hallway fright 2

Chapter 20 Is this real?or dream?

Chapter 20 Is this true?or dream?



In the entire hall of the teaching building, there was no light at all!Only the moonlight coming in through the door, following the moonlight, I can vaguely see the white shadow standing in front of me!She was standing in a corner, motionless!that hair?Where do you seem to have seen it?Because it was too dark, the appearance seemed a little familiar, but I couldn't tell what she was wearing and what she looked like!Slowly, my thinking calmed down, and the fear was slowly removed from my heart.

I started to approach the white shadow slowly, although I said I calmed down!But there is still fear in my heart!Because I don't even know what this unknown thing in front of me is?What if she really had a dead face behind her head curtain?When I think of this, I feel numb again!The whole body is surrounded by a chill!I took a deep breath and moved my heavy steps again!Start moving towards this figure.When I took the first step, the figure moved!I saw that figure flashed into another even darker corridor, and I didn't chase after it!Because just that thing moved, I was terribly scared!

I shook my body and kept calm!Then took another breath, suddenly!I thought of a way to alleviate the fear, I took out a pack of cigarettes from my bag, and lit it with a lighter!Usually I don’t smoke much, only one to four a day!Not like a smoker, one pack a day!Soon, the smell of nicotine was in the air!I stomped my footsteps calmly, then directly accelerated and chased after the figure.

Because, this might be the only clue, I thought, I need to do this!Even if it is for those students who come to this school in the future not to suffer such pain!Thinking of this, my spirit is a hundredfold!The fear has gradually disappeared completely, but at this moment, I stopped moving forward, because!The corridor in front is so dark that you can't see your fingers?But I clearly remember, I remember that the lights are still burning upstairs in this teaching building, but why is it like this?Am I dreaming again?In the beginning, I followed the path that the figure took me, to be honest!Because it was too dark, I couldn't even see the road, and I didn't know where I was going?When I realized the moonlight, I was already in this hall!What is hidden in this endless darkness?Is it inside?

Just when I thought of this, there was a "huhuhu" sound from inside, and that sound was really creepy!I shuddered!Then I took a few steps back, and the firepower just now was blown out by this "huhu" thing. I think it's a bit bad if I go in alone. Why don't I call Zhang Haiteng to go in together, or Is it to call a few more classmates in the class?I thought of this and took out my phone, but!It says "Service" on the phone, oh my?How could there be no signal here?The more I think about it, the weirder it gets.I thought about it, and decided to turn back. I turned around and walked back to the original road. At the moment I turned around, a cool wind blew to the back of my neck!The cool wind was really unbearable, and my whole body shivered once again, and the cigarette in my hand fell to the ground when I trembled!I don't know why, but I can't move because of the wind, my steps seem to be very heavy!And at this moment, some strange voices sounded from behind me.

"Clap clap".

This sound sounds like the sound of palms slapping the wall, and the sound of the heart touching the wall is very obvious!What will it be?


"Papapa", the sound came rhythmically!That voice is a bit creepy!The hairs all over my body stand on end!I don't know when, I feel that it is very cold here, did I really enter the dream again?Suddenly, I seemed to think of something in my head, but I just couldn't remember what happened?That disgusting and terrifying voice has almost come to a place not far behind me, me!Terrified!My eyes were on the floor, on my shoes, and I didn't move!Waiting for this thing to come to my back!

"Papa Papa", "Papa Papa", "Papa".

For some unknown reason, the voice gradually disappeared!I took a deep breath and slowly turned my head back!But what I saw was still the darkness of the abyss, and there was nothing in it!The sound also disappeared.

I slowly turned my whole body and looked at this corridor!I used this trembling hand again to take out the cigarette case, but because of my fear, the trembling of my hand caused the cigarette case to fall to the ground!There was a "boom", a bang!This small voice spread throughout the hall, echoing from boxes everywhere!I picked up the cigarette case on the ground and took out the lighter.I smoke a cigarette, then grab the lighter and get ready to light it!

"Crack!", the lighter ignited.But at this moment, that disgusting voice in the darkness began to rush towards me quickly!This sudden scene frightened me, and the lighter in my hand fell to the ground in an instant, and the cigarette also dropped!I only heard the sound of "Papa Papa Papa", and it moved over very quickly!I was terrified and suddenly there was a force in my foot!I ran back to the original road, and ran back to the corridor just now!Following the corridor just now, I touched the wall in the same way, moving my steps quickly!Soon, the disgusting voice was thrown away by me.However, I still haven't given up running, because I want to leave this horrible place!Soon, I came to a corner, but strangely, there are two roads here!A staircase to the right and an elevator to the left!I clearly remember that when I came, I didn't encounter any elevators or stairs, so I didn't care so much, I walked to the stairs!Looking up, it seems, I just went wrong!This is still the first floor!But the strange thing is that the houses here are very small, and I can't make out the scenery outside at all.

Suddenly, an incandescent light shot to my feet, and my shadow was illuminated by the light and reflected on the wall!I only heard the sound of the elevator door opening on my back. It seemed that I was rescued!There are obviously people here!I turned my body back, wanting to see who was standing behind me, turned around!I saw the silhouette of a woman reflected in the incandescent lamp in the elevator!But?Where did you see that figure?The elevator door opened, and I stood there blankly looking at the woman in the elevator!However, the woman didn't seem to want to come out, only to see the door closed again!Again, the light is gone here.One is dead silence!

I was a little nervous, I saw that the number displayed by the elevator stayed at one!Didn't go anywhere.Won't?I suddenly thought, there is such a person standing in this door, not going anywhere?The more I thought about it, the more hairy I became, and I couldn't bear it anymore!Want to go back to the lobby through the original corridor again!Because the lobby can see the outside scene as long as you go up to the second floor, I started to move slowly!Because, I'm afraid that the sound of my footsteps will reach the ears of the woman in the elevator!I started, took the first step

【End of Chapter 20】

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