Chapter 123 First Grade Hall
This time, everyone from the Beggar Clan gathered in Xingzi Forest to seek an explanation from the Murong family, but this gave Murong Fu an excellent opportunity.

He turned around and reported the matter to Helian Tieshu, who commanded the Xixia Yipin Hall, and proposed to summon the masters of the Yipin Hall to ambush outside the apricot grove and take this opportunity to catch all the beggars in the beggar gang.

Over the years, the Beggar Clan, since the time when the predecessor Wang Jiantong was still in office, has often led the Beggar Clan to help the Song Dynasty border troops to inquire about enemy intelligence and assist in defending the city. This also made it impossible for Xixia to invade the Song Dynasty for many years. The territory has always been peaceful.

It is precisely because of this that the Beggar Clan is like a thorn in the side and a thorn in the flesh for Murong Fu, who is determined to regain Dayan.

After all, if the world had always been so peaceful, he would have no chance of restoring the country. Only by causing chaos between the Song Dynasty and several surrounding countries, preferably years of melee, making the people miserable, could he have a chance to take advantage of the chaos.

Otherwise, when people in all countries can live and work in peace and contentment, and have enough food and clothing, who would think of rebellion?

Therefore, the existence of the Beggar Gang must be solved by Murong Fu, and for the Xixia side, the Beggar Gang must also be eradicated. If they can get rid of the Beggar Gang, they will also be able to fight against the Song Dynasty in the future. Save a lot of trouble.

So the two sides hit it off immediately, and Helian Tieshu personally led a group of masters from Yipintang to quietly come to the territory of Gusu and lurked outside the apricot forest.

Outside the Apricot Grove, Helian Tieshu was leading dozens of Yipintang warriors waiting. After a while, Murong Fu, whose pseudonym was Li Yanzong, rushed over with a restrained Beggar Clan disciple in his hand and reported to him.

"Reporting back to the general, I have removed all the secret sentries of the Beggar Clan outside the Apricot Grove. Moreover, the leader of the Beggar Clan, Qiao Feng, has now left the Beggar Clan and led his people out of the Apricot Grove. I think it is time. It’s time to clean up the remaining beggars in the forest.”

Helian Tieshu nodded, raised his hand to feel the wind direction in the forest, and said with a smile: "The wind direction has changed, the time is ripe, then let's take action!"

With that said, he turned around and ordered the warriors beside him: "You guys, go to the forest and use the sad breeze to subdue the group of beggars. Others surround the forest to prevent anyone from escaping."

"Yes! General!"

The warriors followed the order and left. Soon, the two Yipintang warriors who had been ordered to go to the forest to poison them had already sneaked into the forest.

Then they each took out a porcelain bottle from their arms, opened the stopper of the bottle, and let the sorrowful breeze and poisonous water inside turn into steam, and then drifted away with the wind towards the Beggar Clan disciples in the forest.

At this time, in the Apricot Grove, the members of the Beggar Clan had not noticed anything strange at all, and were still judging Kang Min, Elder Xu and the others in public.

"Kang Min, you are an adulterer. You don't follow the rules of a woman. You seduced an adulterer behind your husband's back, and you even collaborated with the adulterer to kill your husband. You deserve death!"

"Today, I will send you underground to apologize to Deputy Gang Leader Ma!"

After Wu Changfeng said this, without further delay, he directly raised the thick-backed sword in his hand, raised the sword and brought it down with one blow, directly cutting Kang Min's head off without any mercy.

Next, it was Quan Guanqing and Elder Xu’s turn.

"Quan Guanqing, Xu Chongxiao, you two disrespected the gang rules, raped the wife and daughter, and colluded with Kang Minhang. These few articles alone are enough to convict you!" "Now the law enforcement elder Bai Shijing is already ashamed, If you commit suicide, then I, Wu Changfeng, will temporarily exercise the power of law enforcement to execute you!"

It can be seen that this Wu Changfeng is a resolute person. After pronouncing the two people's crimes, he is not wordy at all. He doesn't care about Quan Guanqing. , two more heads fell to the ground!
"Hoo" Wu Changfeng slashed three people in a row. He couldn't help but exhale a long breath, feeling a bit out of strength.

Not only that, in addition to losing strength, he also felt an inexplicable sting in his eyes. After blinking twice, a warm feeling slid down his cheek. He raised his hand and touched his face, and it turned out to be Face full of tears!
'Could it be that I feel that I have had decades of friendship with Elder Xu, and today I have no choice but to execute him with my own hands, and I actually shed tears unconsciously? '

But soon, he realized that this was not the feeling of crying. He had clearly fallen into the tragic breeze of Xixia Yipintang!
I saw the Beggar Clan disciples in the forest suddenly burst into tears one after another, and then they all collapsed weakly on the ground, their whole bodies numb and unable to move!
'It's the sad breeze of Xixia Yipintang! '

The members of the Beggar Clan had helped the Song Dynasty border troops fight against the Xixia people on the battlefield for so long. How could they not know that there was a strange poison called Beisu Qingfeng in the Xixia Yipin Hall?

After being infected by this strange poison, the poisoned person will unconsciously shed tears like rain, which is called "sadness". Then the poison will deepen again. Within a few breaths, the poisoned person will become soft and unable to move. This state will Call it 'crisp'.

Finally, because this strange poison is colorless and odorless, and it floats out with the wind when exposed to wind, it was finally called "Qingfeng".

Therefore, even though Wu Changfeng had not been hit by this sad breeze before, he could still recognize this strange poison instantly.

After all, doesn't their current state correspond to the toxicity of the sad breeze? !

Two First Grade Hall warriors showed up after seeing that everyone in the forest had been attacked. They walked into the forest to check, and then left one to guard the place, while the other turned around and went back to report the situation to Helian Tieshu.

'How come this person from Xixia Yipintang is here? ! '

Just when Wu Changfeng and others were in shock and confusion, a burst of laughter spread to the field.

"Hahahahaha, I really didn't expect that I could take down you group of beggars so easily. If I had known this, I would have led my men to deal with you group of beggars."

Accompanied by loud laughter, Helian Tieshu led a group of Xixia warriors into the forest and looked at the beggars lying on the ground in the forest with a satisfied expression.

On the other side, in Wuxi City, Li Chuan was also talking to Qiao Feng about Helian Tieshu leading the people from Xixia Yipintang to ambush the Beggar Clan outside the Apricot Grove.

For Li Chuan, who is familiar with the plot of Tianlong, this world does not have many secrets for him, at least for now. If there are any major changes in the plot of this world due to him in the future, then that will happen talk later.

After all, what he is doing now is trying to change Qiao Feng's fate.

He told him everything he knew about Qiao Feng, almost in detail, in the hope that Qiao Feng could change his destiny and change the tragedies and regrets in the original work.

(End of this chapter)

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