chen Xinghe asked quickly.

"It should be fine." Wang Hedi responded. Although he was not too keen on the performance art of sleeping, Wang Hedi was born to play and loved climbing ladders.

They were chatting here, and a few people from the 650 Office over there began to host the interview again, while Wang Sulong acted as a photographer, recording the interview with his mobile phone, and occasionally doing some professional camera moves. .

"What is the name of this event?" When interviewing Wang Hedi, Li Xueqin asked about the name of this event.

Who knew that Wang Hedi didn't follow the routine at all and just blurted out, "Feitian."

This time, Li Xueqin and Xu Zhisheng were confused. Why didn't they just follow the routine?

Little did he know that Wang Hedi knew the name of this event, and so did Wang Chuanjun next to him. Li Xueqin's face changed when he saw the interview, and he added in a low voice, "God."

Okay, this is unreliable. When Xu Zhisheng saw it, he simply changed the question, "Then do you know what the nature of this activity is?"

"Are you sleeping?" Wang Hedi knew very well and answered directly.

"Yes, our event this time is officially our Taohuawu iconic performance art, collective sleeping..."

Li Xueqin is still hosting there, but other people do have their own ideas. Most of the new guests are looking forward to it. The performance art of the previous seasons has been on the hot search, creating a lot of topics. Naturally, they I also want to join the midterm.

The old residents, such as Moringa Li Xueqin, still like it very much. Most of them have an indifferent attitude. Only Chen Xinghe and Wang Sulong made no secret of their dislike of sleeping in groups.

"What's so great about sleeping as a performance art? Why do we still do it after three seasons?" Chen Xinghe complained directly to the show team.

Of course, the program team will not give him an answer. They may just mark Chen Xinghe with a line of small words when it is broadcast. Boss Chen hates performance art.

Although I don't like it, Chen Xinghe has never been absent from group activities. He watched Li Xueqin, Wang Sulong, and Xu Zhisheng tremblingly go up to the Bird's Nest, and then Chen Xinghe and Fan Zhiyi escorted Zhang Haolei to the Bird's Nest. On a platform more than two meters above the ground.

Soon everyone arrived, but one thing was that this place was too sunny, and the part-time job was exactly the same as in the first season. Suddenly, the dead memory attacked Chen Xinghe.

"Brother Taki, do you still remember what happened in the first season? It seems that I was so exposed that day. I still remember that Dalin couldn't bear the exposure at that time."

"Hahahaha, I still remember our getting under the quilt contest. It's a pity that this place can't do it, otherwise we can do it again."

After hearing the conversation between the two, everyone also recalled what happened during the performance art in the first season. Then Chen Xinghe continued to complain, "I still remember that Xue Qin made the bed alone, and complained about Chen while doing it. Chen Chen, why did you create such a large area, but I was the only one to clean it up, and you, the person in charge, didn’t care, and ended up complaining for a long time, and she was the only one who fell asleep during the performance art, so it was considered a completed performance art.”

"Hahahahaha." After hearing Chen Xinghe's words, everyone laughed.

"Oh, it's so hot." Meng Ziyi complained at this time.

"Hey, don't get our sister Meng sunburned. If you get our sister Meng sunburned, I won't be able to play with you." Wang Sulong said quickly.

"Yes, we can't let our Sister Meng get sunburned." Wang Hedi immediately agreed.

Then he turned to look at Wang Chuanjun and said, "Take off your little vest."

"I'm still a little cold if you don't want to." Wang Chuanjun decisively refused.

"I'm afraid of being exposed to the sun, so I want to use your little vest to cover it up."

"You are a human being, let me freeze you to protect you from the sun, right?"

"I have this short-sleeved shirt underneath. I can't even take it off."

Hearing the bickering between the two elementary school students, Chen Xinghe chuckled, covered his face with a sunhat, and whistled leisurely.

Knowing that he was going to do performance art today, Chen Xinghe directly put on his sun hat in case of emergency, and as expected, he used it directly for this activity.

Now that everyone has come up, let everyone rely on their abilities. Meng Ziyi still received everyone's love. Zhou Yiwei took off the hat on his head and handed it to Meng Ziyi. At least his face would not be burned.

Some of the girls took off the silk scarves around their necks, and some wore hats themselves. In short, everyone has their own sun protection method.

Of course, in order to protect his younger brother, Wang Chuanjun finally took off his clothes. After all, the sun was scorching and it wasn't that cold anymore.

Although no one was in charge, people in the Bird's Nest soon became speechless, and the air was filled with a sense of tranquility.

