The conspicuous bag in China Entertainment Taohuawu

Chapter 262 Guo Qilin is flying again

Chapter 262 Guo Qilin is flying again
In the evening, after finishing their meal, Li Xueqin and Wang Chuanjun became interested. They went to the Gudu House on the top of the mountain together to try their luck to see if they could see the Rizhao Jinshan Mountain tomorrow morning. On the way, they met Moringa Root who was returning from business. Sister Meng, the four of us went together.

But looking at this situation, Brother Jun is probably going to suffer. With the three girls gone, there must be no room in the house. He probably has to suffer the cold outside alone.

Early the next morning, Chen Xinghe and Fan Zhiyi got up early and ran up the mountain. When they came to Gudu House, they saw that Wang Chuanjun was sitting alone on a small bamboo chair outside, looking up at the top of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain.

"Good morning, Brother Jun."

"Good morning Xinghe, good morning Brother Fan, why are you guys here so early?"

"Don't I want to come and see you and see the Rizhao Jinshan Mountain?"

After briefly chatting for a while, maybe the three girls chatting were a little loud, and the three girls in the room were all woken up by the noise.

"Oh, why are you here so early?" Li Xueqin sat up directly, his hair was messy, and he followed the three of them sleepily.

Chen Xinghe laughed out loud when he saw her look like this, "Hahaha Xueqin, your look is quite unique."

"Oh, you are so annoying, Chen Xinghe. My glorious image has been completely ruined by your arrival."

Li Xueqin's complaints were accompanied by Sister Meng's barbell-like laughter.

At this moment, two more people came into the small Gudu room. They heard their voices before hearing their names, and soon a man's voice came out, "Xueqin, Moringa, I'm here to see you. "

"Zhisheng's voice is so iconic, anyone can recognize it as his." Moringa Yangzi laughed and complained while lying on the bed.

"Who says it's not the case? You can tell from two miles away that it's Xu Zhisheng."

Chen Xinghe turned around and saw Xu Zhisheng and Ren Min walking up together.

"Oh, I just realized that Boss Chen and Brother Fan are here too." The moment he saw the two of them, Xu Zhisheng greeted them warmly.

Chen Xinghe nodded and replied, "Hey Zhi Sheng, Min Min, how come you two came up the mountain and still got up so early?"

Upon hearing this, Ren Min explained to Chen Xinghe directly, "Teacher Chen and our barn made an appointment to go up the mountain to watch the sunrise together. Then Brother Zhisheng said that the place to watch the sunrise was very close to Gudu House, so we walked up to have a look. "

"I guess I won't be able to see it today. Today's sunrise time is 6:58, and it's already 7:04 now. I guess I won't be able to see it."

This is not because Chen Xinghe is trying to seduce them. It is obvious that the sky is still a little cloudy now. In addition, Rizhao Jinshan can only form such a magnificent landscape at a certain angle when the sun shines on it. It should be impossible to look at today's weather conditions alone.

"It stands to reason that the sun should have risen." After Chen Xinghe finished speaking, Li Xueqin got dressed. In fact, he just put on a down jacket. It was cold on the mountain itself, and there was Wang Chuanjun outside, so the three girls could directly I went to bed without taking off my clothes.

"Yes." Moringa Yangzi was still echoing while lying on the bed.

At this time, Wang Chuanjun said proudly: "You can't see the Jinshan Mountain every time." Why was he proud? Of course, it was the last time he, Wang Hedi, and Chen Xinghe saw it. This is something to be very proud of.

Although it was a bit regretful not to see it today, Li Xueqin's words made everyone's eyes brighten, "We in Taohuawu make an appointment to watch the sunrise together every season, and then we miss it every time. This way we always have something to look forward to in our lives."

"I thought you were going to say that life is always full of regrets." Meng Ziyi replied funny.

"You think you are always looking forward to the next time, because last time we were a group of people waiting for a sunrise in the west, and this time we are still waiting for a sunrise in the west."

"The clouds over there are red." Ren Min noticed that the clouds in the sky were a little red and said very excitedly.

"Yeah, the sun is shining."

And Li Xueqin's response gave a few people even more hope.

