The conspicuous bag in China Entertainment Taohuawu

Chapter 276 Taohuawu Chapter Hainan

Chapter 276 Taohuawu returns to Hainan

At six o'clock in the morning at the end of May, it was already bright in the capital, and Li Yiran arranged Chen Xinghe's clothes.

"Still, please take a nap later. You didn't get enough rest last night and you got up so early today. Don't be tired."

Hearing Chen Xinghe's words, Li Yiran showed a happy smile, "I'm not tired. I slept well at night, but brother, you have to take a flight for several hours later."

Looking at the beauty in front of him, Chen Xinghe held her little hand that was arranging his clothes, pulled her into his arms and kissed her affectionately.

The lips parted for a long time, but Chen Xinghe regretted that he didn't have enough time, "I'm leaving anyway, take care of yourself and little Huishu, and wait for me to come back."

"Well, I'll wait for you."

After picking up the suitcase that Li Yiran had packed for him a long time ago, Chen Xinghe went downstairs and got into the nanny car that had arrived downstairs early.

The car started slowly, and Chen Xinghe was still looking at the window of his home in trance.

"Why are you so gentle and reluctant to leave?"

Seeing Chen Xinghe's appearance, Zhao Ting teased Chen Xinghe.

Shaking his head, Chen Xinghe responded, "It's nothing, I just feel like I should come back more often."

"After you finish filming "Da Bong", why don't you come back and rest for a few days before joining the set?"

"Forget it, it's not time to rest yet. By the way, how is Sister Ting doing online now?"

"How about it? I was so shocked by your article that people who previously criticized you are lining up online under your Weibo.

CCTV, Penguin, and Shanghai Film Academy all issued statements to support you. Sunglasses King, the director of "Flowers" also stated on Weibo that he was the one who asked the crew to hire you to play the male lead. If anything happens to him, go to him.

In addition, Weibo directly issued a statement, saying that the article published by Weibo Entertainment was a private decision made by editor Li Chi and editor-in-chief Zhao Changxu, and they would be dealt with seriously.

Hu Ge also sent a message to show his modesty to you. "

Hearing Zhao Ting's words, Chen Xinghe nodded, "It's time to sue and continue to sue. It's not something Weibo Entertainment can solve as easily as it said."

"Okay, I know Xinghe."

There were already a lot of vehicles in Beijing in the morning, but thanks to Xu Wenbin's superb driving skills, Chen Xinghe arrived at Daxing Airport in more than an hour.

After saying goodbye to Zhao Ting and Xu Wenbin, Chen Xinghe entered the airport with Liu Li and Gao Shengqiang.

At 11:30 p.m., the plane landed smoothly, "Hey mybro superstar Chen Xinghe, welcome back to Hainan Island."

After following the program staff out of the airport, Wang Hedi, who was leaning on the car on the roadside, came over and hugged him, raping a bit. He was obviously a 5G surfer.

Just when Chen Xinghe was about to scold him, another weak greeting came from beside him, "Hello, Teacher Chen, I am the actor Song Yiren."

"Hello, Chen Xinghe."

After saying hello to Song Yiren, Chen Xinghe put the luggage in the trunk.

When Chen Xinghe was about to get in the car, Wang Hedi stopped him and said, "Brother Chen, wait for Sister Meng. Let's go when she comes."

"Sister Meng has never flown before, why didn't she see her on the plane?"

"She seems to be filming. She probably flew here from Hengdian or Shanghai."

While they were chatting, Meng Ziyi and her assistant walked out of the airport. The sharp-eyed Wang Hedi saw Meng Ziyi at a glance, "This is Sister Meng."

"Chen Xinghe, I saw you on the plane just now, but I was too embarrassed to chat with you because I was worried about being recognized by others."

Meng Ziyi still looked carefree, which made Chen Xinghe very funny.

"What's there to be embarrassed about?"

Helping Meng Ziyi put the luggage in the car, a few people got in the car and Meng Ziyi drove towards the seaside.

Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar scenery outside the window, Chen Xinghe couldn't help but sigh, "Hainan is better."

Wang Hedi also echoed, "Indeed, there is no such boring feeling here in Hainan. Although I don't have high-reflection over there in Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, I still feel very stuffy."

But at this time, Meng Ziyi interrupted in a shocking tone, "Hey, talk about Xinghe, what happened last night?"

