Chapter 130 Going to Shaolin

In the blink of an eye, Li Chuan and Qiao Feng had returned to Wuxi City, and when they returned, they also brought back Murong Fu, who had been left in the forest.

And until they came back, Duan Yu, who was lying drunk on the table, still hadn't woken up from his drunken state. He was still in a drunken stupor, and it could be seen that his previous words about risking his life to accompany a gentleman were really not just casual remarks.

It wasn't until the next day that Duan Yu woke up from the bed. He looked at the bed curtain above his head with confused eyes. It was obviously a little broken. After being stunned for a while, he recalled what happened yesterday and gradually came back to his senses. .

"Well" Duan Yu covered his head and sat up from the bed, smiling bitterly, "But I can't drink so much in the future."

He stood up and looked around, and found that he should be in the guest room of the inn. When he opened the door, he saw that it was indeed an inn in the city.

Duan Yu walked out of the room and asked the waiter in the shop. He learned that Li Chuan had indeed stayed in the shop last night. He also found out that his room was next to his, and immediately went to Li Chuan's room. Knocked on the door.

"Daozhang Li, have you gotten up yet?"

"Mr. Duan, you're awake, please come in."

Li Chuan responded from the room, and then the door creaked open. Duan Yu walked into the room and saw that Li Chuan was standing in the room, nodding to him.

"Hey, who is this?" Duan Yu couldn't help but asked when he saw another person sitting in the corner of the room with his back against the wall.

Li Chuan turned his head and glanced at it, and said: "This man is from Xixia Yipintang. He was caught by me and Brother Qiao earlier. Because we wanted to use him to do a big thing, we took him with us. "

That person was naturally Murong Fu, but the information about him was not suitable to be leaked at this time, so Li Chuan did not directly disclose his identity to Duan Yu.

Duan Yu really didn't care about this. He just nodded and ignored him and just asked.

"Daozhang Li, where is Brother Qiao? Didn't he stay at this inn with us last night?"

Li Chuan replied: "Brother Qiao went out for something last night and hasn't come back yet, but he should be here soon. Let's wait for him in the inn for a while."

After returning to Wuxi yesterday, Qiao Feng went to find Master Zhiguang and asked him about the details of the bloody battle outside Yanmen Pass.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Qiao Feng to come back. Although he didn't say anything, he must have gotten a lot of useful information from Master Zhiguang.

Later, after a few people had a meal in the store, they checked out of the guest room, then left Wuxi City and headed all the way to Henan, intending to go to the Shaolin Temple.

It turned out that Qiao Feng was going to take Murong Fu alone during this trip to the Shaolin Temple.

After all, his trip to Shaolin was to settle the grudges of the past, and with the current status of those involved back then, there was no telling how many people would be involved.

You should know that Xuanci, the eldest brother who took the lead back then, is now the abbot of Shaolin Temple, and the rest are all famous celebrities in the martial arts world.

And if he wanted to seek revenge against them, let alone the Shaolin Temple, it would be impossible for them to just sit idly by and watch. In addition, the relatives and friends of those people would probably involve most of the Central Plains martial arts community in this matter.

You can know the dangers without even thinking about it, so Qiao Feng doesn't want to involve Li Chuan and Duan Yu, lest they also be affected by him. But Li Chuan and Duan Yu are not people who are afraid of trouble. For example, Li Chuan can be said to be alone in this time and space. None of his relatives and teachers are around, and there are only two people who have just met, Qiao Feng and Duan Yu. Friends are still closer.

So he didn't have any burden at all, and he was willing to follow Qiao Feng to the Dragon Pond and Tiger's Den to have such an adventure.

As for Duan Yu, even though he looks like a weak scholar, he is also a man of great loyalty. How could he be willing to leave at this time?
Besides, with Li Chuan's strength, what would happen even if those Shaolin monks and Central Plains martial arts people deliberately target him? At worst, it would just turn him upside down.

After all, Duan Yu is also the eldest son of Dali Zhennan Palace. With this status alone, the Shaolin Temple will never dare to do anything to him, so there is no need for him to worry.

When Qiao Feng saw this, he stopped saying anything and just kept this friendship secretly in his heart.

Half a month later, the three of them had brought Murong Fu to the Shaoshi Mountain Realm, but Qiao Feng was not in a hurry to go to the Shaolin Temple now.

After all, he had previously communicated with Zhao Qiansun and others, and sent a letter to the Shaolin Temple, and the date set was one month later, which was still half a month away.

So Qiao Feng first took them back to his adoptive parents' home.

"Mom and Dad, the baby is back." Qiao Feng returned home with his family and kowtowed to his adoptive parents.

Although he now knows his life experience, Qiao Feng still respects and is filial to Qiao Sanhuai and his wife as always. After all, in Qiao Feng's eyes, both Xiao Yuanshan and Qiao Sanhuai are his fathers.

"Feng'er, you're back. Get up quickly. The ground is cold."

Qiao Sanhuai and his wife also loved their son Qiao Feng very much. When he came back with his friends, his mother made a stack of meat cakes for everyone. Even Murong Fu, a prisoner, was lucky enough to get two.

In the blink of an eye, half a month passed by. After staying at Qiao Feng's house for half a month, everyone went out early that morning and went up the mountain to the Shaolin Temple.

Half an hour later, everyone arrived at the Shaolin Temple. At this time, the Shaolin Temple was already crowded with martial arts heroes from all over the world.

Although Qiao Feng did not invite anyone else except Zhao Qiansun and others, the same was true for the Shaolin Temple. After receiving the invitation specially sent by Qiao Feng, he did not want to make it public. After all, the incident at Yanmen Pass was indeed It's because they are being unreasonable, so naturally they don't want to make it public.

However, too many things have happened in the martial arts world recently. First, many masters died due to their own unique skills. The murderer has not yet been identified.

Later, there was internal strife within the Beggar Clan. Someone in the gang wanted to deliberately frame Qiao Feng, the gang leader. Although the truth was finally clarified, it was revealed that Qiao Feng was of Khitan blood, not Han.

Later, Qiao Feng threatened to go to Shaolin to resolve an old grudge and seek justice. So even though neither Qiao Feng nor the Shaolin Temple invited anyone to come to the mountain to watch the ceremony, those people who couldn't rest still still wanted to do it themselves. Came to the door.

At first, the Shaolin Temple wanted to close its doors to thank visitors and prevent these people from entering the temple, but more and more people came.

Moreover, seeing the Shaolin Temple acting like this, rumors couldn't help but spread that the Shaolin Temple must have done some shameful and secret things back then, so they didn't dare to tell Qiao Feng face to face about the past grudges in front of everyone in the world.
In the end, with no other choice, Shaolin had no choice but to let these Jianghu people in.

(End of this chapter)

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