I will practice more in the United States

Chapter 225: The [Psychic Crystal] Underground

Chapter 225: The [Psychic Crystal] Underground

Even though he was walking in a minefield, Li Ang walked like an ordinary person. Although he was not walking fast, he did not look nervous at all.

The main thing is that he can actively avoid more than 90% of the mines with his eyesight alone. Because there are plants growing on the ground here, the traces of digging are basically quite obvious.

In addition, the remaining 10% of landmines can be avoided entirely by relying on his sixth sense of danger.

The other side was also certain that no one would risk the landmines here, so even the reconnaissance personnel originally arranged here were pulled to the other side.

There has been no sound of mines coming from that side, and one can roughly guess that they must have found a road used by the [Unknown] organization itself.

After all, so many people hiding in this place will definitely need a lot of daily necessities. It is impossible to bury mines all around, which will not be convenient for them.

Leon moved to the place where the two scouts were killed, and the interference force gradually began to grow stronger. However, compared to the intensity of interference when Leon faced the crystal, this level had no effect on him at all.

From here, even the flying mosquitoes began to disappear, which shows that those creatures, following their instincts, will leave here.

Li Ang came to a higher place, half-crouched down and took out the periscope. He could already see several temporary buildings they had built in the middle.

On the other side, the sound of gunfire gradually subsided, and it sounded like the battle was about to end.

Li Ang quickened his pace and sneaked closer to the ground, only to find that the reason why they had not taken this [Psychic Crystal] away was that this crystal was also underground. And unlike the one Li Ang encountered last time, this one was not in the cave, but buried directly underground.

In the area between the tents, there were even engineering machines drilling wells.

Moreover, because the interference intensity is too high, the progress here cannot be fast at all. Basically, we have to change shifts after working for a while, otherwise people cannot stand the close contact for a long time.

From this point of view, Leon really has to thank them, otherwise even if he discovered it, how to get this [Psychic Crystal] out would still be a big problem.

Now is the best time for him to take action. If it is too early, the defensive forces are still relatively strong and it will be difficult to break through. If it is too late, the outcome of the battle over there should have been decided. No matter which side wins, it will make it more difficult here.

After careful observation and analysis, Li Ang discovered that there were only five people left in the camp. Two of them were operating the machines, and three were on guard with guns. As for whether there was anyone else in the tent, Li Ang had no idea.

But if we speculate, even if there are people in the tent, they are most likely not professional armed personnel, but more likely workers who operate the equipment, or the leader of the camp.

Li Ang silently took out a handful of alloy flying needles from his arms, and then found his own "shooting" position.

Although at this distance, Leon's gun is definitely the most efficient way to kill these people, he can ensure that he makes no mistakes.

But correspondingly, the noise of the gun is still too loud. Even with a silencer installed, at such a close range and in the open grassland, the sound will definitely travel far away.

Therefore, in this special environment, cold weapons still have some irreplaceable advantages.

At this point, the only people who can still be on duty here are of course the core combat personnel of the [Unknown] organization. Although this is a mission with considerable life-threatening risks, they still have to carry it out without fail due to some necessary reasons.

The three people stood in three corners, forming an equilateral triangle. In this way, if any one of them was attacked, the other two would be able to discover it in the first time and provide support.

Chase suddenly discovered that in his peripheral vision, the teammate standing diagonally in front of him slowly fell to the ground. He had just focused his eyes to understand what was happening when he suddenly felt something foreign in his throat.

He subconsciously covered his neck with his hands. This is the subconscious instinct when a blood vessel ruptures.

But unfortunately, it was his artery that was pierced. At first, his palm still had some strength, but soon, in just a few seconds, the large amount of blood loss caused his blood pressure to drop sharply.

Chase tried hard to open his eyes, his pupils dilating as he felt it getting darker in front of him, but it was a futile effort.

No matter how tightly he held on, he couldn't stop the blood gushing out of his neck. No matter how wide his pupils opened, he couldn't catch a glimmer of light.

In less than a second, three people fell down one after another. Although some noises were made, due to the long distance between them, the noises would not be noticed at all on the grassland.

Within one second, three darts were fired in succession, accurately hitting three people. Even Li Ang had to concentrate all his energy, mainly because the distance between them was too far.

Even the one closest to him was more than a hundred meters away. This distance, in theory, was not within the killing range of "hidden weapons". Even the most powerful cold weapon, the bow and crossbow, had a killing range of only more than a hundred meters.

But now, these alloy flying needles in Li Ang's hands have actually gone beyond the category of hidden weapons fired by ordinary people. Their flight trajectory is more like a bullet. Li Ang is using his own hands to replace the functions of gunpowder and rifling in the bullet.

After getting rid of the three guards, Li Ang quickly approached the tent in the middle of the camp. This kind of assault mission required a quick victory. If someone suddenly came out and discovered the situation outside, all his previous careful and silent actions would be in vain.

Li Ang came to the entrance of the tent and rushed in without making any preparations. Unless there was someone guarding the door with an RPG all the time, he had nothing to worry about.

Just as he expected, there were no armed men inside, only a few workers who were gathered together trembling and discussing something in low voices.