Upon hearing Meng Ziyi's words, Song Yiren took a deep breath, while Wang Hedi looked at Chen Xinghe with a look on his face.

Chen Xinghe smiled. He knew that Meng Ziyi wanted him to clarify, but the method was a bit rough. If they had just met two years ago, Chen Xinghe would have thought that she was stupid or deliberately cheating, but now? It must be Sister Meng who supports me.

"It's nothing, I don't even know what happened. Mr. Cheng of Penguin Film and Television Production Company asked me to play the leading role in this drama. I refused at first. After reading the script, I thought the drama was okay, so I agreed to participate. of."

Hearing Chen Xinghe's words, the three of them looked at each other a little bit. Although they knew that Chen Xinghe was not only an actor, but also the boss of a film and television company, they didn't know until today that they and Chen Xinghe were no longer on the same level. There were several artists in the circle. It was only through the invitation of the CEO of a top film and television company that he was invited, and he even refused at first. Although Chen Xinghe himself didn't make it clear, they all knew that Mr. Cheng must have given Chen Xinghe a lot of benefits. Will participate in the performance.

As a friend of Chen Xinghe, Wang Hedi immediately helped, "Let me tell you, why would Brother Chen want to make a TV series? The key is not that the crew prepared by Brother Chen's company is not good enough to make his own TV series or movies. ."

Meng Ziyi also responded, "It's difficult to ask Chen Xinghe to act. Which director or film company in the industry doesn't want to invite him to act? If I hear that he is in a movie, I will lower my salary to go." ."

Chen Xinghe laughed out loud at Meng Ziyi's sour words, "Hahahaha, Sister Meng, you are exaggerating. If I had known you were going to cut your pay, I would have directly invited you to come to our crew to act."

"Congratulations to Sister Meng." Wang Hedi joked at the side, "By the way, Brother Chen, I also want to thank you for inviting me to join the cast of "All or Nothing", which made me almost become a billionaire actor in one drama."

"As I said, without you Di Di, "All or Nothing" might not have achieved this result. I wish you can become a leading actor with a box office of tens of billions as soon as possible."

While talking and laughing, Meng Ziyi drove the car to the familiar Taohuawu.

"We're home, Di Di." Looking at the familiar House No. 3, Chen Xinghe immediately recalled everything that happened here last year.

"Is this the house where you and Boss Chen lived together last year, Di Di?" Song Yiren asked curiously.

Wang Hedi smiled and explained, "Yes, last year myself, Brother Chuanjun, Brother Chen, our three brothers, my sister-in-law, and Chen Yu were in this cabin."

Seeing that Song Yiren was so curious, Meng Ziyi suggested, "How about we visit with Yiren first?"

Wang Hedi immediately waved his hand, "Goodbye. Brother Gangjun sent me a WeChat message and everyone else is waiting for us. Let's hurry over. Everyone else is waiting for us."

"Okay, let's go over there first. I'll show you around when everything clears up later." Meng Ziyi was always very enthusiastic about new female guests.

After picking up their luggage, the four of them rushed towards the barn together. As soon as they arrived at the open space at the door of the barn, Wang Chuanjun, who had been waiting for them at the door for a long time, greeted them.

"Hey, who are they here?"

Chen Xinghe looked at it and joked, "Hey, Teacher Wang, I watched the new movie, and the acting is really good."

"Teacher Chen, your acting is better." The two hugged, and then Wang Chuanjun looked at Wang Hedi and said, "You are Wang Hedi, right? I've seen your movie, and your acting is really good."

"You are also Teacher Wang Chuanjun. I especially like the MLM leader you played."

Seeing the three of them acting directly, Meng Ziyi mercilessly exposed it, "If I remember correctly, the three of you should be in the same drama, one unlucky guy and two bad guys."

"Really? Teacher Wang Chuanjun, the three of us have acted together?"

"I kind of forgot, Didi, have you ever acted with us?"

"No, I just acted in idol dramas."

"That's enough for you three."

Seeing that Meng Ziyi couldn't bear to break the defense anymore, the three of them burst out laughing, "Hahahahahaha!!!"

"Okay, let's stop making trouble, let's go in."

Entering the barn, Chen Xinghe found that they were almost the last group to arrive, leaving only two old people who had not yet arrived.

In addition to the staff from the third season, there are also two newcomers this time, namely Song Yiren and Sun Yi. Good guys, the number of guests is about to reach twenty.