At this time, the wise Xu Zhisheng heard this and pointed to a certain peak of the Thirteen Peaks over there and said: "Isn't that the Rizhao Jinshan Mountain?"

"Where to put it?" Meng Ziyi and Moringa in the room sat up excitedly when they heard it.

"Can you watch this thing while walking?" Xu Zhisheng directly mocked the two of them.

Outside, Chen Xinghe, Li Xueqin, and Wang Chuanjun looked in the direction of Xu Zhisheng's finger, and they saw that everyone was not well.

Li Xueqin complained directly, "That's called Rizhao Jinshan. Doesn't that mean the mountain is illuminated by the sun? Rizhao Jinshan means the sun shines on the snow-capped mountains."

"Ah, that's not Rizhao Jinshan."

"Just watch it during the day."

"This is not a golden mountain."


"It's Rizhao Jinshan."

"How about you live a happy life."

"Hahahahahaha." Everyone was amused by the conversation between the two. They were really amused.

However, Chen Xinghe and Fan Zhiyi did not wait any longer. Everyone and Zhou Yiwei and others not far away said hello and went down the mountain. Their ultimate goal was to exercise and see Wang Chuanjun and the others. Do you want to see whether the sun shines on Jinshan Mountain? The arrival is secondary.

With their goal accomplished, Chen Xinghe and Fan Zhiyi were satisfied. As for those people who still wanted to try their luck, Chen Xinghe didn't say much and just let them try their luck.

After returning to Taohuawu, after eating the breakfast Zhang Haolei made for the two of them as usual, Chen Xinghe and Fan Zhiyi took a nap together because they got up too early today.

After probably sleeping for more than an hour, Chen Xinghe was woken up by a message from his cell phone at 9:30 in the morning. He picked up the phone and saw that it was from Guo Qilin, saying that he had arrived in Taohuawu.

Chen Xinghe was very happy when his old friend arrived. He washed his face, put on a coat and went out.

"Boss, you're awake."

After going downstairs, Zhang Haolei, who was sitting downstairs playing with her mobile phone, greeted him.

"Well, is Xueqin back?"

"No, Teacher Ren Minyiwei and the others are back. I saw them when I went to change the bottle just now."

Just as Chen Xinghe was about to reply, a loudspeaker came from outside shouting, "Wood Niu Liu Ma has opened a stall, and residents are welcome to come and buy ingredients and snacks."

The corner of his mouth raised, knowing that this must be the way the show team arranged for Guo Qilin to appear, Chen Xinghe said directly to Zhang Haolei, "Haolei go get the money, I'll go over first."

"Good boss."

As soon as Chen Xinghe went out, he saw that the wooden cow and flowing horse that usually parked near the small lake at the entrance of Lanyue were still driving forward. Behind him, there were several staff chasing the tricycle with large and small bags of dropped items. Immediately he was even more certain that this was the car driven by Guo Qilin.

"Don't go, stop, let's go." Chen Xinghe shouted directly at Guo Qilin at the top of his voice.

Hearing Chen Xinghe's voice, Guo Qilin didn't hide it, braked and stopped, opened the car door and responded to him, "Have you passed by? This is the first time I drove this thing and I don't know where to stop. They always You told me to stop at that white house, I thought it was the one in front."

Seeing Guo Qilin unabashedly pointing at the bottle recycling bin and complaining about the program crew, Chen Xinghe laughed out loud, "You said you didn't even try to hide it, wouldn't it be a waste if the program crew directly gave you a carefully prepared appearance? .”

"What a waste. I can't stay in here for a minute. What the heck, the space is so small and terrible, and the view in front is only a tiny bit."

Seeing Guo Qilin strenuously step off the tricycle, Chen Xinghe took two quick steps forward and hugged him.

"I feel like you are getting fatter."

"Hey, aren't you joining the group? I've gained a little weight because of the role."

"The filming of "Part 2" has started? That day, Lao Zhang chatted with me and said that he was going to join the team. That's what he was talking about."


The two chatted together for a while, and Zhang Haolei ran over directly with the money. When he saw Guo Qilin, he still couldn't believe it, but after being introduced by his boss, he immediately bowed and said hello: "Hello, Teacher Guo, I am actor Zhang Haolei."

