Chapter 137 Xuanci’s Death
Of course, although the rules of the Shaolin Temple are strict, they are not really ungrateful.

If a monk violates the precepts but has extenuating circumstances or does not intentionally violate the precepts, some punishments may be reduced or even exempted.

But in the current situation, even if he wanted to reduce or reduce Xuanci's punishment, he was afraid that he would not be able to do so. Xuanci himself would not agree.

And under the combined punishment of these two crimes, the punishment of two hundred and fifty sticks, even with Xuanci's skill, is absolutely unbearable!

Hearing this, Xuanci nodded, then stretched out his hand to take off his cassock and robe, and said loudly: "As the abbot of Shaolin, the poor monk knows the law and breaks the law. He should be punished by one degree, and the punishment should be doubled, so Give me five hundred sticks!"

Anyway, Xuanci is now determined to die, so he simply puts on a good posture. In fact, he may have to hold on and endure as many punishments as possible with the stick. Only in this way can he save some face of Shaolin. .

When Xiao Yuanshan saw this, he also knew Xuanci's thoughts, and secretly said that even if this old bald donkey was dying, he would still maintain this sanctimonious posture.

But he didn't say anything out loud. After all, this result was not bad. After all, his goal was achieved.

From the very beginning, he had planned to ruin Xuan Ci's reputation and be infamy for thousands of years. Only in this way could he relieve the hatred in his heart.

Otherwise, with his martial arts, how could Xuanci survive today?
At this time, the two executioner monks were already in place, each holding a half-foot-tall hardwood torture stick in their hands, standing to the left and right behind Xuanci.

Xuanci nodded to them and sat down naked on the ground, with one hand in front of his knees and the other holding the rosary, twisting it gently.


The two executioner monks were hesitant and turned to look at the fat monk. The fat monk sighed and nodded to them. At this point, the execution officially began.


The heavy cane hit Xuanci's back, and the dull sound spread to the scene and was clearly audible. It can be seen that the two executioner monks did not show any favoritism, and each strike of the cane was very real.

The people in the arena unconsciously stopped talking and subconsciously turned their attention to Xuanci who was being tortured.

"Don't beat him anymore, don't beat him." Ye Erniang collapsed on the ground, crying and grabbing the hems of the two executioner monks, begging them not to beat him anymore.

But everyone in the scene turned a blind eye to her, turned a deaf ear to her, and ignored her at all. They just completed what they wanted to accomplish.

As for Xuanci, he was tough enough. He had received dozens of canes in a row, and his expression did not change. He just sat there quietly cross-legged, slowly twisting the rosary beads in his hand.

——If it weren't for the bloody stains on his back and the layers of cold sweat that couldn't help but ooze out from his forehead, no one would have believed that he was being tortured.

A hundred sticks later, Xuanci's back was already a mass of blood and flesh. Xuanci could no longer maintain his meditative state. With each stroke of the stick, his body would tremble involuntarily. The execution stick was already stained red with blood!
Seeing Xuanci's miserable look, Ye Erniang was about to collapse. She frantically took out a dagger from her body and wanted to stab the two executioner monks.

And Xuanci suddenly opened his eyes, raised his hand and hit Ye Erniang's chest with one finger, locking her on the spot.

He glanced back at the two executioner monks with difficulty and said, "Continue the execution. No matter what, not one of these five hundred sticks can be missing!" After that, Xuanci simply lay down on the ground. He was almost there. He had reached his limit and could no longer sit still, so he could only lie on the ground and continue to be tortured.

The two executioner monks looked at each other, gritted their teeth, and continued to swing their torture sticks, hitting Xuanci on the ground.

After dozens more sticks were struck, Xuanci had made no sound, but the two executioner monks did not stop and were still executing the execution. After all, this was what Xuanci had specifically told him to do.

Finally, the fat monk couldn't stand it anymore and suddenly shouted: "That's enough!"

The fat monk shouted to stop the two executioner monks, turned to look at Xiao Yuanshan, and asked: "Old hero Xiao, are you satisfied with this explanation?!"

Xiao Yuanshan said indifferently: "What? Listening to what you mean, I am still quite resentful towards Xiao, but Xuanci deserves to die! I should have killed him when I was outside Yanmen Pass! "

"Let him live until now and live happily for these thirty years. This is the retribution and fate he deserves!"

"伱!!!" The fat monk gritted his teeth and wanted to say something, but remembering Xuanci's confession before his death, he could only suppress the anger in his heart and said, "No matter what the grudges were back then, Xuanci is now Senior brother has already paid for it with his life, now it’s time for you to put all your grudges to rest, right?”

"The hatred has been eliminated?" Xiao Yuanshan suddenly smiled, "Now that all my enemies have not been killed, how can the hatred be eliminated?"

"Especially that old thief Murong Bo. He has harmed my family so much. How can I just let it go if I don't peel off his skin and tear his bones apart?!"

After saying that, he turned back to look at Li Chuan and said, "Daozhang Li, you said before that the old thief Murong Bo is also in the Shaolin Temple now, right?"

Li Chuan nodded and said, "That's true. At this moment, he's just watching me in the dark."

Xiao Yuanshan said: "That's good."

Then he turned to look around and said loudly: "Old thief Murong! You, like Xiao, have been hiding in this Shaolin Temple for thirty years. I'm afraid you haven't guessed Xiao's identity either, have you?"

"I can only regret that Xiao didn't know your identity before and made me wait in vain for these thirty years!"

"If you are still a man, stand up and settle the 30-year grudge with Xiao!"

After Li Chuan mentioned that Murong Bo had also been hiding in the Shaolin Temple for many years, how could Xiao Yuanshan have guessed that the man in black who, like himself, often sneaked into the Sutra Pavilion to peek at Shaolin martial arts, was Mr. Murong Bo? thief? !
It's a pity that he didn't know about it until today, otherwise, he would have taken revenge many years ago!

Xiao Yuanshan spoke out to provoke him, but Murong Bo didn't respond at all. For Murong Bo, he didn't care about things like face. As long as he didn't show up, what could Xiao Yuanshan do to him?
Seeing that Murong Bo was like a tortoise and a bastard, shrinking and refusing to show his head, Xiao Yuanshan was at a loss what to do, but fortunately, Li Chuan had already guessed that Murong Bo would not show up easily, so he had already prepared for him A big gift is ready.

"Mr. Xiao, that old thief Murong is cunning and a complete villain. If you are so aggressive, I'm afraid he won't show up at all. Why don't you come down and give it a try."

(End of this chapter)

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