"Brother Taki, Xueqin."

"Brother Fan, Brother Yiwei, Sister Qian..."

Arriving in the room, Chen Xinghe greeted his old friends directly, and then sat down next to Fan Zhiyi.

After they reunited, everyone also chatted together. Others also congratulated Chen Xinghe from time to time, after all, his new movie has achieved such good results.

"Thank you, Sister Qian. I watched your new drama. It's very good." "Okay, thank you, Sister Jiang."

Just when Chen Xinghe was thanking them, Wang Chuanjun patted Chen Xinghe on the shoulder and said.

"Xinghe, please come out with me. I have something to tell you."

Seeing Wang Chuanjun being so solemn, Chen Xinghe knew that he had something serious to do with him, and immediately followed Wang Chuanjun out the door.

As soon as Wang Chuanjun left the house, he signaled Chen Xinghe to turn off the microphone, and then said to Chen Xinghe: "Xinghe is like this. Hu Ge asked me to ask if it would be convenient to answer his phone. He wants to apologize to you and apologize to you on behalf of his wife. He really didn’t know Huang Xining would post that Weibo.”

"Brother Jun, I actually didn't take this matter to heart. He didn't even mention his name on Weibo, right? What I'm upset about is that the media just made it up, and I'm already preparing to sue them, Teacher Hu Ge Just reassure him there, I really didn’t take it seriously.”

After hearing what Chen Xinghe said, Wang Chuanjun continued, "Xinghe, listen to me. I have known Lao Hu for many years. I understand him. He is not that kind of person. He really wants to apologize to you."

"I didn't..." Chen Xinghe really didn't take it to heart, but seeing Wang Chuanjun's intention, he didn't answer the phone as if he didn't forgive Hu Ge. Then he changed his tune, "Okay, okay, Brother Jun, I'll answer the call." I'll take it."

Chen Xinghe's words made Wang Chuanjun smile, and then he took out his mobile phone and dialed, "Lao Hu, Xinghe is next to me. If you have anything to say to him, just say it."

"Okay, I'll give him the phone."

After Wang Chuanjun finished speaking, he handed the phone to Chen Xinghe. The latter took the phone and as soon as he put it to his ear, he heard a slightly tired voice from the other side. "Hello, is this Mr. Chen Xinghe, Mr. Chen?"

"I am, hello Teacher Hu, I am your fan. I grew up watching your fairy sword when I was a child."

Chen Xinghe said this because he wanted Hu Ge to understand that he had no intention of blaming him.

"Thank you. What happened yesterday was my wife's fault. If you can be useful to me in the future, you only need a word."

"Okay, Teacher Hu, let's make an agreement then."

After Hu Ge said this, Chen Xinghe naturally understood what the other party meant, so he simply followed his words and made the other party owe him a favor.

"Add your contact information and I can ask Junjun to push your WeChat account to me."

"It's okay, Teacher Hu."

"it is good."

Seeing that Hu Ge had no intention of talking more, Chen Xinghe directly returned the phone to Wang Chuanjun. The other party hung up the phone after saying a few words to Hu Ge, and then the two returned to the living room of the barn together.

In the living room, Wang Hedi was introducing the residents of Taohuawu to Song Yiren.

"This is Sister Qian."

"Then this is Brother Taki."

"Hey Brother Jun and Brother Chen, what are you two doing? I won't introduce them to you. That's all."

"Nothing, we went out to talk about something." Chen Xinghe responded and sat on the sofa beside him.

I saw Wang Hedi winking at Lamu Yoko. His original intention was probably to want Lamu to take more care of Song Yiren.

However, Moringa Yangzi obviously replied with the wrong intention, "Okay, okay, stop showing off your charm."

Although Wang Hedi was speechless, he responded with a smile in order not to make the other party lose face, "Your black-skinned Daji is back again."

"I can't even close my mouth from ear to ear."

Seeing that everyone was here, Wang Sulong took charge of the overall situation and said, "Isn't this the case that Teacher Dandan and Teacher Guoli are coming soon? We are discussing whether we should hold a welcome party or something?"

"it is good."

"Okay." Everyone agreed in unison.

Seeing that everyone agreed with what he said, they all looked at him, and then Wang Sulong continued: "If you have the ability, go to the tool room and make a banner or something."

