Chapter 1 Zhongnan Mountain
Zhongnan Mountain in midsummer is always hot and sweltering. Especially in the afternoon, even the wind blowing in the face is hot, making people feel like they are in a steamer, and the heat is unbearable from the inside out.

After finally waiting until the evening classes were over, Li Chuan turned around and headed straight to the back mountain after leaving the Chongyang Palace, intending to take a bath in the cold pool in the back mountain to cool off the heat.

"Zhichuan, you don't want to run to the back mountain again, do you?" A person behind him stopped Li Chuan and asked with a solemn face.

Li Chuan turned to look at the young man who made the noise, met his scrutinizing gaze, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, senior brother, I'm just going to take a bath in the cold pool in the back mountain to cool off the heat. Do you want to come with me?"

Hearing this, the young man frowned and quickly turned his head and glanced left and right. Seeing that none of the surrounding brothers and teachers noticed them, he stepped forward and spoke in a lowered voice.

"Zhichuan, how many times have I told you? The back mountain is the forbidden area of ​​our Quanzhen Sect and cannot be easily accessed. Why do you just run there every day without any trouble?"

"If someone discovers this and reports it to the division commander, just wait and receive the punishment!"

Li Chuan just smiled indifferently and secretly said that he was making a fuss out of a molehill. People from the Quanzhen Sect were not allowed to go to the back mountain. That was just a way of saying it.

Besides, in more than ten years, you will be the most diligent in going to the Zhongnan Back Mountain by yourself, Senior Brother Zhen Zhibing.
Of course, there is indeed a rule that Quanzhen disciples are not allowed to go to the back mountain. If they are caught and go to the teachers, they will inevitably be punished, so Zhen Zhibing still needs to take care of it. of.

Li Chuan grabbed Zhen Zhibing and said, "Senior brother, I'm your own junior brother. You won't betray me, right?"

"Also, you also drank the (jade) honey jelly that I 'accidentally' found from the back mountain last time."

The corner of Zhen Zhibing's mouth twitched and he said dissatisfiedly: "I didn't know that at the time, I just thought it was ordinary honey jelly. Who knew you were stealing the jade honey jelly from the Ancient Tomb Sect!"

Li Chuan raised his eyebrows: "Hey! Senior brother, how can you say that? I didn't know that the Jade Bee was raised by someone at the time. The honeycomb was hanging in the forest. I thought it was wild and ownerless."

Zhen Zhibing glanced at Li Chuan with a smile, and wondered, "Don't you know if he is wild and ownerless?"
He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but Li Chuan no longer wanted to waste any more time with him. The weather was really too hot and his whole body was sticky. It was only right to take a bath quickly.

"Okay, senior brother, I won't tell you anymore. I'll see you later."


Zhen Zhibing wanted to reach out and stop Li Chuan, but Li Chuan easily avoided him and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this, Zhen Zhibing could only sigh helplessly. Li Chuan's movement and lightness skills were far better than his. He couldn't catch up even if he wanted to. If he wanted to leave, he really couldn't stop him.

After thinking about it, Zhen Zhibing just let it go. After all, Li Chuan liked to go for a walk in the back hill whenever he had nothing to do. Not only him, but Master and others also knew it.

And if even his master couldn't control his bad habits, it was naturally impossible for him, his senior brother, to control him.

I just don’t understand why Master is so indulgent to Li Chuan
But he didn't know that the reason why Qiu Chuji didn't explicitly prohibit Li Chuan from going to the back mountain in the future was actually because Li Chuan couldn't control his unsparing temper.

Coupled with Li Chuan's extraordinary destiny, the teachers were more tolerant and indulgent towards him.

Ten years ago, Qiu Chuji was walking on the Zhongnan Mountain Road. During the day, he saw a purple thunder explode from the sky and hit the mountains and forests nearby. In an instant, the entire sky and earth were completely white.
Ten breaths later, the abnormality gradually subsided. Qiu Chuji was surprised and went to the mountain forest that was struck by thunder to check. He saw a naked child lying in the deep black pit with skin as white as jade! And that child is naturally Li Chuan today.

Qiu Chuji took him back to Zhongnan Mountain, originally out of surprise he wanted to find out what was going on.

Unexpectedly, after he felt the pulse of the unconscious Li Chuan, he discovered that he had not been injured at all by the thunder, and that all the meridians in his body were connected, and his bones were unusually strong, stronger than those of many adults. Everyone needs to be stronger.

Later, when Li Chuan woke up, Qiu Chuji asked him about his origins. Li Chuan showed no memory at all. Apart from retaining some common sense and remembering that his name was Li Chuan, he could no longer remember anything more.

At that time, Qiu Chuji had some thoughts and left Li Chuan on Zhongnan Mountain. After observing him for half a year, he took him under his sect and became his closed disciple.

After all, Li Chuan's voice made a loud noise in the sky, and labor and management made a shining appearance! ’ The way he appeared showed that he was no ordinary person at first glance.

In Qiu Chuji's view, Li Chuan might have been a gift from God to him and to them from the Quanzhen Sect.

Just like a thousand years ago, when King Wen of Zhou returned to Xiqi Road, thunder and lightning descended from the sky to give away his hundredth son.

It was precisely because of this that Qiu Chuji had high hopes for Li Chuan and wanted to teach him to become a talented person and become the backbone of their Quanzhen Sect disciples for three generations. After they grew old, they would support the Quanzhen Sect's brand.

And Li Chuan has indeed lived up to his expectations. After ten years of his teaching, he has now become the number one among the three generations of young disciples.

Even after the Chongyang Patriarch left first, he was able to practice the innate skills that no one in the entire Quanzhen Sect could practice!
In addition, he 'accidentally' found the Chongyang Carvings from the Zhongnan Back Mountains three years ago, and the kung fu on the remaining chapters of the Nine Yin Sutra recorded on it, his kung fu even rivals those of their masters!

Although after asking about it at the time, he told Li Chuan that their Quanzhen sect had the teachings of Patriarch Chongyang, and Quanzhen disciples were not allowed to practice the Kung Fu of the Nine Yin Manual, so he told him not to practice those Kung Fu.

But having said that, whether Li Chuan practices or not is Li Chuan's own business, and Qiu Chuji doesn't care at all.

After all, even Qiu Chuji himself can't help but think about those skills sometimes. Even if he doesn't practice them, can't he still use them to prove them?
Even, to be disrespectful, didn’t the Chongyang Patriarch read the Nine Yin Manual and carved it on the wall of the secret room of the ancient tomb to destroy the martial arts of the ancient tomb sect?
All I can say is that it’s better not to take things too seriously.

On the other side, Li Chuan had already arrived at the Hantan in the back mountain. As he walked towards the Hantan, he couldn't wait to take off his belt.

I waited until I reached the edge of the pool, hung my clothes on the natural peach wood drying rack by the cold pool, jumped into the pool, and took a refreshing bath.

But he had just reached halfway when his steps suddenly stopped.

Just because there is already a goose-yellow skirt hanging on the 'clothes rack' by the cold pond in front.
Li Chuan: "." No way.
He silently retied his half-untied belt and prepared to turn around and leave.

But he didn't deliberately conceal his movements when he came over, and the people in the cold pool had already noticed someone coming.


(End of this chapter)

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