hallway fright 2

Chapter 54 Salvation

Chapter 54 Saved


"Hoo hoo", the whole room has been making such a strange sound, the sound is very similar to the sound of the exhaust fan in the factory, but because I am now packed in a black bag, I can't see anything!During the time I was in the bag, I am sure, I passed a lot of places, and now I just got out of the elevator.Because I heard the sound of the elevator door closing. After I left the elevator door, the "whoosh" sound disappeared. When I arrived at this place, it was very quiet.It's like going to another world.

"Kang Dang", I was thrown heavily on the ground, and there was such a sound when I was thrown on the ground, I think it must have thrown me on an iron plate.At the mouth of the bag, it seemed that someone was untying the rope, and slowly, light came in from the mouth!I saw a figure looking at me from the exit of the pocket.

"Hey come out!", a bald man, a man in a black tank top, looked at me!Then let me out!Since he was wearing a mask and sunglasses, I had no idea who he was, but I was sure he wasn't Li Ming.According to the meaning of the bald head, I climbed out of the black bag, after climbing out!I found that this is a very dark room, and it is very dark everywhere, but the strange thing is that there are many instruments here that are seen in some research institutes, but I can't understand them very well!However, a large glass frame caught my attention!

"Hey boy, go there!", the bald head said in a cold tone.

"Me?", I played dumb.

"Boy, don't pretend to be stupid, go to that glass jar!" The man still looked at me with a fierce expression, looking at his muscles, I thought, even if he resisted, he would be beaten black and blue, so You can only do what he wants first.I deliberately slowed down, whirling!I slapped my pants again, and shook my clothes again. Suddenly, a heavy object hit me from behind. After being impacted by this force, I couldn't stand still and fell heavily to the ground.

"Boy, don't be so fucking jerk!", the bald man shouted at me.It turned out that this bald man kicked me!It seems that there is no other way, I was caught by this organization and came to a place unknown to Police Officer Chen and the others!But?Why are you here?How did I get here?I don't care so much, the only thing I can do now is to save myself first and let myself take time to save Yuansha.The glass box was opened, but after the glass box was opened, an unacceptable stench came out of it

"Ah", I covered my nose and fanned it with my hands in front of my face!However, my actions brought me physical pain, and another kick with my bald head kicked me straight in!Then the glass door closed!This smell is really too uncomfortable!Suddenly, the instrument started to work, only to hear the instrument make some strange sounds of "cheeping and squeaking"!Then, I saw some green gas injected into the glass box, but this gas was even more uncomfortable

"What the hell is this?", I covered my nose, and kept fanning the smoke.


I saw the bald man laughing "haha" outside, and then got through the phone.

"Hey! Brother, this kid is already in the box, and he has already started injecting resentment," the bald man said proudly.It seemed that the person who answered the phone was Li Ming.But?This green thing is resentment?People say that resentment cannot be seen with the naked eye, but?I look green?Or?Is this a condensate?Suddenly, I felt dizzy in my head!I felt that something was eroding my brain, and I suddenly couldn't bear it. It seems that if I don't resist, I will die, even if I am beaten to death by this man!

I bumped my head against the glass box, but I was pushed back very hard!

"Boy, this glass is indestructible! Haha," the bald man smiled.

"", I regret that I didn't fight this bald man!You should have a good fight with him, even if you lose, it's fine!

With a bang, a corner of the glass box was smashed!

"What?" The bald man looked around in panic!Then he hurriedly took out the pistol in the bag, and saw the green gas slowly coming out of the opening. The bald man realized that the situation was not good, and immediately turned off the instrument!And I, just like that, was saved by this broken hole!

"How could this be?" The bald man ran to the instrument!Then he walked towards me angrily and opened the door of the glass box!I saw him grab my throat with a strong arm.I just feel that my throat is blocked for a while, and I can't breathe!

"You brat, you just broke this box?" The bald man was very angry!

"Sniff", just listen to "Sniff"!Something seemed to be stuck in the back of the bald man very fast, and I didn't see it clearly.I saw the bald man staring straight at me, and then the strength in his hand gradually disappeared, and the bald man stopped moving. "Bang Dang" fell to the ground!Since he fell down on his stomach, I quickly saw a syringe stuck in his back!Could it be an anesthetic?still?I pulled out the syringe and used it for self-defense!However, I was a little scared, afraid that the syringe would come towards me in a certain corner!After I escaped from this glass box, I ran to a corner of the wall and spat vigorously there, because the green smoke was really disgusting.

After such a short while, I was thinking about how to leave this place to rescue Yuansha, when suddenly, an iron plate on the ceiling fell heavily.

"Clang clang clang", the board fell heavily on the ground, but the sound frightened me!I hurriedly stood up, holding the syringe just now in my hand, put it behind my back and stared at the board intently

"Huhu", there was another dead silence.Suddenly, there was a very oppressive atmosphere in the air, and I felt a person walking towards me.The footsteps were very light, and it felt like a woman was walking towards me.I stared closely at the scene ahead, waiting for this mysterious figure to appear, what kind of person would it be?Are you here to save me?Or in this organization?Or, is it the ghosts of those resentment condensed?No, it's not obvious that footsteps can be heard, so, is this a person?But who would it be?Who will be in this place at this time?

"Dong dong dong dong dong dong", at this time, I only heard the beating and beating sound of my heart.

【End of Chapter 54】

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