The conspicuous bag in China Entertainment Taohuawu

Chapter 266 The recording ended early and Goodbye Zhou

Chapter 266 The recording ended early and Goodbye Zhou

At the 650th Taiwan Celebration, the game ended with your gestures and guessing. Everyone was so amused by Jiang Shuying's performance. Who would have thought that the brain circuit of a normally beautiful beauty would be so strange.

After laughing for a long time, Li Xueqin explained to everyone the upcoming third game - the watermelon eating contest.

It's similar to the watermelon eating competition in other variety shows. Participants in the game need to be blindfolded and one is fed and the other eats.

It's just that in most other variety shows, the feeder is blindfolded, but in Taohuawu, both parties need to be blindfolded.

As a project that would cause embarrassment, Chen Xinghe naturally would not let Zhang Haolei compete. Looking back, he looked directly at Fan Zhiyi, who raised his eyebrows and said, "Okay, let's not let Haolei go."

Seeing that Fan Zhiyi was so happy, Chen Xinghe didn't hesitate and said directly, "Okay, Brother Fan, do you want to eat or feed?"

"I think………"

"You want to eat Brother Fan? How can you be so embarrassed, but since you have said that I will definitely satisfy you, don't worry, I will be careful and careful."

After Chen Xinghe said this, when Fan Zhiyi was stunned and hadn't reacted yet, he stood up and said, "Brother Fan and I are participating in Team 3. Brother Fan said he wants to eat, so I'll feed him!"

Seeing Chen Xinghe finish these words, Fan Zhiyi finally came to his senses and immediately stood up and wanted to deal with Chen Xinghe, but the latter had already been on guard against Fan Zhiyi and ran out as soon as he moved Chen Xinghe.

"Chen Xinghe, come here, I really let you trick me, right? What do you mean, I said I wanted to eat! You made your decision before I even said anything! Come here, It depends on whether I take care of it or not, and you’re done!”

Hearing Fan Zhiyi's roar, everyone was laughed out of laughter, especially Zhang Haolei, Wang Sulong and others who had just noticed them nearby, they couldn't stop laughing.

But after all, Fan Zhiyi kept complaining, but his body was still very honest. After announcing the start of the game, the latter sat directly on the melon-eating position, put on the blindfold and said fiercely One sentence, "If you don't have fun and purposely smear it all over my face, you'll see if I can smear it on you and you'll be done with it."

After Fan Zhiyi finished speaking, Li Xueqin announced the start of the game amid the laughter of everyone.

The ones competing against Chen Xinghe and the others were Zhou Yiwei and Ao Ruipeng from the second team. Of the two, Ao Ruipeng became the winner.

At the beginning of the game, although he was wearing a blindfold, Chen Xinghe, who had beaten people blindfolded many times before, still moved forward based on his own feelings. However, it would be too boring to just walk over and feed him. How could it be interesting? Of course it was a reckless move.

Chen Xinghe was seen walking forward boldly, and he bumped into the chair where Fan Zhiyi was sitting. He was almost hit by Chen Xinghe.

When Fan Zhiyi roared "Chen Xinghe, your uncle!", Chen Xinghe pretended to comfort the former, then touched Fan Zhiyi's face and shouted directly, "Brother Fan is eating watermelon!"

Just as Fan Zhiyi was about to say something, he felt his chin and neck become wet. The laughter from the crowd also spread. It turned out that it was Chen Xinghe who directly slapped the watermelon on Fan Zhiyi's chin.

"Point it up, that's the chin."

"Stop rubbing it, my clothes are all wet!"

"Chen Xinghe!"

Amidst Fan Zhiyi's repeated roars, Chen Xinghe finally pushed the watermelon into his mouth, and then saw him rub it open in Fan Zhiyi's mouth like a saw.

"Are you okay, Brother Fan?" Chen Xinghe asked while rubbing his hands. The laughter around him made him feel that he must be almost done.

After rubbing it twice more, he touched the watermelon with his hand. He felt that there was not much watermelon pulp left, and then stopped, and then took off the mask. But when he saw Fan Zhiyi in front of him, he threw away the watermelon rind and turned around. Just run.

He saw Fan Zhiyi staring angrily at him with two big eyes, his chin and face covered with watermelon residue. When Chen Xinghe turned around and ran away, Fan Zhiyi finally couldn't help it anymore and directly pulled the cloak on his head. , and chased after Chen Xinghe.

"Okay, we see that there are some internal conflicts in team three now, and the scene is a bit tragic, but we still want to announce that they won the game in the first session, and it only took 51 seconds."

Li Xueqin looked at Chen Fan and Chen Fan who were running around the field and announced their results with a smile, while Chen Xinghe screamed in the distance.

"Wrong, wrong, Brother Fan, I was wrong!"

With the two people's serious comedy, the excitement of the scene heated up again, and the intense second round also started again. In the end, Meng Ziyi and Song Qian of the No. 1 team won the victory.

"Congratulations to Team 1 and Team 3 for winning. Both teams can come and participate in our golden egg smashing event."