It is reasonable that there is no leader of the organization inside. The middle and upper levels of the organization basically know that staying around such a source of interference for a long time will definitely have an impact on the body, so it would be strange if they are willing to stay here.

Coincidentally, there were two Chinese workers inside. It goes without saying that they were most likely deceived into working here.

As soon as the fully armed Li Ang came in, the four or five people inside immediately raised their hands as if it was a conditioned reflex.

In their opinion, Li Ang's coming in at this time was obviously their boss's group, and they had been killed. They were just here to work, and they didn't even know there was such a big danger before they came. After they came, they had no way to deal with it. The others were all holding guns, and they had no control over what they did.

In this situation, they can only pray that they can leave here alive. As for the high salary promised at the beginning? As long as they can be let go, they have no problem paying the boss themselves.

Li Ang did not kill these people, but he did not intend to be a savior. He just used his massage techniques to make these people faint. As for what their fate would be, it depended on their own fate.

After dealing with these people, only the two workers who were still operating the machines were left. At this time, they were still digging into the underground rock layer according to the instructions of their superiors, completely unaware that the situation outside had undergone a drastic change.

"How much work is left to dig to the target?"

In response to Li Ang's questions, they answered every question. "In fact, in terms of depth, we have already dug to the depth originally detected, and even a little bit beyond it. But perhaps due to problems with the detection equipment, there are some deviations in the direction. We are considering whether to drill a new well or dig from the inside of the well toward the side."

In fact, the workers working here have already vaguely guessed their own fate. With so many armed mercenaries guarding this place, as well as rockets and mines, it goes without saying that there is a major secret here.

So after they complete their mission, it goes without saying that their fate will not be good.

Therefore, this deviation, seemingly an error of the instrument, was actually an error deliberately caused by one of the workers in order to make the task less smoothly completed.

Even though a longer time may not change the outcome, for people in desperate situations, they must hold on to even a straw.

What the worker didn't know was that because of his actions, their predetermined fate seemed to have really taken a turn for the better.

Li Ang was also in a dilemma at this time. The worst situation had happened. Even they themselves had not really discovered this [Psychic Crystal].

If I leave now, this trip will be in vain and I will have wasted so much time.

If I don't leave, and go down the well now, I don't know how long it will take to get this thing out. Those people outside may come back at any time. If I am still in the well at that time, I will definitely be blocked and killed.

At this point, there is only one way out. He doesn't want to take the risk, but he wants the thing.

The only way is to kill all those who will interfere with him and then dig slowly.

As if he sensed the sudden chill in the air, the technician felt a chill even though Li Ang didn't say anything.

He thought for a moment, gritted his teeth and said:
"In fact, this thing is not far from the tunnel we made. If we just drill a very thin hole, it can be done within half an hour."

This secret actually concerns their lives, but he has a feeling that if this person is not allowed to get what he wants now, nothing will end well for all of them.

And logically speaking, it should be that the [Unknown] organization has a need to keep secrets, and after getting the things, they will most likely execute them. This person seems to be a lone ranger, and no information is revealed on his body, so he should not have much motive to kill them.

Simply put, if they continue to help the [Unknown] organization, they will have almost no chance of survival. If they help the Lone Ranger in front of them, they can also bet on whether he will show mercy.

And when he gets the [Psychic Crystal] and runs away, those people will definitely focus all their attention on chasing him, and they, the workers, might actually have a chance to escape.

Li Ang nodded and said in a low voice:
"Then I'll leave this mission to you. If you can get the stuff before they come back, I'll take it and leave right away. They probably won't have the energy to take care of it. If it takes too long, you can only wish for the best."

The two workers were obviously decisive types and agreed immediately after hearing the proposal. Although this plan also had considerable risks, it was much better than the inevitable death.

The two of them quickly took the necessary tools and slid down along the wellhead at a speed so fast that it was like a free fall. Even Le Ang felt it was fast.

The reason why he said this was to make them seize the time and get the things as quickly as possible.

It was impossible for him to go down the well by himself. In an open area, even an RPG might not be able to do anything to him. But if he was in such a deep well, a grenade would be enough to keep him there forever.

When the sound of electric drilling was heard from the well, Li Ang chose a route they had to take to return, took out his sniper rifle, and lay in ambush.

At this time, there were only sporadic gunshots in that direction. Li Ang was not sure which side had the upper hand, but he thought it would not be a one-sided battle.

Compared to rushing over to kill people, it is obviously easier to stay here and snipe.

About twenty minutes later, the gunfire stopped completely. Whether one side had been completely wiped out or both sides decided to cease fire, Li Ang knew that someone was definitely coming.

Soon, a man in camouflage uniform appeared in the field of view of his sniper scope. Judging from his clothes, he belonged to the [Unknown] party.


The sniper rifle fired, and the man walking in front fell to the ground.

But what was different this time was that Li Ang did not shoot him in the head, but hit him in the thigh.

He learned this move from a movie. In a situation where he needed to "drag out the fight", killing the enemy directly was not the best option. Severely injuring the enemy and making him lose his combat effectiveness might be a better way.

Even in war, many countries have developed weapons specifically to cause damage without killing people.

(End of this chapter)

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