"Hahaha, don't call me Teacher Guo. It's like calling me dad. Just call me Dalin like your boss, or you can call me Brother Lin." When Guo Qilin heard Zhang Haolei's greeting, he immediately responded directly.

"I know, Brother Dalin."

As soon as this title came out, Chen Xinghe and Guo Qilin laughed out loud, "Hahahahaha."

The three of them were chatting here, and soon there was a sound in the distance, and they saw Song Qian, Meng Ziyi, Ren Min, Ao Ruipeng and others coming from a distance. "Hey, what's the matter with you? We were just going to pretend, but you broke your skills too early." Meng Ziyi said to Guo Qilin from a distance.

"Oh no." Faced with Sister Meng's words, Guo Qilin was a little overwhelmed and hesitated not knowing how to respond.

At this time, other people also gathered around, and Xu Zhisheng said directly, "Why don't you stop acting."

Just when Guo Qilin didn't know how to respond, Song Qian's words, "Why did you drive past the station?" directly saved him.

Guo Qilin led a few people to look at the car aggrievedly, "They just told me to drive forward. There is so much light inside, so I can only drive forward. I can't see left or right. They said there is a breast." station, I said it was a milk station, isn’t the place white?”

"Haha, you almost went to another village." Song Qian immediately teased him after hearing this.


Seeing them chatting there, Chen Xinghe gave Zhang Haolei a look, and the two of them picked out the ingredients directly at Muniu Liuma.

What a great opportunity now. While they were chatting, the two of them directly selected several pieces of good meat, fish, shrimp and various vegetables.

"Look what this is." Meng Ziyi over there had long forgotten that she was here to buy groceries, and asked Guo Qilin directly with a fan with Deyunshe written on it.

At first glance, Guo Qilin almost thought that his IQ had been insulted. He had seen the words "Good Guy Deyun Society" for more than 20 years and didn't recognize it. However, as an old variety artist, he naturally knew that Meng Ziyi had good intentions and wanted to guide him quickly. She wanted to blend in, but she didn't want to think about who he was, Guo Qilin, so she still relied on others to guide her?
"Isn't this Deyun Club?"

"Oh, do you know Deyunshe?"

"Oh, I've always liked it."

Chen Xinghe watched with amusement, but this laughter also attracted the attention of others. Soon everyone also focused on the ingredients. However, Chen Xinghe and the others had already snatched most of the good things, so everyone could only pick a few. That's all that's left.

"Da Lin, how do you calculate these?" After picking up the things, Chen Xinghe had nothing else to do, so he just concentrated on the effect of the show.

"Hey, I don't know the price. Isn't there a label on it? Just give it to me according to the label. Anyway, the program team didn't give me peach coins. How much I have depends on how much I earn from selling things. "

Compared to Meng Ziyi, Guo Qilin was more open-minded when talking to Chen Xinghe, and his voice was much louder.

"Can these unlabeled ones be free?" Zhang Haolei said excitedly after hearing this, pointing to the unlabeled ingredients among the ingredients he selected.

"Yes, these green onions don't have labels, so we can get them for nothing." At this time, Song Qian also said while holding a green onion without a price tag.

At this time, Meng Ziyi remembered her role as the newcomer this season, pointed directly at Ao Ruipeng and said to Guo Qilin: "Oh, this is the newcomer Ao Ruipeng this season."



The two of them greeted each other at the same time.

"Sister Qian, you should know her."

"Knowing each other."

"By the way, this is Xiao Zhang, a contracted artist of Boss Chen's company."

"I understand, we just talked."

"This is Xu Zhisheng."

"Oh, the king does not see the king." This gag was originally created by Song Dandan when the pilot film of the second season was recorded. Chen Xinghe and Meng Ziyi witnessed it and the two parties involved laughed out loud.

"This is Guo Qilin."

This time everyone was stunned.

Following Meng Ziyi's introduction one by one, Guo Qilin also chatted with several people one by one for a while, but Chen Xinghe looked awkward around him and always felt something was strange.