Hearing Wang Sulong's hosting, Zhang Haolei cheered happily, but the smile on her face disappeared after two minutes.

Why? Because the prize she smashed out of the golden egg was a one-day trip to Radio 650.

The prizes drawn by the team in House No. 1 were similar, including a photo opportunity with 650 or so hosts.

However, everyone participates in the event mainly to create an atmosphere. The prizes are not that important at all. What they care more about is the process of participating in the event.

The activity was over, and the other people went back to their rooms, leaving the 650 people to play together and let them enjoy this warm moment.

At the beginning of the second family meeting in the evening, Wang Hedi also appeared in front of everyone and greeted everyone present through the screen.

The meeting began. In addition to selecting a person to go to the Gulu House to receive punishment, the more important thing for Star Reaching and the Barn was to replace their original personnel.

After officially entering the meeting, the screen on the wall lit up, and the contribution values ​​of the three companies were also displayed.

Unsurprisingly, Lanyuefang ranked last with an average contribution of 200, Barnyard ranked second with 228, and Star Reaching made a perfect counterattack, ranking first with an average contribution of 300 peach blossom coins.

Lan Yue ranked last, and Chen Xinghe was selected to be exiled to Gulu House this time. However, this exile will not be carried out until the next recording, because he will leave Taohuawu early tonight and return to the capital. The day after tomorrow will be all-or-nothing. It was the premiere, so he naturally had to go back some time early.

After the personnel exchange, Wang Hedi returned to Star Reaching smoothly, and Wang Sulong also returned to the barn with satisfaction. However, because they were ranked second, they still had to choose someone to exchange with them.

Of course, they also gave Lan Yue the option of substitution. Before this substitution, they had already decided on the target of this substitution, Li Xueqin.

It just so happened that she could go to the barn to meet up with a few people from the 650 Office, and then Ren Min from the barn volunteered in exchange for Lan Yue, and everyone was happy to find her good friend Zhang Haolei.

After the meeting, Chen Xinghe prepared to say goodbye to his friends. He will leave Taohuawu one day early. As for Wang Chuanjun and Zhang Haolei, the two actors in the movie "All or Nothing" will return to the capital after the last day of recording tomorrow. , accompanied by Li Xueqin and Wang Sulong, both of whom will also attend the film's premiere as guests.

"Friends, I will leave first." Just as everyone was about to return to the room, Chen Xinghe said goodbye to everyone.

"Ah, why are you leaving too? Why don't we leave together later?" Hearing Chen Xinghe's words, Guo Qilin was a little surprised and told him.

"I have to catch a flight later. The new movie will premiere soon. I have to rush back to take charge of the overall situation." Chen Xinghe explained.

After hearing this reason, everyone understood the reason and said goodbye to Chen Xinghe directly, "Well, have a good trip."

"Boss Chen, have a nice trip."

"See you next time Xinghe."


Wang Chuanjun was the last one to hug Chen Xinghe and patted Chen Xinghe's shoulder to reassure him, "You go back and host it properly. I will be there with Haolei and the others on time. Don't worry about Lan Yue being here for the past two days." I’ve taken care of all the meals.”

"Okay, Brother Jun, let's go."

When they arrived at the entrance of the village, assistant Liu Li had already packed Chen Xinghe's luggage and was waiting for him. He nodded at her, and Chen Xinghe turned around and hugged several friends one by one.

"See you in the capital." "See you in the capital."


Returning to the capital again, Chen Xinghe felt a chill again. The capital before May Day was still a bit cold, especially due to the late spring cold. Chen Xinghe felt that it was even colder now than during the New Year.

After leaving the terminal, a car appeared in front of Chen Xinghe. The driver Xu Wenbin opened the trunk, then got out of the car and helped Chen Xinghe put his luggage with bodyguard Gao Shengqiang.

The door of the back seat opened, and Zhou Xing, whom Chen Xinghe had been thinking about, appeared in front of him. Although the lights on the nanny's car were a little dim late at night, and she was wearing a mask, he could still see the full expression on Zhou Xing's face. Full of smiles.

"Wait until I get back. Why are you picking me up so late?"

Chen Xinghe got into the car directly, hugged the beauty in front of him whom he had not seen for a long time, and whispered something into her ear.

"I'm just waiting at home, so why not be happy when I see you come now?"

Zhou Xi's voice came out through the mask, and Chen Xinghe's whole body was filled with warmth.

"Silly girl, I can still run away." Chen Xinghe's eyes flashed. He originally wanted to take off Zhou Xi's mask and take a closer look at her, but a "bang" interrupted Chen Xinghe's plan.

While the two of them were being gentle, Xu Wenbin finished arranging the luggage and got directly into the driver's seat, "Are you going back now?"

"Where else can we go if we don't go back!"

There was something wrong with Chen Xinghe's voice, but Xu Wenbin didn't know why. He just thought that his boss was a little tired. He smiled "hehe" and started the car. When Gao Shengqiang and Liu Li got into the car, he stepped on the accelerator. Go up.

