The conspicuous bag in China Entertainment Taohuawu

Chapter 290 Tragic Process and Beautiful Results

Chapter 290 Tragic Process and Beautiful Results

"After fifteen minutes of rest and adjustment, the good sides are about to enter the second half of the competition. The two sides achieved a score of 1 to 1 in the first half. This game will be reviewed by Zhan Jun and Ma Fanshu. I am the commentator Zhan hansome."

At the commentary table, Zhan Jun, who had just come to Chen Xinghe to sign autographs for his daughter, looked very happy, as did Ma Fanshu next to her. Just now she took a photo with Lu Han and Chen Xinghe, two top celebrities in domestic entertainment. By the way, she got the other party's autograph, and the smile on her face never ended since she returned to the commentator's seat.

"I am the host Ma Fanshu. Teacher Zhan's first half of the game is over. What do you think of the first half of the game between the two teams?"

As the host, Ma Fanshu only needs to be responsible for the control and beauty, and the rest is left to the more professional teacher Zhan Jun.

"The first half of the game was a battle of wits and courage between the two sides. From the opening, Chen Xinghe of the Taohuawu team took the lead by attacking him unprepared, and then the Star United team made adjustments and used personal skills to gain space to track the score. It can be said that both sides were on top. The tactics in the half were relatively successful, and more depends on the adjustments made by both sides in the second half.”

Hearing Zhan Jun's words, Ma Fanshu nodded and then echoed: "In your opinion, what adjustments should the two teams make?"

"I think the Peach Blossom team's tactics in the first half were very clear, which was to consume the opponent's physical strength through active fighting, and their purpose was also accomplished very well, and achieved very good results. You can see the stars near the end of the first half. The United team made a lot of low-level mistakes, so in the second half, I think they should not continue to defend, but should use the impact of players Chen Xinghe and Wang Hedi to attack the opponent's half.

As for the Star United, they should strengthen the conduction of the ball among the players to create space to end the game. We saw that in the first half, they mostly used monotonous blasts of personal abilities or small-scale one-twos. Although they achieved certain results through cooperation and scored a goal to even the score, this was extremely exhausting. "

"Okay, Teacher Zhan, we see that the players from both sides have entered the field. There are no player changes on both sides. The second half of the game will start soon."

Different from the first half, when the Taohuawu team played, everyone had confident smiles on their faces. As Zhan Jun analyzed, during the break just now, they made it clear that their goal in the second half was to pass King Chen Attack the opponent's goal with great impact.

“Come on Team Taohuawu!!!”

"Come on Team Taohuawu!!!"

As soon as they appeared, Zhang Haolei and others on the sidelines actively cheered for them.

The same is true for Jiang Shuying and others next to them, except that the team they are cheering for is Lu Han and his star team, but their voices are obviously suppressed by the voices of Zhang Haolei, Song Yiren, and Li Xueqin. After all, they are members of Taohuawu , I still hope my team will win from the bottom of my heart.

During the halftime, the cheerleading teams of both sides held a cheerleading performance competition. The performances of both sides were very exciting. It was obvious that they worked hard in normal times. While the boys were training, the girls were not idle, but Under Song Qian's guidance, she actively practiced cheerleading dance.

"After Didi kicks off the ball later, I will pass it directly back to Teacher Fan, and the two of us can just run forward."

Before the game whistle blew, Chen Xinghe took Wang Hedi and the others to discuss a small strategy.

"Okay, Brother Chen, let's hit the opponent's goal directly when the time comes."

"You just run, my ball will be passed to the right place."

"Brothers, come on letsgo!"

"come on!!!"

Cheering each other up, Chen Xinghe and Wang Hedi stood in the middle circle and prepared to serve. This time, the player defending them became Zhang Yishan, who was even thinner. When Chen Xinghe saw the situation, he started to Showing weakness, he said: "Brother Shan, please be merciful in the second half."

"Hey kid."

Zhang Yishan seemed very confident. It was obvious that after the first half, they had clarified their tasks for the second half.

"Beep! Beep! Beep!"

The second half buzzer sounded and the game officially started.

"Okay, the second half of the game officially started. Player Wang Hedi made a classic inverse kick and kicked the ball to Chen Xinghe. The latter did not blindly rush with the ball, but chose to give the ball to Fan Zhiyi behind him. It seems that In the second half, the Taohuawu team wanted to play a positional battle.

No, Wang Hedi and Chen Xinghe quickly ran towards the half-court of Star United after the kick-off. It was obvious that they wanted to score through impact. This is similar to our analysis before the start of the second half."

Teacher Zhan Jun's analysis came out, and the situation on the court suddenly changed. Chen Xinghe, who had just opened the ball, passed the ball back. The defensive players Zhang Yishan and Baike on the right thought that the opponent was going to engage in a positional battle, but the opponent did not. As they expected, they quickly started to rely on their strong physical fitness to come behind the two of them.

