hallway fright 2

Chapter 5 School Ghosts

Chapter 5 School Ghosts


The military training has lasted for four days, but God has no intention of raining at all. I think it was probably all released a few days ago!It's really unbearable to train under such a scorching sun!I am going crazy

Moreover, since I saw that cute girl last time, I haven't seen it again, I saw it!Just her sister!Continuing into the night, her sister manages the students' bedtime concerns.The freshmen who just arrived are so bullish, and they will get it after a while!But her sister is quite nice. Although she is a little strict, she usually likes to joke around. However, in such a big place, this is the only person who can chat!Feeling, loneliness is still all over the head.

After a simple contact, I realized that this girl's name is Sakura Mihong!It is already a rare surname, and it is almost difficult to find someone with the surname Ying in China. I learned from my sister that my sister is called Ying Misha!The situation at home is just like that, neither poor nor rich!They are all very simple girls.But the only thing that knows about their family is that their family actually runs a supermarket.But think about it, it's good to provide convenience for the people.

The night is coming again, and of course the shows that have been performed will not be performed again, because I don’t want to watch them anymore!Tonight, the instructor blew the whistle directly and had two hours of free activities.For the extra hour of rest, I happily ran to the canteen and bought a bottle of "Pulse" and sat on a small long chair under the dormitory building!A person enjoys this loneliness and the sweetness in the drink.I looked at my head, looked at the sky, and suddenly found out!The weather seems to have changed tonight, it may rain tomorrow!This news made me excited again, at this moment, I saw Sakura Mihong!She is shouting!

"Who wants to listen to the ghost stories of our school, come here! It's not easy to find a senior to entertain us!".After hearing the news, the students immediately ran over, most of them were girls, because boys were not very interested in this kind of gossip, but there were still many boys who came.I was free and fine, so I walked over to listen to some ghost stories and see if they could scare me!

Walking into the crowd, I looked at the senior, who was wearing a pair of glasses!Looks, I feel very honest, but suddenly I feel that the ghost stories told by this student do not match his appearance, forget it, listen to it!

The senior said: "Hi everyone! I am a student of Beijing Medical University, one level higher than you. I also want to entertain you at night, so I will tell you ghost stories. These stories are real people who happened in our school. matter! But after everyone has heard it, I hope you don’t want to spread it indiscriminately, okay?”

Tian Nan, the last sentence is so fake, since you want to say it, do you think there is a possibility of closed propaganda?I found a place, sat down, and the senior started to talk!

"I remember when we came to this school in that year, just after the military training, after returning to school, there was a woman! She committed suicide by jumping off the building!".

Many girls made a surprised sound.This kind of thing is very common, and there is nothing to be afraid of!


The senior continued: "At that time, after this incident, the school panicked for a while, but we all regarded it as a lively event! Soon, this incident subsided. But I didn't expect it! There are really ghosts in our school According to my research, there is a girl named in our school who was bent over by a ghost, and one day, she stood on the roof and was about to jump off a building! That girl grew up very beautifully! But in the end, the girl’s boyfriend Rescued her, but the matter did not end because of this, the girl began to become more and more gloomy, and the yin energy on her body gradually became heavier. No one dared to approach her, the only one who approached her, Only his boyfriend, and his boyfriend's friends! As a result, after nearly three months, the girl disappeared, and she disappeared until the end of our semester! Do you want to know where she found it?"

Everyone was tense, wanting to know the answer behind, but at this moment, I found a familiar girl out of the corner of my eye!Yes!It's Sakura Miko's younger sister, Sakura Misa!Looking at her expression, she seemed to be very scared, she was so scared, why did she come to listen to ghost stories again!It's really strange, but her expression is really cute, I didn't bother her, but continued to listen to the ghost story!

"The result! This girl was found on the sixth floor of a disused teaching building in our school! That teaching building has been demolished now, back then! That teaching building was called a ghost building because too many people died there, and The strange thing is that the wall on the sixth floor is obviously closed! But sometimes, when one looks in from the door on the sixth floor, one can see a person! And it is a woman in white clothes. At that time, a policeman came and dropped the This closed wall, and behind the closed wall, a school secret passage was discovered, and after entering, it was a limited dark corridor! Very scary!".

Suddenly, this sensitive word limited to corridors surprised me!Because, I remember as if I saw this corridor somewhere, I didn’t continue to think so much, I continued to listen to the story of this senior.

"Finally! The most strange thing is that this girl entered this dark corridor before removing the wall, and there is no light or food in this corridor, but she is completely in this dark corridor. She stayed there for two months! Finally, the police found her and sent her to the hospital. You said, such a strange thing, I can't figure it out at all, this girl is probably a ghost!".

As a result, people started asking right away!

"Then is this girl still in our school?"

The senior said: "Here it is!".

Soon, many girls made reluctant voices! "Hey! Ah! So what should we do? Do we want to go to the same school as ghosts?".But immediately some mature people said: "How is it possible? These are all stories. Now is an era of science, how could there be ghosts!".

The senior seemed a little unhappy to hear such an answer, and then said: "You guys! After returning to school, you will know that these things are actually true!".

But I feel very wrong!I asked: "Then why did the senior insist on telling us?".

This sentence obviously hit the senior's vitals. The senior smiled and said, "Haha! Isn't this just to relieve your boredom! Yes! Haha".

This senior has slightly black skin and wears glasses with metal frames!When I asked him, his words were obviously a little slow, I think, the authenticity of this matter will be leaked immediately!

Suddenly, a hand patted my shoulder!Very gently!I turned my head hastily, look!It turned out to be Misa Sakura!Sakura Misa is smiling sweetly, as if to indicate "we meet again".

【End of Chapter 5】

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