Watching the scenery outside the window recede, Chen Xinghe squeezed Zhou Ming's little hand and said, "Have you had a good rest these days?"

"It's okay. I don't have much to do. I just want to see little Huishu. I don't need to do anything at home. I even had dinner with my uncle, aunt, and grandma two days ago."

"Are they all okay?"

"Don't worry, my grandparents are very strong. By the way, grandpa also gave me a calligraphy to give to my parents. Originally, I thought your calligraphy was already very good, but seeing grandpa's calligraphy made me sad. I think you still have a lot of room for improvement.”

"That's not true. Grandpa's words were already worth 20 square feet five years ago, let alone now."

"Then I have to frame this piece of writing and let my dad keep it."

"I'll ask the old man to write more later. If I stop being popular one day, I can sell a few copies of my words to make ends meet for both of us."

"Hey, your thinking is wrong."

After chatting for a while, the two talked about their future work.

"We will get busy next. After the movie premiere, there will be a series of promotional schedules."

"It's okay. By the way, I saw in the news that you are going to attend a party, right?"

"Yes, I received an invitation from the relevant department to sing two songs at the May 4th Youth Gala."

"Very good. Is this also a refresher on your qualifications?"

Talking and laughing along the way, after about two hours' drive, the car smoothly returned to Chen Xinghe's home after being away for several months.

"Brother Gao and Sister Liu have been working hard lately and have been running around with me. Have a good rest tomorrow and go shopping and make dates. I will reimburse you."

Hearing Chen Xinghe's words, Gao Shengqiang, a black tower man who usually had a straight face, blushed in a rare moment.

Chen Xinghe also recently discovered that the two of them are getting close, but he is not opposed to office romance, especially Gao Shengqiang has been with him for almost two years and has always been conscientious. Liu Li is also a smart and capable person. If they can take the next step Chen Xinghe will also be very happy.

"Thank you, boss." Seeing that Gao Shengqiang remained silent, Liu Li rolled her eyes at him and responded proactively.

Chen Xinghe nodded, then said "be careful" to Xu Wenbin and took Zhou Ming upstairs to go home.

After returning home, Chen Xinghe took the slippers handed over by Zhou Xinghe, and then heard her say to him: "You go take a bath first, and I will make you two side dishes. You can have a few bites later." Deal with it."

Hearing Zhou Xi's words, Chen Xinghe responded with a smile, "Okay."

After changing into slippers, Chen Xinghe went back to the bedroom to get a set of home clothes, and then went to the bathroom to take a shower.

When I came out again, it was just one o'clock in the evening. The room was brightly lit but silent except for the sound of clinking spatulas from the kitchen.

Pushing the door open, I saw Zhou Ming's long black hair scattered randomly on his face, which looked very beautiful. His face was fair and delicate without makeup, his slender and thick eyelashes were slightly upturned, and his eyes were looking at the stove in front of him intently. The dishes in it.

The sound of Chen Xinghe pushing the door obviously disturbed this scene. Zhou Ming turned his head and looked at Chen Xinghe, then smiled and said, "You have finished washing, wait for me for a while, and it will be done soon."

But looking at the beauty Chen Xinghe in front of him, he still had thoughts of eating.

He hurriedly took two steps forward, twisted Zhou Ming's body, then leaned up and kissed the delicate cherry mouth lovingly.

I don't know how long it took, but there was a crackling sound in the pot along with a strong smell of paste.

"Oh, it's my food." Zhou Xiang hurriedly pushed Chen Xinghe away, thinking about how to save this pot of fried vegetables that had turned black.

"It's up to me." Chen Xinghe took the pot and threw it into the pool, then turned off all the gas, clapped his hands and said with satisfaction: "Okay, it's solved."

"What about the food? What are you eating?"

"Eating vegetables? It's enough to eat you."

Zhou Xing's eyes kept staring at Chen Xinghe. As the clothes came off one by one, her eyes gradually became hotter. She felt like there was a fire burning in her heart.

"You asked for this."

They hugged each other all the way to the bedroom. The two of them were already an old couple. Zhou Xing naturally knew the kind of tone that Chen Xinghe liked. When she wanted to refuse and then half-pushed him, Chen Xinghe successfully untied Zhou Xing's thin body. The pajamas exposed this beautiful body full of desire to the air.

The graceful neck, slightly trembling lips, slightly absent-minded eyes, limp legs, and boneless waist immediately struck Chen Xinghe's eyeballs.

Chen Xinghe remembered a movie starring Xie Miao and Jet Li that he watched when he was a child. "There is no need to endure it anymore."

Leaping forward, the two of them were directly intertwined. The world became hazy in an instant, and the dewdrops in the early morning slid reluctantly from the green leaves, soaking the earth silently.

Chen Xinghe felt that a narrow river with a narrow channel was flowing beneath him. He was diving into it and kept walking through it with the sound of the water flowing, sinking deeper and deeper...

To be continued. .

(End of this chapter)

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