Seeing Chen Xinghe directly break through his defense, Zhang Yishan thought to himself, "Oh no, Teacher Fan just passed the ball over."

Just as Zhang Yishan expected, the moment Chen Xinghe passed Baike, Fan Zhiyi kicked the ball towards Chen Xinghe. The force and angle were just right, and the ball landed in front of Chen Xinghe, who was directly in front of him at this time. Wu Yi was the only defensive player, and on the left wing, Wang Hedi also broke through Lu Han's defense. The two of them rushed towards the Star United goal like two tigers ready to prey.

Wu Yi, the last defensive player, suddenly panicked. On one side was Chen Xinghe, who was carrying the ball, and on the other side was Wang Hedi, who was running quickly. At this time, there were two paths in front of him. One was to defend Chen Xinghe. Xinghe looked to see if he could steal the ball at his feet. The other option was to return to the goal line and defend the goal with goalkeeper Guo Qilin.

In the end, Wu Yi chose to defend Chen Xinghe, thinking that because the opponent's skills were not good, he might not be able to pass the ball?

However, in a flash of martial arts, Chen Xinghe passed the ball directly. The other Chen Xinghe was really not good at it, but this kind of pass has been repeated many times in daily training, relying on the muscles of the body Memory, Chen Xinghe kicked the ball out.

However, maybe Chen Xinghe rushed too hard, and the ball was passed a little biased to the naked eye. It was more like a shot than a pass, but the angle was not enough and it rolled towards the baseline.

Just when Chen Xinghe secretly thought that it was a pity, Wang Hedi's howling voice came out. Wang Hedi's face was ferocious, and he chased the football at an even faster speed. Upon seeing this, Chen Xinghe threw away all other thoughts. I also rushed forward together. My teammates were all rushing forward. How could I, Chen Xinghean, not rush forward?
Just before the football was about to cross the baseline, Wang Hedi caught up with the ball. However, because he rushed too hard and his skills at his feet were not enough, when he kicked the ball back, his body fell directly forward, but in the end the ball was saved. , Chen Xinghe saw this and used all his strength to run towards the football.

"The teammates in front have done a good enough job, leave the rest to me." At this time, a belief appeared in Chen Xinghe's mind, that is, he must kick this ball in, and all he could think about was Guo Qilin is about to attack and hold the ball.

However, in terms of speed, Guo Qilin was no match for Chen Xinghe. Before Guo Qilin, Chen Xinghe caught up with the ball and fired furiously. The ball roared into the empty gate. Chen Xinghe also rushed too fast because of his speed. He fell hard onto the lawn, and the huge inertia made him roll on the lawn two or three times before he stopped.

Cool! So cool!
Seeing the football spinning on the net, Chen Xinghe was so happy, but just two or three seconds later, Chen Xinghe's expression suddenly changed.

pain!It hurts so much!
"Hiss" Chen Xinghe's face became a little ferocious. Although the natural grass on the court can effectively buffer the impact of falling, the sudden impact still caused him great pain. Next to him, players from the Star United and Taohuawu teams Upon seeing this, he quickly ran to Chen Xinghe and checked Chen Xinghe's body.

The same goes for Wang Hedi next to him. The two of them were lying on the lawn like a pair of brothers in distress, not daring to move. Several girls on the sidelines and Xie Dikui and Chi Yuan who were watching the battle all jumped a lot. These two people were thousands of people. You must not get hurt!

After being treated by the accompanying doctor in Taohuawu, Chen Xinghe slowly moved his hands and feet for a while. After finding that there was nothing serious, he stretched out his hand and took the palm handed over by Fan Zhiyi and stood up.

However, although he was fine, Wang Hedi was in trouble. His forcible turning just now caused his ankle to twist. Although the bones were fine under the examination of the Taohuawu doctor, the huge pain still prevented him from doing anything else. Keep playing football.

Helping the staff to help Wang Hedi to the bench on the sidelines, Chen Xinghe patted Wang Hedi on the shoulder and said to him: "Don't worry, brother, we will win, I promise you." Just as Wang Hedi returned to the bench with a grin on his face. On the way, he was still thinking about the game, always regretting that he could no longer continue playing.

"come on!"

Grining his teeth and grinning, Wang Hedi high-fived Chen Xinghe.

Wang Hedi was injured and could not play. The Taohuawu team replaced Xu Zhisheng as a substitute. The sudden accident forced them to change their play, from 212 to 311, leaving only Chen Xinghe with a single arrow. However, they were temporarily ahead and strengthened their defense. no problem.

"This is the charm of football, this is the charm of sports. It is just an entertaining game. The athletes from both sides have tried their best to fight. Let us give them some applause, okay?"

The collapse of the two players moved Mr. Zhan Jun in the commentary box. He really didn't expect that they would work so hard. It is rare to see athletes doing their best in professional arenas, let alone ordinary people. They will do this, not to mention they are glamorous stars on TV.

"That's great, Teacher Zhan Jun, this is sports, this is sports competition, this is football!!!"