But inadvertently, Wang Sulong also started to push others, which made Chen Xinghe laugh out loud. The former looked at Chen Xinghe and said, "What do you mean, Prince Regent, what are your instructions?"

"Brother Taki has the final say, but I just think it's interesting. Everyone in charge has this problem. They can't help but start pushing other people, right?"

Wang Hedi couldn't help but smile and said: "What? Let's just play a rhythm and drum."

"That's okay." Wang Sulong obviously realized his problem and responded with a smile.

"Then let's shout a slogan, welcome, welcome, warm welcome."

This suggestion received an instant response from everyone, who started shouting slogans in time with him.

But then Meng Ziyi started to stand out again, "I think we can just kneel down in a row and start greeting him."

Facing Meng Ziyi's daily arrogance, everyone couldn't help laughing.

At this moment, Chen Xinghe noticed a strange thing next to the implanted bottle on the table, "1688 Peach Blossom Coins, what is this?"

As he spoke, Chen Xinghe leaned forward and took the things in his hands to look at them. Wang Hedi came to him curiously. The two found that this was a menu with three set meal options, each costing 1688 Peach Blossom Coins. , 888 Peach Blossom Coins and 488 Peach Blossom Coins,

"Good guy, this is the program team directly grabbing the business of the brothers, right?" Knowing what this thing was, Wang Hedi started to complain directly.

"A seafood set meal is 1688. How about it cost 50 peach blossom coins each for the brothers? Our Wuyou station will directly contract it."

"Okay, okay, besides the seafood dinner, we can also eat something else. Eating seafood all the time can make you prone to gout."

Chen Xinghe's words made everyone's eyes brighten, and Li Xueqin clapped her hands and started talking.

Everyone else also agreed with Chen Xinghe's statement. When the program team saw that this was okay, they immediately came forward to organize it and explained to everyone the notice that the first lunch must be purchased from the program team.

"What do you mean? It means that we must pay for the two old men and ladies to have a meal ourselves." Xu Zhisheng said with his hands behind his back, complaining.

Wang Hedi nodded and agreed, "It's just a matter of all of us pooling our money together to eat this meal and every meal in the future."

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Xu Zhisheng, "The two old men will have to go to work in the future."


Everyone laughed at Xu Zhisheng's words. It took a while before Wang Sulong continued to take over the topic, "I think the two teachers have already eaten all kinds of delicious food. In fact, they 488 said it from the bottom of their hearts."

"That's enough, right?" Wang Chuanjun understood what Wang Sulong meant and answered from the side.

"Let's do what we can, and don't make it so hard later." Song Qian also echoed, but after saying that, she also laughed sheepishly.

"In this way, we agree with 488's raise of hands." Heartbeat is not as good as action. Wang Sulong directly called on everyone to start voting.

More than half of the people raised their hands, but Chen Xinghe was not among them. He felt that the two old men and old ladies finally came back, and they should really be entertained, but since everyone agreed, he couldn't say anything. What, at most he could ask the old man and old lady to have a meal together in the evening or open the worry-free station.

"Okay, let's make an agreement, everyone will pay 28.7 or 29." Wang Hedi took out his computer and calculated how much everyone should pay, and announced to everyone.

"In addition to paying for it, of course everyone has to keep it secret." Wang Sulong greeted everyone again.

Xu Zhisheng also gave Wang Sulong an idea, "Destroy the evidence directly. When the time comes, we will say it was a waste of 1688."

"Isn't this embarrassing?" Chen Xinghe looked at the 1688 menu they left behind and pointed at the menu in a funny way.

"What happened?"

"It says high-end seafood on it."

"Just tear that Gulu down there."

Moringa Yangzi spoke, but Wang Chuanjun immediately executed it, folded it in half, and tore off the lower part, leaving only the two-letter menu and the four Arabic numerals 1688.

"What is the tentative set meal?" At this time, Xu Zhisheng looked at everyone and asked.

Everyone else knew what he meant and immediately shouted in unison: "1688!!!!!"

At this moment, Chen Xinghe received a WeChat message on his phone. When he opened it, he found that it was from Song Dandan, saying that they would be arriving soon.

"Mother Dan, let's pick you up." In reply to Song Dandan's WeChat message, Chen Xinghe notified Wang Sulong and others to get ready, and then called Zhang Haolei, Wang Hedi and others to Taohuawu Port to wait for Song Dandan and Zhang Guoli's arrival.

To be continued. .

(End of this chapter)

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