Even Chen Xinghe, who had always hated performance art, was gradually getting sleepy. After all, he got up early to exercise, had enough to eat and drink when he came back, and sunbathing here for a while happened to be the right time for him to feel sleepy.

Soon, without realizing it, Chen Xinghe gradually fell into sleep while listening to Wang Sulong's playful voice.

"Shh..." Chen Xinghe entered his dream, and this matter was quickly discovered by Wang Chuanjun and Wang Sulong on both sides of him.

Wang Sulong, who was going to lead everyone in singing just now, stopped singing and just shushed everyone to be quiet.

"What's going on?" Wang Hedi on the other side asked after seeing this.

"Xinghe is asleep."

As soon as these words came out, Li Xueqin, Meng Ziyi, Moringa and other girls who were present in the first season burst out laughing. Li Xueqin even said funny, "Xinghe can't escape the law of true fragrance. He said he doesn't like it." , my body is still very honest, I fell asleep directly."

"This time used to be the time for Xinghe to go back to sleep, so it was not unusual for him to fall asleep." Wang Chuanjun lived with Chen Xinghe for a while and knew very well about the straw that Chen Xinghe used to go to sleep.

"The boss really makes Taohuawu his home. Filming has been going on non-stop some time ago, and he was all over the place doing promotions in the past few days. Now that we are back in Taohuawu, why don't we take a good rest?" His family knew about his family affairs, so Zhang Haolei directly replaced Chen Xinghe explained, and everyone nodded after hearing it.

Sleepiness is contagious. With Chen Xinghe taking the lead, others slowly fell asleep. Under the picturesque Feiyulong Mountain, they had sweet dreams. This collective sleeping performance art was performed because of Chen Xinghe. of falling asleep was a huge success.

Chen Xinghe was woken up by Wang Hedi. He was worried that he would catch a cold, so Wang Hedi woke Chen Xinghe up after the event.

After waking up in a daze, Chen Xinghe looked at the dock residents being transported below one after another, and gradually woke up. The person who hated performance art the most was also asleep? Chen Xinghe was a little worried about the fact that he fell asleep.

After landing on the ground, everyone said goodbye. Chen Xinghe and his family returned home neatly. Because they had a meeting in the afternoon, Chen Xinghe and his family started making lunch in a hurry as soon as they came back.

"Hey Xinghe, are you going to decide on a candidate for exile after the meeting today?" After hearing Li Xueqin's words, Chen Xinghe reacted, "Oh, yes, it's been three days."

"The room with the least peach blossom coins can be exiled, right?" Zhang Haolei also tried to participate in this topic.

"Yes, but it is difficult for a lot of us to be exiled. Today, Di Di and Brother Chuanjun told me that Brother Jun wanted to be exiled, so they have been buying and buying for the past two days. We are here I spent basically no money for two days, and I guess it’s hard to be exiled just by making money.”

After hearing what Chen Xinghe said, Li Xueqin thought for a while and continued: "We will discuss it then. When they are finished being exiled, we can replace them. I want to go too."

Chen Xinghe nodded and said, "That's no problem. Mainly, I've wanted to go there a long time ago, but there's one thing I want to tell you about Xueqin, that is, the place of exile may not be here. After this recording, we It’s possible to change the recording location.”

"Sister Dan, follow Teacher Guoli." Li Xueqin knew the reason as soon as he heard it.

"Yes, and next time our recording location will probably be at the beach."

"Oh, it's okay. The main thing I enjoy in exile is the tranquility and self-examination. It has nothing to do with where I am. It's just that there is less scenery along the way."

Li Xueqin's words aroused Zhang Haolei's admiration, "Wow, Xueqin, what you said makes sense and is very beautiful. It's really amazing."

Facing Zhang Haolei's praise, Li Xueqin didn't feel the slightest bit embarrassed. Instead, he happily accepted her praise, "No, I don't have anything. How can I record a show with your boss?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately laughed out loud.

After dinner, the familiar sound of a loudspeaker came out. Lan Yue's group packed up the room and rushed to the barn for a meeting.

Because the star-catchers were far away, the star-catchers hadn't arrived yet when they slowly passed by.

After a brief exchange of greetings, everyone took their usual seats. Without the constraints of the two elders, many people sat in the middle and experienced the vision of the powerful people in Taohuawu.

However, precisely because the two teachers are no longer there, the Taohuawu program team took control of the process.

Usually everyone would chat for a while after sitting down, but this time they didn't even chat for a while and went straight into the process, "Now we will announce the ranking of each family's per capita contribution and income."

"Here we come." Meng Ziyi shouted.

"Is your family the one with the most contribution?" Song Qian from House No. 1 asked Meng Ziyi.