After the introduction, Guo Qilin also remembered what they had just said. It was more important to do business, which was related to his peach blossom coins in Taohuawu these two days.

"In this way, if there is a label, we will give it according to the label. As for the one without label, we will give the first one for free. As for the second one, I saw that they are all vegetables, so how about pricing it at three peach blossom coins."

"Ok, Ok."

Song Qian agreed with great satisfaction. This kind of wasteful thing for the program team could only happen today when Guo Qilin came.

But Chen Xinghe naturally won't pay. "There's a charge and there's no label. So what do we charge for our relationship? Why don't you just come to my place to eat? Just use these ingredients."

"That's okay." As soon as Guo Qilin heard that he wanted to eat the food cooked by Chen Xinghe, his bottom line immediately changed and he agreed directly.

"Ah, Dalin, you are blatantly engaging in shady dealings." Meng Ziyi and Song Qian complained directly.

"No way, I'm not in charge of the food."

"We can also take care of the food."

"That's different. Can what Boss Chen cooks be the same as what you cook?"


After teasing a few words, Guo Qilin immediately changed the subject and said, "That's right, I have a few scratch-off tickets, and you will get one for free if you spend over fifty."

When everyone heard this, they immediately became more active, "Buy it, let's give him fifty." Song Qian directly spoke to Ao Ruipeng and Ren Min, who also responded very positively.

Chen Xinghe and the others originally bought a lot of things, and they immediately exceeded fifty, so Guo Qilin directly gave Chen Xinghe a scratch-off ticket. Good guy, his luck was beyond the limit. Chen Xinghe directly scratched out a 30% off card, which was enough to keep. Will use it next time.

Song Qian and the others also scraped together fifty, drew a 20% off card, and were very satisfied.

Meng Ziyi bought the fan she just took, and gave out ten peach blossom coins. Then she saw a book in the car called "It's Just Enough" that Guo Qilin's father published a long time ago.

But Sister Meng always wanted to make something different. She pointed at this book and said, "Why is the title of "Better Life" so strange?"

"Isn't it weird? That book is called "Just Living Well"." Xu Zhisheng, who was next to him, couldn't help it anymore and directly reminded Meng Ziyi.

There was a lot of shopping here, and Li Xueqin and Moringa, who had just come down from the mountain, also came here.

"Oh, isn't this Dalin?"

When old friends meet, it's natural to overdo the greetings.

The three of them were busy for a while. Moringa looked at the book in Meng Ziyi's hand and picked it up, "Why do you want to buy this book?"

"Let me take a look at the price. It's so expensive, eighty-eight peach blossom coins." Meng Ziyi was also shocked when she saw the price.

"It's okay. If you want to buy it, I'll lend it to you." Li Xueqin said generously to Guo Qilin.

"Then just buy it directly."

When Li Xueqin heard this, she knew that she had misunderstood. She thought it was Guo Qilin who wanted to buy it but had no money. It would be uneconomical to buy it by herself. "Ah, it's not you who buys it, let us buy it? Then forget it."

"Sister, you bought it. My brother just came to Taohuawu and he didn't have any money, so you bought the book and let me earn some peach blossom coins." Upon hearing this, Guo Qilin started acting coquettishly with Li Xueqin.

Then Li Xueqin remained unmoved and even tore open a pack of snacks in front of him. While sharing it with others, he said to Guo Qilin: "You have the final say on these things today, so I can just eat them casually. Before I don’t dare to do this, but if you come today, won’t we just do whatever you want?”

When Guo Qilin saw Good Guy, he didn't want to buy the book, and wanted to eat snacks for free, so of course he quit, "That won't work, that won't work, it's true that the program team didn't give me any peach blossom coins, I also want to eat. "

Anyway, Li Xueqin still gave him the money and the book was sold. Moringa Yangzi still took pity on his good brother and directly went out with Meng Ziyi to win the book.

Seeing how lively they were, Chen Xinghe didn't want to stay here any longer. He just said something to Guo Qilin and asked him to come home for dinner. After getting his response, he left first.

Returning to Lanyue, Chen Xinghe rolled up his sleeves and prepared to cook a few delicious dishes to entertain Dalin.

To be continued. .

(End of this chapter)

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