Traveling through the heavens begins with shooting the eagle

Chapter 105: Missing Bee, Iron Spear Temple!

Chapter 105: Missing Bee, Iron Spear Temple!
Li Chuan followed the bees in the air and soon left the city.

On the other side, outside Jiaxing City, is the Iron Spear Temple.

Yang Kang sat cross-legged in the temple, adjusted his breath and meditated for several hours. Finally, he refined the skills absorbed from Zhu Cong into his Dantian, and let out a long sigh of satisfaction.

'Today it's Han Xiaoying's turn. 'Yang Kang thought secretly.

A few days ago, after he captured all the Seven Jiangnan Monsters one by one, he took them to the Iron Spear Temple outside the city. Then he would absorb and deprive one person of their power every day, not only to avoid wasting it, but also to torture them.

And to this day, Quan Jinfa, Han Baoju, Nan Xiren, and Zhu Cong have all been poisoned by his poisonous hands. They absorbed their internal energy and died as a result of their energy being exhausted!

Even their corpses were thrown into the wasteland behind the temple by Yang Kang and allowed to be eaten by crows. It was a cruel occasion!


Yang Kang pushed open the side room on the east side of the temple and walked in, where he found Ke Zhen'e and Han Xiaoying.

"Yang Kang!" When Han Xiaoying saw Yang Kang, she immediately yelled angrily, "You thief, I will never let you go!"

Ke Zhen'e on the side also opened his mouth to whine with an angry look on his face, but he couldn't utter a complete syllable because his tongue had been cut off by Yang Kang!
After Ke Zhen E was caught by Yang Kang earlier, with Ke Zhen E's temper, he naturally couldn't help but scold Yang Kang angrily, calling him a thief as his father, a treacherous villain, and even the market slang term "eunuch eunuch".

It can only be said that Ke Zhen'e's curse skills are indeed top-notch, much higher than his martial arts. Yang Kang was so angry that he cut off half of his tongue, so that he could no longer curse. .

Yang Kang glanced at the two of them and said with a smile: "Don't let me go? You are all behind bars now and are nothing more than meat on the chopping board. What qualifications do you have to say you won't let me go?"

"Don't worry, I'll send you off to reunite with Zhu Cong and the others right away."

After saying that, Yang Kang reached out and grabbed Han Xiaoying's hair and dragged her out.

When Ke Zhen E on the side saw this, he struggled and shouted angrily, but with his acupuncture points restrained, he couldn't even stand up and could only whimper helplessly and angrily.

Previously, in order to protect the little girl Han Xiaoying, other people stepped forward and died first every time, which allowed Han Xiaoying to live until now.

But now, even if Ke Zhen E wanted to replace Han Xiaoying, Yang Kang would not agree. After all, among the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan, he hated Ke Zhen E the most, so he naturally wanted to keep him at the end.

Let him watch his brothers and sisters die in front of him one by one, let him suffer all kinds of pain, and then absorb his power and cut him into pieces. This can eliminate the hatred in Yang Kang's heart!

After all, in Yang Kang's opinion, if it weren't for Ke Zhen E's poisonous darts, he wouldn't be in such a situation now, and he wouldn't even be a normal man!
Such deep hatred cannot be eliminated without some brutal revenge!
Yang Kang dragged Han Xiaoying out of the side room and returned to the main hall of the temple. Just when he was about to use his power to absorb Han Xiaoying's power, he suddenly heard a commotion outside the temple.

Then he walked out of the hall and saw a dozen bees suddenly flying in mid-air and going straight to the side.

Yang Kang's expression changed, and he threw a sewing needle with his hand, shooting those strange bees out of the air. Then he heard a gust of wind pass by, and a figure landed on the wall of the temple gate. "Yang Kang! It turns out it's really you!"

Yang Kang's expression changed instantly. He turned around and saw Li Chuan standing on the wall glaring at him.

"Li Zhichuan!"

Li Chuan chased the bees all the way to the Iron Spear Temple. As soon as he entered the temple, he saw Yang Kang who had disappeared for a long time. Thinking about the previous events, how could he not guess that the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan must be It fell into his hands!

"Yang Kang! But you captured several seniors of the Jiangnan Seven Monsters?!"

Yang Kang glanced at Li Chuan and suddenly seemed to realize something. He smiled and said, "I underestimated Zhu Cong. It seems that when I caught him before, he secretly had some backup plans."

Seeing those bees and Li Chuan following them, Yang Kang naturally reacted. It must have been that when he went to the Jiangnan Seven Monsters' residence to capture Zhu Cong, he left behind him, so that Li Chuan could now Came in search of traces.

When he was in Prince Zhao's Mansion, he had heard from Peng Lianhu and the others that some people in the martial arts world would raise some strange insects and beasts, which was very miraculous.

Among them is a kind of strange insect called the 'Man-seeking Bee'. As long as this strange insect sprinkles a special kind of nectar on a person, it can find that person even if it is dozens of miles away, as long as the Man-seeking Bee is released.

After Ke Zhen'e returned to Jiaxing, he started to have a habit of gambling. He often went to the major gambling houses in the city to gamble, and he couldn't stop once he got into it. He owed gambling debts in the gambling houses several times , causing people from gambling houses to come to their residence and ask for money.

For this reason, Zhu Cong and others also tried to persuade Ke Zhen E many times, but Ke Zhen E just couldn't get rid of this bad habit and continued to gamble secretly without telling them.

In desperation, Zhu Cong came up with the idea of ​​Xunren Peak. He got a Xunren Bee hive from a local martial arts friend he knew well, and then secretly sprinkled nectar on Ke Zhen E.

He thought that if Ke Zhen E went gambling again in the future, he would go directly to him, which would save them from searching all the major casinos in Jiaxing.

Then, Yang Kang suddenly attacked. Zhu Cong was in a hurry and couldn't think of any other way. He could only secretly hide the missing person's hive under the bowl, hoping that if someone found out that they were in danger, they could find someone through this method. Bee came over.

If this were not the case, I am afraid that Li Chuan would not be able to find this place for a while.

When Li Chuan saw Yang Kang admitting that he was the one who arrested the person, he raised his hand and put it on the hilt of the sword on his back: "What happened to your seniors?!"

Yang Kang smiled at him: "Of course I will kill them. These people have harmed me like this. Is it possible that I will still provide for them?"

Li Chuan's eyes sharpened: "In that case, the tragedy in Zhaojiazhuang, as well as the martial arts comrades who were killed in the martial arts world recently, should have been carried out by you, right?"

Yang Kang did not hide it, and nodded directly in response: "Of course, and I also specially used the Quanzhen Sect's skills. If not, how could I have lured you out?"

Seeing Yang Kang's confident look, Li Chuan couldn't help but secretly wonder, what exactly happened to him during this time?
When he went to Zhaojiazhuang to investigate the autopsy, the pinprick on Zhao Yuan's chest showed that his skills were definitely not what Yang Kang could do before. Did the old eunuch teach Yang Kang the skills before he died, or did he practice some evil skills? Grimoire?
(End of this chapter)

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