Chapter 118 Insidiousness Revealed
Seeing Li Chuan reveal another shocking news with a calm face, the expressions of everyone present changed instantly. They couldn't help but widen their eyes and looked at Bai Shijing.

Bai Shijing: "!!!"

Qiao Feng looked at Bai Shijing in disbelief. How could it be Elder Bai? !

Among the beggars, the ones who have the best relationship with Qiao Feng are Ma Dayuan and Bai Shijing. It is not an exaggeration to say that the three of them have a life-long friendship.

But... Bai Shijing first committed adultery with Kang Min, and then harmed Ma Dayuan. If these words had not come from Li Chuan's mouth, and if this was not the scene at the moment, Qiao Feng would have never believed it!
In fact, if Li Chuan had said this to him before, Qiao Feng might have become furious on the spot and defended Bai Shijing.

"This is me." Bai Shijing was speechless and looked at everyone around him in panic, especially Kang Min.

But he didn't know that Kang Min had actually fallen into Li Chuan's trick a long time ago. When Li Chuan met his eyes, he had secretly activated the soul-moving method in the Nine Yin Manual, causing him to be confused and unable to speak. The words came.

Although Li Chuan had only dabbled in this soul-moving technique and had not practiced it seriously, with his cultivation skills, how could an ordinary person like Kang Min, who had never even practiced martial arts, be able to withstand it? , and Li Chuan only looked at each other, and then fell into the trap easily.

Otherwise, when Li Chuan first started to expose her secrets, this vicious woman would probably have used all kinds of tricks to forcibly mess around with her.

"Elder Bai, don't look at it. Have you really become a puppet in her hands? As a man, you don't even have this responsibility, right? What is the truth? You might as well show it in front of everyone. Come on, let’s talk about it carefully.”

Seeing Bai Shijing's flustered look, others also noticed something strange and spoke out one after another.

"Elder Bai, is it true what this person said? You are just talking?!"

"Elder Bai, do you really not explain a word?!"

"Elder Bai."

Bai Shijing's defense and defense were obviously not that high. He might not even be as good as Kang Min. Seeing Li Chuan telling his scandal in public and being interrogated by everyone, he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave. It was so cold in broad daylight that he wanted to Shiver.

Li Chuan didn't even need to deliberately use the soul-moving technique on him. Bai Shijing couldn't hold on anymore, and his defense was immediately broken.

Qiao Feng stepped forward with a solemn expression: "Brother Bai, what is the truth? Please state it clearly. If it is true that you harmed Brother Ma, I..."

"I, I..." Bai Shijing glanced at Qiao Feng and couldn't hold himself any longer. His knees went weak and he fell to the ground.

"I'm sorry, Brother Ma!"

"It was me. I was obsessed with sex. I couldn't stand the temptation and had an affair with Kang Min. It was me too. I was caught by Brother Ma because of my adultery. I was so anxious and panicked that I accidentally killed Brother Ma."

Bai Shijing knocked his head on the ground and cried sadly: "I'm not a human! I'm just a beast. Gang Leader Qiao, please kill me!"

Now that the scandal has been exposed, Bai Shijing no longer has the face to survive in the world. After confessing his guilt, he just wants to die quickly and does not want to live for another moment.

"It's you who really harmed Brother Ma!" Qiao Feng looked at Bai Shijing who was kneeling in front of him with a sad face. He raised and lowered his right hand. He hesitated for a long time and couldn't bear to take action.

Finally, it was Bai Shijing himself. Seeing Qiao Feng, he couldn't bear to take action. He jumped up from the ground and stepped forward instantly. He pulled out the sword that Qiao Feng had inserted into his shoulder when he was tortured for Wu Changfeng, and wiped it from his neck with his backhand.

Qiao Feng originally wanted to stop him, but in the end he stopped and allowed Bai Shijing to commit suicide. Because he knew that Bai Shijing really had no face to live anymore, so he might as well just help him.

Li Chuan glanced at Bai Shijing's body lying on the ground and shook his head. This man could be considered a well-known man, but unfortunately, he could not withstand the temptation of the vicious woman Kang Min, and ended up like this. It was sad.

Seeing that Bai Shijing had admitted the matter and committed suicide, Li Chuan had cleared Qiao Feng's suspicion and restored his innocence.

When one person in the scene saw this, he also knew that today's plan to abolish Qiao Feng's gang leader would be difficult to accomplish. In addition, he did not dare to let others know about his secrets, so he immediately wanted to kill and silence him.

"You, a vicious woman, collaborated with an adulterer to assassinate Deputy Gang Leader Ma. Today I will kill you, a bitch and a poisonous woman, to avenge Deputy Gang Leader Ma!"

Suddenly there was a loud shout from the crowd, and then the white-haired old man saw him, and he raised his knife and chopped off Kang Min's head!

However, there was only a "clang" sound, and just when the blade was about to hit Kang Min, he was shot out of his hand by Li Chuan's yang finger force from a distance.

"Why are you so anxious, Elder Xu? After all, I said before, 'several adulterers', but now I have only named Bai Shijing, and you are so impatient that you want to kill and silence him?"

"That's right. After all, if Kang Min dies, you, the adulterer, can stay out of the matter without any evidence, right?"

When Elder Xu heard this, he couldn't help but change his expression and said: "What nonsense are you talking about, you idiot?"

"Deputy Gang Leader Ma was killed by this bitch and Elder Bai, what does it have to do with me?"

Li Chuan sneered: "Hey, don't you know if I'm talking nonsense?"

"And even if Ma Dayuan's death has nothing to do with you, I remember that when it comes to adulterous wives and daughters, all factions in the world are equally guilty, right?"

"Besides, wasn't it you, Kang Min, and Quan Guanqing who planned the frame-up of Brother Qiao?"

Although Elder Xu did not participate in the plot to assassinate Ma Dayuan, he was one of the deepest-hidden masterminds regarding the Xingzi Lin incident.

How could Li Chuan ignore him?

"Elder Xu, you don't have to deny it. After all, didn't you send a special letter to invite Master Zhiguang from Taishan that day, as well as Mr. and Mrs. Tan, Zhao Qiansun, Shan Zheng and others to testify for you?"

"Counting the time, they should be arriving soon. By then, if I just ask casually, wouldn't you reveal your secret?"

Hearing this, the flesh on Elder Xu's cheeks couldn't help but tremble.

"I was deceived by this little bitch Kang Min, and I mistakenly thought that Gang Leader Qiao was the murderer of Vice Gang Leader Ma. As for you slandering me for committing adultery with this bitch, that's all your nonsense!"

Li Chuan smiled and said, "Really? Let's see what Mrs. Ma says? You wanted to kill her before to silence her. Will she hide your adultery for you?"

The answer is of course no. Kang Min now knows that he must die today, and he wants to drag everyone present into the water and die together!

(End of this chapter)

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