"I don't know, but it should be quite a lot." Yesterday, the two kings brought back 200 peach blossom coins, which gave them a lot of confidence.

"The per capita contribution of the barn is announced below." The first family to be announced was the barn, and soon an average figure of 133.8 was revealed, which immediately caused everyone to exclaim.

"You have too many peach coins." Moringa Yangzi and Jiang Shuying stared at the numbers in front of them.

"But I want to ask, does this number include Teacher Song Dandan or does it not include Teacher Song Dandan? Does it include division by seven, does it include division by six, or does it not include division by six?" Chen Xinghe asked directly, considering the average of their rooms.

"That's right. Teachers Song Dandan and Zhang Guoli are still included in their respective rooms. That is, the per capita income of all Peach Blossom Coins including the initial Peach Blossom Coins is calculated."

After hearing the explanation from the staff on the TV, Chen Xinghe nodded, he finally understood.

"Now we will announce the per capita contribution of the Star Reaching Room." Suddenly the number 188 appeared on the screen.

As soon as this number came out, everyone was a little surprised. Only Wang Hedi and Wang Chuanjun looked at each other and smiled and applauded.

"Oh, Brother Jun got his wish." Although the final result has not been announced yet, Chen Xinghe still directly teased the two of them.

The contribution value of Lanyuefang soon began to be disclosed, and the contribution value that almost exceeded 150 caused everyone to scream.

"How could you earn so much money if it wasn't for your room?" Jiang Shuying asked directly.

"If it's not your room, it should be indispensable. Sister Meng earned 30 yuan at our house yesterday, plus the money from Xiaola's broadcast, plus the 200 peach blossom coins I distributed to Di Di and Chuanjun the day before yesterday, it should be indispensable."

Chen Xinghe's words immediately caused several people in the Star Picking Room to look at Wang Hedi and Wang Chuanjun. These two people were celebrating that they had achieved their goal. When they saw the people in their room, they immediately calmed down.

According to the program team, Wang Chuanjun and Wang Hedi's methods are indeed very interesting, but from the audience's point of view, the money Jiang Shuying, Sister Meng and the others earned with so much effort was all spent to satisfy the exile of you two. It's really unreasonable.

The per capita contribution value of the three groups of rooms was quickly listed one by one. Chen Xinghe's Lanyue Room won the first place with a large advantage.

Except for Wuyou Station, Chen Xinghe can transfer 40 peach blossom coins every day by riding horses and feeding horses. No one else can do this, only he can do it. In addition, Li Xueqin takes Haolei to catch fish from time to time. In order to show off, Haolei They even made a lot of money by picking up sheep dung.

After the rankings were announced, Zhou Yiwei directly teased Wang Chuanjun, "Taohuawu repertoire, right?"

"They couldn't have done it on purpose." Everyone discussed in a variety of ways.

"Look at the raised corners of Wang Chuanjun's lips." Wang Hedi directly pointed out Wang Chuanjun.

When Wang Chuanjun heard this, he immediately suppressed the corners of his mouth, but how could real happiness be suppressed? I saw the corners of his mouth rising quickly and even harder than AK.

"The family with the lowest per capita contribution value, please nominate a member who will go to the Guru's House to spend the night alone."

After the rules were explained, Wang Hedi couldn't wait to raise his hand, pointed at Wang Chuanjun and said: "Our family, our family, Wang Chuanjun, go."

This result did not surprise everyone at all, and the decision was made quickly.

Then a new rule suddenly made everyone except Lan Yuefang a little worried.

"Swap family members. This season Taohuawu will use the order of per capita contribution value to select exchange family members. The family with the highest per capita income can vote internally and use the nopush machine to choose to exchange or not to exchange.

If you exchange, you need to cast a family member in the family, and randomly select a member from the other two families for exchange.

The family with the second highest per capita income needs to invest one family member internally and choose a member from the third family for exchange. The family with the third highest per capita income has no right to choose and can only accept unconditionally. "

After listening to the rules, Wang Hedi was a little dumbfounded. This rule is obviously aimed at them. Don't you want to accept the banishment? Then accept it and change someone else.

This one directly blocked their thoughts of getting stuck, and then it was Chen Xinghe's turn in the first place room to vote. They all naturally pressed "no", indicating that they did not want to change members.

However, the barn and star-catching rooms are already entangled, and what’s even funnier is that some people almost cried. Chen Xinghe almost laughed out loud. It’s only been a few days, how can such deep feelings come from, eldest sister? When I saw it was my younger sister Minmin, it was okay!

However, an exchange was inevitable in the end. In the end, Wang Sulong and Wang Hedi, the two heads of the house, changed rooms.

To be continued. .

(End of this chapter)

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