Chapter 148 Yunzhonghe

Although Yun Zhonghe had already left when Li Chuan arrived at the scene of the accident, it didn't matter. After all, when Yun Zhonghe came to the village to kidnap people, he did not deliberately conceal his whereabouts or traces.

And with Li Chuan's eyesight, it is not difficult to find the traces left by Yun Zhonghe even in the dark night. As long as he follows these traces to catch up, it is estimated that it will not take long to catch up with him.

After all, Yun Zhonghe was so lustful that he came to the village to rob women just to satisfy his lustful desires. I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to go very far before he couldn't help but do evil.

Therefore, Li Chuan had to hurry up and find Yun Zhonghe before he did anything evil and get rid of this lewd thief!
On the other side, in a dilapidated mountain temple a few miles away from the village, Yun Zhonghe grabbed a young girl in civilian clothes and fell from the air. He threw the woman into the straw pile in the temple and then He couldn't wait to take off his clothes.

"Hey, hey, little lady, are you impatient? The uncle is coming to get close to you."

Yun Zhonghe kept uttering obscene words as he took off his clothes and walked towards the girl in cloth, reaching out to peel off the girl's clothes.

But at this moment, a loud shout suddenly exploded from mid-air and spread into the temple.


Um? ! Yun Zhonghe was startled for a moment. He turned around and looked outside the temple. He saw a handsome man in a blue sermon robe coming through the air. In the blink of an eye, he had landed on the wall of the mountain temple. superior.

'It's him! Yun Zhonghe's expression suddenly changed, and he immediately recognized Li Chuan's identity.

Without any hesitation, Yun Zhonghe immediately screamed strangely. He didn't even have time to put on his clothes. He turned around and jumped up. He put his foot on the top of the temple to gain strength, and flew into the air, trying to escape.

Although he was not very familiar with Li Chuan, he had participated in the fun when Li Chuan and Qiao Feng fought against the sweeping monk in the Shaolin Temple, so he naturally knew how powerful Li Chuan was.

But seeing the evil look on his face now, it was clear that he wanted to punish evildoers and cause trouble for him. Yun Zhonghe asked himself that he was not Li Chuan's opponent, so of course he turned around and ran away.

It wasn't until someone jumped several feet away from Li Chuan that Yun Zhonghe dared to look back at Li Chuan and said to him.

"Boy, your Grandpa Yun Zhonghe has no enmity or grudge against you. Why are you causing trouble for me?"

Li Chuan ignored him and just entered the temple first, rescued the girl in cloth, unblocked her acupuncture points, and comforted her before walking out of the temple again, ready to continue looking for Yun Zhonghe.

Unexpectedly, Yun Zhonghe did not leave. Instead, he stood on the temple wall and watched him. When he saw him coming out, he actually dared to threaten him.

"Boy! You ruined my good deeds today, and our relationship has finally ended!"

"You wait for grandpa. As long as grandpa is free in the future, he will definitely go to cause trouble for your family and sisters. When the time comes, I will"

"Seeking death!" Li Chuan could no longer listen to Yun Zhonghe's dirty words. He tapped his feet lightly on the ground and instantly flew towards Yun Zhonghe, pushing him towards him with one palm.

Yun Zhonghe's body and light skills were quite good. He actually avoided Li Chuan's palm and retreated, thus widening the distance between him and Li Chuan. "Boy, don't think that because you have some martial arts skills, you can meddle in other people's business. What can you do to me? Just wait for grandpa's revenge in the future!"

Yun Zhonghe said the last harsh words and was about to turn around and leave. However, within a few ups and downs, the figure was already more than ten feet away.

And his lightness and speed, which are rare in the world, are also the confidence that he dares to provoke and threaten Li Chuan.

Although he would definitely not be Li Chuan's opponent in a head-on fight, when it came to his Qinggong and body skills, he thought that few people in the world could match him.

However, he didn't know that Li Chuan's Qinggong and body skills were also his best martial arts. Until he met the Shaolin sweeping monk, he had never met an opponent before!
"Huh!" Yun Zhonghe was still thinking about how to take revenge on Li Chuan in the future, but suddenly he heard the sound of wind in his ears, and suddenly saw a blue afterimage flashing past the corner of his eye. When he saw the figure clearly , Li Chuan’s figure is already close at hand!

Yun Zhonghe was shocked instantly, his heart tightened, and he wanted to fly up from the ground and distance himself from Li Chuan, but as soon as he jumped up, Li Chuan had already hit him with a palm and knocked him down. Knocked down from mid-air!
With just one palm, the steel claw Yun Zhonghe used to resist in a hurry was knocked away, and his whole body fell to the ground. He couldn't stand and fell heavily to the ground.

Before he could struggle to get up, Li Chuan had already flashed in front of him and stepped heavily on his chest, slamming him to the ground again.

"Uh. Wow!" Yun Zhonghe opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, and screamed, "Taoist Priest, please spare my life!"

Yun Zhonghe struggled to grab Li Chuan's right foot that was on his chest with both hands, trying to lift it up, but Li Chuan's foot seemed to be extremely heavy. No matter how hard he tried, it would not work at all. Can't move an inch.

Feeling the huge pressure as heavy as Mount Tai on his chest, Yun Zhonghe felt like he couldn't even breathe, so he could only struggle and beg for mercy.

"Master Taoist... spare... spare my life"

"Taoist Priest and have no grievances. Taoist Priest, why do you have to kill elder brother is nearby me, my elder brother will definitely do it for me... Revengeful."

When Li Chuan heard this, he just snorted and said, "Huh! Duan Yanqing can't save you."

"You are a flower-picking thief who has done many evil things, and everyone wants to punish him. How can you say you are innocent? Since I caught you doing evil today, I will definitely not spare you!"

After saying that, Li Chuan stepped down with force, and with a click, Yun Zhonghe's already extremely thin chest was completely dented by Li Chuan's foot!

"Uh" Yun Zhonghe's eyes widened instantly, and after a shock all over, he tilted his head to one side, and a stream of thick plasma gushes out of his mouth, and he lost his voice.

Glancing at Yun Zhonghe's body, Li Chuan ignored it. Such a lecher was not even qualified to be buried and laid to rest. Even if his body was exposed in the wilderness and his body was pecked by birds and beasts, this was the fate he deserved. .

After getting rid of Yun Zhonghe, Li Chuan returned to the mountain temple, found the commoner girl, sent him back to the village, and told the villagers that Yun Zhonghe had been eliminated.

The villagers were extremely grateful. After Li Chuan stayed in the village for one night, he continued towards the capital of Dali the next day.

(End of this chapter)

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