After hearing the words of the two commentators, the audience also applauded and cheered.

"Are you okay Xinghe?" Seeing that Chen Xinghe's body was covered with green vegetable juice and black soil, Lu Han, who was preparing to serve again in the center circle, asked worriedly. Although they were rivals in the game, they were still friends in private. .

Chen Xinghe waved his hand and responded with a smile, "It's okay, Brother Lu, just let your horse come over."

Lu Han didn't say much when he saw this, he just gave Chen Xinghe a thumbs up. He asked himself that he, who loved football so much, would not be so desperate to seize a goal opportunity like Chen Xinghe.

Behind him, Zhang Yishan, Baike, Su Xing and others also gave him thumbs up and looked at him with admiration.

The game continues. There is no mercy in sports competitions. They can only take advantage of your illness to save your life. Unless you can be like the big devil Zhang Yining, you are afraid that the opponent will not be able to catch it and throw the ball directly to the ground.

Serving again, just like in the first half, the Star United first attracted the Taohuawu team's defense with a backcourt kick. After tearing up a certain gap, they used the personal abilities of Lu Han and others to pass the defender one-on-one. However, Since Chen Xinghe had made a promise to Wang Hedi, he would naturally take action to win the game. After every breakthrough, a Chen Xinghe would surpass them and destroy the football beyond the baseline.

Continuous offensive failures made the Star United team's physical strength drop even more, and people became a little impatient. When people are impatient, they will make mistakes. When passing the ball again, Su Xing's pass was a little deflected, and he kicked the ball directly to Fan Zhiyi. At the foot of Chen Xinghe, the latter gave Chen Xinghe a look, then turned around to protect the ball and blocked Baike who was about to counterattack behind him.

Chen Xinghe, who was sticking close to Lu Han and guarding him tightly, saw the look in Fan Zhiyi's eyes and ran towards the opponent's half. Fan Zhiyi seemed to have eyes in the back of his head and used his heels to pass through Bai Ke's goalkeeper to score the ball. It was given to Ao Ruipeng, who kicked the ball directly towards the half of Star United.

His accuracy was far behind that of Fan Zhiyi, but because the opponent's offensive formation was too forward, Chen Xinghe easily surpassed his chasing skills. In front of him was an empty lawn and another one-on-one confrontation with Chen Xinghe. Guo Qilin is gone.

Dribbling the ball towards the goal, then slowing down and pushing with his feet, Chen Xinghe scored his third goal in the safest way.

"The ball was scored. In the 15th minute after get off work, Taohuawu team scored again. The goal was still scored by Chen Xinghe of Taohuawu team. In this game, he has completed a hat trick of personal goals. What an amazing performance. , you must know that before this, Chen Xinghe had nothing to do with football, except for a few simple kicks on the Wuha program and donating to Mr. Sun Jihai’s youth training camp. He did not even play a complete football match. Seen."

On the sidelines, Zhan Jun explained enthusiastically, and there were bursts of screams from the audience. Wang Hedi, who was sitting on the chair in the dugout, raised his arms and shouted excitedly, but maybe his feet touched him. On the ground, he suddenly grinned again.

In the next five minutes, although the Star United relied on skillful skills from Lu Han to assist Zhang Yishan, the time ran out. In the end, the Taohuawu team won the Taohuawu Cup with a score of 3:2. Contest.


"Congratulations on winning, that's so cool, Boss Chen."

"Hat trick, really amazing."

"If I had known, I wouldn't have come back. As soon as I saw you, you felt like you were going to eat me."

"That's awesome Xinghe. When we get back to the capital, we can play more football in private when we have time."

"That's so cool, buddy. I'll keep in touch when I get back to Beijing."

The game was over, and the players from both sides chatted together, especially Chen Xinghe. The other players all praised Chen Xinghe's performance.

"Absolutely. Thank you for coming to participate in this competition. Thank you very much."

"It's just a fluke."

"Good luck haha ​​good luck."

"How could I have scored so many goals without you? You would have to be the goalkeeper."

"No problem, Brother Lu."

"Okay Brother Shan, let's get together in private."

In one game, Chen Xinghe not only scored three goals, but also gained a lot of friendship.

Originally, I wanted to cook dinner for them, Zhan Jun and Ma Fanshu, but everyone was very busy, so after the game, they left Taohuawu to do their own work.

To be on the safe side, the program crew took Wang Hedi to a hospital in the city center to have his ankle checked. It turned out that nothing was wrong, but he would be in pain for two days. Hearing the news, the program crew and all the residents of Taohuawu breathed a sigh of relief.

However, after the game, Chen Xinghe and the others were really tired, so they made a simple meal. After eating, everyone went back to their rooms to rest.

For this game, they really worked hard on the first day of this recording, especially the four big men in Room 2. They didn't continue their early morning workout the next day.

To be continued. .

 It's easy to copy the original content of Taohuawu, but it's really difficult to write your own original plot! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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