Traveling through the heavens begins with shooting the eagle

Chapter 120: Why should a man be afraid of birth?

Chapter 120: Why should a man be afraid of birth?

Although Kang Min called him a fool and an ugly man, Wu Changfeng breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He was really afraid that if this girl got mad and slandered him for having an affair with her, things would be in trouble.

After Kang Min confessed to Elder Xu, Quan Guanqing and other adulterers who had conspired with him, he felt a sick sense of pleasure in his heart for some reason.

Seeing the ashen faces of Elder Xu and Quan Guanqing, Kang Min actually showed an extremely charming look on his face.

"The slave family has heard that after the death of the emperor, his favorite concubines will be sent to be buried together, and you are all my men. Since the slave family is going to die today, then you should accompany me."

"It's a pity" Kang Min turned to look at Qiao Feng and said with a complicated expression, "I can't get the man I like most."

"And since I can't get it, I can only destroy you!"

When Qiao Feng heard this, he felt angry and disgusted in his heart. There are such shameless and vicious women in the world!

"Kang Min! If you hate Qiao, then just come directly to me. Why did you want to harm Brother Ma?"

"Hmph!" Kang Min snorted coldly, "He is asking for his own death. Who told him that he would not listen to me and threatened to kill me if I dared to reveal the contents of the secret letter?"

"But since I'm dead now, what do I have to fear? Don't you want to hear the truth? Okay! I'll tell you all the truth!"

"Qiao Feng! Do you know the contents of that secret letter? Do you know why Ma Dayuan would rather die than make that secret letter public?"

"All this is because of your life experience! You are not my son of the Han family at all! You are a Khitan bastard!"

Everyone in the field was shocked when they heard this.

Qiao Feng looked sharply and said, "What did you say?!"

"I said you are just a Khitan bastard!" Kang Min said with a ferocious look, "Gang Leader Wang specially left this secret letter about your life experience, just to prevent you, a Khitan bastard, from knowing your life experience one day. The martial arts in the Central Plains are unfavorable.”

"That's why he deliberately left this secret letter and gave it to Ma Dayuan for safekeeping, and asked him to watch you. If you have any evil intentions, publish this secret letter, and then mobilize the entire gang to work together. I’ll kill you!”

As Kang Min spoke, he took out the secret letter from his arms and held it in front of him.

"Although it is true that you did not kill Ma Dayuan, the content in this secret letter is absolutely true and trustworthy. It was written by Gang Leader Wang himself, and he also specially invited several famous martial arts seniors to witness it!"

"Qiao Feng, didn't you expect that? Even if I can't let you die, I can still make you betray your relatives and be criticized by thousands of people!"

Kang Min's viciousness was far beyond imagination. Although she could no longer blame Qiao Feng for Ma Dayuan's death, she still revealed the contents of the secret letter and made it public.

In this way, even if Qiao Feng did not kill Ma Dayuan, he would never be able to continue to be the leader of the Beggar Clan.

After all, how could they, the largest martial arts gang in the Central Plains, let a Khitan take charge?
In addition, due to the many years of continuous battles between the Khitan Liao and the Han Dynasty Song Dynasty, there are countless blood feuds and old grudges. Even if they have nothing to do with Qiao Feng, because of his Khitan identity, people will inevitably have a natural hatred for him. The bad feeling made it difficult for him to move even an inch in this Central Plains martial arts world!

"What? Is this happening?!" Wu Changfeng was shocked and immediately stepped forward and snatched the secret letter from Kang Min's hand, opened it and read it.

Li Chuan on the side did not stop him. After all, he had already expected that Qiao Feng's Khitan bloodline would definitely be made public this time. "It's really Gang Leader Wang's handwriting!"

Kang Min said: "Of course it is true, and Elder Xu has previously invited Mr. Tan, Granny Tan, Zhao Qiansun and others who witnessed the incident in advance to come and testify. You will know the truth and falsehood as soon as you ask."

Seeing Kang Min and Wu Changfeng's appearance, Qiao Feng already guessed that this matter was true.

He turned to look at Li Chuan and asked, "Daozhang Li, do you also know about this?"

Li Chuan nodded and said, "I do know."

"I am really not of Han descent!"

Seeing Qiao Feng's look of disbelief, Li Chuan said, "So what if he is of Han blood?"

"The point is, who and what kind of person are you, Qiao Feng? As for things like identity and bloodline, is it really important?"

"Whether they are Khitan people, Song people, Dali people, or even princes, generals, traffickers and pawns, their origins are not chosen by themselves, but the kind of person they become in the future is their own choice."

Qiao Feng quickly figured it out, and he was free and easy, saying, "Indeed, it doesn't matter whether Qiao, I am of Han or Khitan blood, as long as my true intention remains unchanged, it doesn't matter."

Duan Yu on the side also echoed: "That's right, Brother Qiao, you are a man who is upright and upright, why should you care about your birth and blood."

"It doesn't matter where a hero comes from. It doesn't matter whether he is a Khitan or a Han. Anyway, what I admire is your heroic spirit, brother Qiao. I don't care about other things!"

Hearing this, Qiao Feng couldn't help but feel happy in his chest and couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Hahahaha. That's right, I, Qiao Feng, am myself! If I am not proud of my Han family blood, nor am I ashamed of my Khitan blood, it doesn't matter what my origin is!"

He turned to look at Kang Min and said: "Kang Min, if you want to use my bloodline to attack Qiao, don't you look down on me, Qiao Feng too much? Even if everyone in the world looks down on me, Qiao Feng, so what? I will still do my own thing. This path will never be changed!"

After saying that, Qiao Feng looked at Wu Changfeng again, then turned around and scanned everyone in the Beggar Clan one by one, pulled out the gang leader's token dog-beating stick inserted in his waist, threw it with his hand, and inserted it into the field.

"Now that Qiao Feng has learned about his life experience, he is indeed not suitable to continue to be the leader of the Beggar Clan. Today, he will return the dog-beating stick and leave the Beggar Clan. I hope all brothers of the Beggar Clan will take care of him."

Today in the apricot forest, the behavior of the Beggar Clan is really chilling. Coupled with these many changes, Qiao Feng is indeed not suitable and he does not want to continue to be the leader of the Beggar Clan.

Let's just make it clear once and for all. I will step down as the leader of the gang and break away from the Beggar Clan. We will have nothing to do with him from now on. Let's rekindle our old friendship when we meet again in the future.

After returning the dog beating stick, Qiao Feng didn't want to stay here any longer. He just wanted to find a place to have a good drink.

So he turned to look at Li Chuan and Duan Yu and invited them.

"Brothers, Qiao wants to have a drunken party with the two brothers today. I wonder if the two brothers can go and have a drink together?"

(End of this chapter)

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