hallway fright 2

Chapter 48 Resentment Condensation

Chapter 48 Condensation of Resentment (2)


The blood that Xue shed when she was thrown off by senior Tang Jie stained the dying senior. She was lying in Senior Zhou Yi's arms, breathing rapidly and very fast!From time to time, there is still blood flowing out of my mouth, but I just stare blankly at the senior sister, looking at her appearance, but there is nothing I can do.The ambulance was also delayed on the road due to the snowy weather

"Tang Jie, Tang Jie, cheer up!" Senior Zhou Yi hugged her senior and shouted at her, not letting her fall asleep, yes, because if senior sister fell asleep at this time, maybe, she would never be able to wake up again coming.My heart is extremely sour and painful. What is going on?

"Senior sister? Senior sister?", I also tried to call senior sister.

The senior sister turned her head slowly, but the color of her face was already snow white. The only conspicuous color was the fresh blood from the senior sister's mouth.The senior sister looked at me, slowly raised her hand, and reached out to me!I looked at the senior sister's hand until her hand touched my head!Then smiled at me slightly

"Senior sister? Senior sister woo", I held back my tears, then grabbed my senior sister's hand and said, "Senior sister, hold on! The ambulance will come soon", when I said these words, my Tears have been flowing out.First is Yuan Sha, who has not been found until now, then Yuan Hong, and then most of the girls in the school.In the end, who did it!I kept wiping away the tears on my face with my hands, but the tears were controlled, but the snot kept flowing out.

"Hey", the senior sister smiled!

I raised my head hastily, looked at senior sister, senior sister looked at me, and then laughed!It may be laughing at how ridiculous I look now!From time to time, I also laughed because, I saw that the senior sister cheered up!Senior sister once again turned her attention to senior Zhou Yi

"Zhou Yi", the senior sister said in a weak voice!

Senior Zhou Yi hugged senior sister tightly, and then said "hmm".But, at the moment, obviously, the senior seemed to be unable to bear the grief and cried out

"If I really went there, please put my photo and the mosquito's together, okay?", the senior sister suddenly said this!

"No, no, you won't die." The senior's voice was already mixed with anxiety and sadness, and she started to tremble when she spoke. She hugged her senior tightly and lowered her head. I kept trying not to let myself cry.

"Senior sister, no, the ambulance is coming!", I also tried to comfort the senior sister and the senior.

At this time, I saw the eyes of the senior sister opened wider and wider, and the expression of the senior sister began to panic!However, her expression frightened the senior and me, and senior Zhou Yi hurriedly shook her!

"What's the matter? What's the matter? Tang Jie? What happened?" The senior's tone was quite anxious.

"Senior sister?", I looked at senior sister!Her eyes were looking at something behind me, as if she saw something?

"Yu Yu", the senior sister said this word!Then the eyes looked behind me in horror!What happened?Suddenly, the senior sister finished speaking the word!No, she was reading someone's name!

"Yu Wenjie!", after saying this!Senior Zhou Yi and I were stunned and turned our heads back at the same time, but there was nothing!


"Mosquito! Mosquito!", the senior yelled in a very weak voice, and senior Zhou Yi hurriedly shook the senior!

"Tang Jie! Tang Jie! Don't go there, don't go there!" Senior Zhou Yi hugged the senior sister, and finally couldn't help it, and began to shed tears.But senior sister Tang Jie still stretched out a hand and shouted in the direction where no one was there! "Mosquito! Mosquito!".Is this the flashback of a person before he dies?still?

"Tang Jie! Tang Jie!" During the yelling of senior Zhou Yi and I, the senior sister lost the yelling just now, stopped yelling, and slowly calmed down.At this time, the sound of an ambulance finally came from outside the community.

Accompanied by the sound of the ambulance, the senior finally couldn't stand it anymore and closed her eyes!However, my senior and I kept calling for my senior, but no matter how we shouted, my senior was also moved. Finally, the ambulance drove downstairs, and my senior was carried into the car by the nurses. The senior also followed


"Why is that?"

Sitting at the entrance of the hospital, we kept thinking about the figure of the senior sister. From time to time, the sadness in our hearts accumulated together. Finally, in the hospital, the senior and I wept to vent the grief in our hearts. Although we didn’t cry out, but , but in my heart, I was already extremely sad, because what an important friend I lost!Friends like family members!

I saw the doctor opened the door and walked out!My senior and I rushed up and asked about the doctor's situation, but the doctor just shook his head, shaking his head non-stop!The doctor took us to the office, but after entering, the news we heard was not good news, but a bunch of unacceptable news!After receiving the news, my senior and I stayed in the hospital for a whole day and night!I haven't slept, I've been waiting for news from my senior sister

I just felt a numbness in my trouser pocket, I couldn't help but touch my trouser pocket, and then I heard the sound of my mobile phone in my ears!I got up and found that I had fallen asleep, and was sleeping on a chair in the corridor of the hospital!After getting up, I saw that the senior had also fallen asleep, and he fell asleep in the same place, is it strange?Both me and the senior have a strange piece of clothing on them?Whose clothes is this?I pick up this dress with my hands?After thinking about it, it was probably the clothes brought by the nurses in the hospital, but?The clothes did not smell like the hospital at all. In short, they were clothes full of strange smells.

I suddenly realized that the phone was still ringing, and I quickly connected it!He didn't even look at the incoming call, and connected directly. The voice on the phone was Officer Chen!

"Chenxi, are you with Zhou Yi now?" Officer Chen asked.

"Yes!", I replied.

"Then I don't worry, you guys have to be careful recently, we found some problems about the case on campus this time, by the way, ask Zhou Yi to answer the phone!", I hurried to the senior and woke up killed him!The senior slowly opened his eyes, and then saw me!Hastily shook his head, patted his head, and kept himself awake!

"Senior, Police Officer Chen is calling!", I said!

"oh?".The senior took the call.

At this time, we don't know what happened to the call from Police Officer Chen, it's already late at night

【End of Chapter 48】

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